Monday, February 03, 2014

The Supa Bowl Is A Complete Waste Of Time

The Supa Bowl is a complete waste of time and shows up America for everything the rest of the world doesn’t like about it... Stupid game played in tights and armour, and has huge brain injury problems, and they play for a few seldom seconds then wander round like browns cows, and hitting one another on the helmet for some stupid reason, what a wank... And then they have a commercial break... Gawd awful crap, and then they have a half time creep show, just as well I didn’t have the sound up...

Saturday, February 01, 2014

They Call Themselves “Liberal”, It Is Such A Big Huge Bare-Faced Lie

Ya’know the Liberal Party of Australia is really pissing people off, this new government just seems to be the pits as deep as you can go, and then they call themselves “Liberal”, it is such a big huge bare-faced lie, A lie so damn out there and in your face, “The Liberals” what a joke, they are fascist numbskulls and can manage to tread on everyone’s feet without giving a shit, make the Tea Party look like intellectuals...
I reckon the Australian Electoral Commission, or whatever, should make them change their Name to something like the MBBCC, the Mean Bossy Bitching Complaining Cunts, and be honest for just once...