2005 April 18, Monday, 23:37
The First Leak In The Balloon, The Squeak Before The Big Deflation
Just when the whole thing was boring me, now it looks like a run is on, the first leak in the balloon, the squeak before the big deflation, the last week they reckon the stock markets across the world have all taken a dip and the panic buttons are being pressed, so when the idea catches on there will the pulling up of the drawbridges and the closing down and battening up for the storm, so when the first few out of work desperation stories hit the headlines, then politics will change
Aussies Caught After The Australian Police Dobbed Them In
Another easy one to pull was the drug smuggling stories where the strange Chappelle Corby case of smuggling drugs into Bali has all these so-called Aussies caught after the Australian Police dobbed them in and they could be due for the death penalty? Duh? Shows how this Neo-Con Government has gone so far off the rails
it has an insidious influence on its underlings
So the Justice Minister has more lives on the line, its that crazy pig headedness the Nazi brain has
they are non-scientific and cant have anything proven to them
What Would A Bunch Of Cardinals Know
Another good thing about the Pope finally kicking the bucket was how the churches are getting a close look at, all the stupid things they do are being pointed out and just how remarkably irrelevant they should be is being shown all over
Like someone said something like, what would a bunch of Cardinals know about how we live nowadays
If There Is A Collapse
So if there is a collapse it could be the daddy of them all, and it should be fast and worldwide so it will be interesting to see what the reactions are, like who will want to love America anymore when the bubble bursts, and what will the English Elections do??? In the same week that China has let the hate bubble up for Japan, same time as the oil under their disputed sea is up for grabs
The Big Right Swing Will Zoom Back The Other Way
The thing to do this time is to keep a dole coming into every home and family, none of this belt tightening, youre on your own crap, as soon as an election comes up they will be crying out to save you from the worst
Politics will stand on its head, the big right swing will zoom back the other way, they bit off more than they could chew as usual throughout history, all the lessons that never get learned
This Generation Will Get Their Dose Of The Lecture
So this generation will get their dose of the lecture and will wonder what happened and where it all went
Well you can start with the banks they always get off scot free and then collect the bricks and mortar and the titles, and everyone will blame everyone else and the economists will predict another future for a while, and China will probably lie there like a colossal Dragon and breathe a bit of fire, and gosh, what chapter in the human annuls, so I spose I better keep interested, and think about it while Im playing