Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dividing Up The Geography With New/Old/Original/Imposed Borders To Keep Them Apart

Seems the Middle East, the Muslim Islamic Xtian societies held backward with their nonsensical ideas, based on fear of their imaginary god in the sky, just manipulated idiots really, are dividing up the spoils of war... Anyway the divisions are on cultish lines, I dunno who or care really, the Sunnis and Shiites, stemming from sons of some human god figure, splitting and having wars ever since, just plain stupid nongs being led by ranting fuckwits, they are talking now of dividing up the geography with new/old/original/imposed borders to keep them apart, like “If you’re a so and so then move over there”... Maybe that will work, just a series of concentration camps where you can only get in if they let you..? That’s the way it is everywhere else it seems... So "go back where you came from" is a melting pot...
 A map of Pangea with current international borders :

Nationalisation Should Be The First Step When These Foreign Companies Pull Out Of Australia

I reckon Nationalisation should be the first step when these foreign companies pull out of Australia and threaten to shut down industries which form such large parts of small communities, like GMHoldens and SPC Ardmona, the Conservative LNP has some mind block ideologies about the Private sector having to dominate or nothing, just plain stupid, the purely fundamentalist mindset, the dangerous blind blathering sort of attitude, like they have for the idiotic Drug War and all their other religious wars...

Rednecks Are Such A Wank, Obsessed With Paper Tigers And Head Kicking

Because the ABC TV and Radio were pissing me off with being so biased anti-left-wing, I’ve been dropping in on Private Radio, what a shocker, they have these jocks deliver tirades in every breath about everything they hate, so terribly biased and then have the hide to complain ad infinitum about the ABC being left-wing, when it’s gone just the opposite, those rednecks are such a wank, obsessed with paper tigers and head kicking... And they troll through all the anti-social agendas, the courts are too lenient, the drug wars, the unmarried mothers, the public schools, the ABC, the boat people, the unions, the Labor Party, the shrug to climate change, parroting the Boss’s words, the anti-social welfare drum to beat endlessly, just one complaint after another, and then break out in stupid nationalistic pride about nothing significant like another Boat People Day...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm sure Tony Abbott is big enough

This Tampon would easily be accommodated by Tony Abbott and his entire Government as well, cause they such a bunch of big  c--ts  something beginning with C, a four letter misogynist word...

Friday, January 03, 2014

The coming stock market collapse just to please Cowboy Capitalists…

Just when I thought it was OK to jump back in the water and I jumped back in the water, and now what..? Uncertainty, all thanks to the Holy Market, it will look after all of us, ha… It’s like when the elevator boy told the rich banker he was speculating that the banker liquidated…
So Americans are converting cheap money at low interest rates into a huge bubble on the stock market based on wild speculations, what a great system the Americans have allowed to remain in place without regulations… Just to please Cowboy Capitalists…
stock traders

Shiller PE10 ratios

Thursday, January 02, 2014

My Bucket List for America goes like this:

Rip up the Constitution, and start all over again with something well thought out by atheists...
Change the voting system altogether, go parliamentary with the Leader coming from the power of the House, and the President appointed and made ceremonial only...
Make voting compulsory... Arrange voting on a Hare Clark system with multiple seats per electorate...
Maybe have a national election for members of a senate regardless of the States, treat the country as a nation...
But for christ’s sake get rid of the ridiculous system they now have with all the long dead ideas based on States... For instance there should never be any “winner takes all”, all true democracy is based on preferences, why should anyone’s vote never count..?
And metrification, Americans can’t motivate themselves to even convert to metrics, still hung up on hang ups, look what they did to cricket becoming baseball, and rugby becoming gridiron, such regression...
Oh there’s a whole lot of other things I can’t be bothered with till they sort themselves out, one thing is to get rid of rabid capitalism which completely ignores the average citizen, the 99%... Anyway China is going to dwarf the shrunken USA sooner than they think, consigned to a blip in history...
Maybe they should shoot everyone with a gun, a good place to start...
I liked American music  in the early days though, once, a long time ago, when Rock Hudson was their favourite son, ha... And poor Doris Day was a suppressed house wife... Oh dear...

In God We Trust... Bullshit...

The Americans went really mad back in the fifties sometime, when they changed their motto to “In God We Trust”, what a bluddy stupid thing to do, immediately set them apart as an idiotic people believing in spirits and superstition and such insanely simple minded and deluded spiritualism, and completely ignoring the modern world of scientific proofs and evidence based studies...
There they were having this motto about the white man in the sky to deceive simple minds and lead them astray, and it has, like nowadays the Tea Party exemplifies this absolutely stupid and dangerous group in America, like they went off their brains about communism with the Blacklists, and then to confirm it went into the “In God We Trust” mode... Tell me one thing their non-existent god has ever done, cept cause endless trouble..?

Religion causes trouble and arguments and fights and insulting behaviours, and is the backbone of intolerance and hatreds and discriminations... And has bolstered up all America’s xtian wars against the Muslims, which has caused such mayhem from which they are blithely withdrawing, leaving behind an absolute mess in other people’s lives... 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The King Hit, Mongrel Punch, Coward Punch, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot

How about the correlation between the King Hit, Sniper Shot, Mongrel Punch, Coward Punch, Sneak Attack,    and the Cage Fighting...

There seems to be a terrible scourge showing up where young men are getting king hit and copping terrible injuries and dying... And then you see the Cage Fighting on Fox I guess, and makes you wonder where these king hit kids get their nasty ideas, you see young men being hit and kicked in the head as a competitive sport, it’s really savage and heartless and cruel, and is sanctioned in society, I think it ought to be like guns and killing weapons and put out of sight by society...