For all those who've questioned their heritage, one way or another, finding out the answer to explain themselves, and then having to live with the truth, as it maybe, well the latest kafuffle is all about that rotten to the core Abbott being the result, the poor bastard, his son, went onto the search for his identity and what could be worse than to have that creep as his father, and oh yeeetch, the media makes it more sick with saying how Luvly it all was... Poor Bastard... Even had stuck electronic gadgets in his head, just think of what he could put in there to clean out all that waxy religious muck... A Bunker Buster fundamentally...
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
How Come These Sporting Businesses Put Social Behaviour Rules In Their Illegal Workplace Agreements
Still Keep An Eye On Any Stupid, Overpaid, Waste Of Money, Sporting Events
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Yeah, The Taking Over Of America, It's Real And It's Happened
Yeah, the Taking Over of America, it's real and it's happened, just like the theme in all those old B&W movies where some mind zapping force like communism becomes the creepy monster that wants to take over America, and now we have this cult doing it, right in front of our eyes, a religious cult has taken over the government of America, don't that make all those backwoodsmen sitting in bunkers get their dander up, they ought to be out there protectin' the Guvmint this time...
The Threat Of God To Prod Them With, And The Fears Of Hellfire To Rub It In
Guess What They're Training Them For? To Be High Court Judges
Then the real conspiratorial scare was when they proudly walked in on the Law Schools they were running and guess what they're training them for? To be High Court Judges, like as if the American system isn't already so stuffed in the head, but to have a High Court full of Right Wing xtian wankers calling the shots, that's the absolute pits... Believe me, they're a devilish bunch and bent on ruining the world big time...
They Really Aren't Nice And Forgiving And Sharing People At All, They Are Exclusive And Be One Or Be Damned
Then these born agains start skiting about how they are changing the map of the world as well, they have all their undermining influences spreading like weeds all down through Central America into South America, and they showed this empty Catholic Church bewailing the loss of donors, while these charismatic promisers get full congregations to be brain washed on wishy washy dos and don'ts... As well they have these red necked preachers who blame everything on the excluded like one twit says: Gay? You ain't Gay, youse a sodomite... So they really aren't nice and forgiving and sharing people at all, they are exclusive and Be One Or Be Damned and if you want a job then you better be one of us, or else... Charming...
So Guess Who Gets Excluded From All The Govt Jobs? Are You Or Have You Ever Been Un-Xtian? Next...
Profits From The Privatised
While I'm at it, the announcements of profits from the privatised Commonwealth Bank, formerly a Public Financial Service, and then privately run Telstra, formerly a Public Infrastructure Service, have announced billion dollar ripped off profits from the Australian Public, and the dividends will be going into private pockets and the Public get bugger all but high prices to cough up... This is called progressive reform when in fact it is bushwhacking... Not to mention how the average Aussie could have had their superannuation preserved in such infrastructure services, as well as those toll roads which should be Public Superannuation Investments, not some hotshot banker wankers rolling in our money... That should be Australia's Social Security foundation stone, the infrastructure investments that can be tolled for...
Sitting On The Right Hand Of God, The Most Frightening Conspiracy Theory Of Them All, And It's True
And now for the real Terror, the absolute horror of having America xtianised... There was a show called Sitting on the Right Hand of God or something, sounds like some Pedophile Position, it covered the most frightening conspiracy theory of them all, and it's true, these xtian wankers got together some 15-20 years ago to scheme a way into power, they infiltrated the American School Boards, then the local Councils and then the State Legislatures and then the Republican Party and then we end up with this xtian idiot George Dubya-Dubya-III running the whole bluddy world...
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Look, If They Don't Want An Abortion Then Just Don't Have One
And today is the first day of the New Year really when the Bib And Bubs are back into it in the Parliament, at least Big Kim looks like a PM more than the Little Weasel does, but that's insulting weasels, and the xtian cabal, the Little Lying Lyons Forum are jumping up and down about sticking their dirty noses into Women's Crotches again, look, if they don't want an abortion then just don't have one, cripes they're a hopeless bunch of schnooks... Busy Bodies and wanting to make out women as wicked, they're the wicked ones... As well, the jitters are setting in for the crash to come, there's all sorts of predictions and then warnings and the confidence drops and then Shhhhh, Don't mention what the people who claim to be able to run an economy always have, a crash...
Saturday, February 05, 2005
To Bring Salvation And Democracy To The Un-American, However It's The New Form Of Convert Or Die Democracy
Now we have the Crusader George Dubya-Dubya-III venturing forth on a bottomless pit of tax cuts for the rich, to bring Salvation and Democracy to the Un-American Un-Converted, however it's the new form of Convert or Die Democracy, where Saint George Dubya-Dubya-III tells ya who can stand, and who ya can vote for, who gets the contracts, who gets the concessions, and as it turns out the Iraqi vote count looks like they voted for Religion anyway, the dumbest way to get anywhere but back the dark ages... What a legacy to have such a nincompoop running the world, the world of Big Bad Business anyways...
We Never Get A Live Broadcast Of Disciple George Dubya-Dubya-III Talking To His Own Privatised Little God
Pope George Dubya-Dubya-III sure has vision, foresight and dreams, but like Gore Vidal said the other night, we never get a live broadcast of Disciple George Dubya-Dubya-III talking to his own privatised little god, or for that matter hearing what his little god is saying, or is that coming up on Fox, We Lissen to God, We Tell You...
The State Of The Union Address By George Dubya-Dubya-III, Goodbye The Fat American...
Not being a contributor to the Foxy-Murd(er)ock Billions, I tuned into the ABC NewsRadio broadcast of the State of the Union address by George Dubya-Dubya-III yesterday, and I hear that the Democrats couldn't stomach it, but the Republicans went Cross-Eyed over it, I could hear something like wacko weirdo yells from the frothing BushWacked, clapping their paws, up on their hind legs though... Interspersed between as many Freedoms as there once was Terraouristsistss, was some atom splitting jokes about energy and the electrified middle rail of Privatising the Social Security for the deprived Young Street Gangs on their way into the draft, what a wanker this guy is... Ah, the good ol' days of post Depression USA and the Pre-Social Security... Bring it on, weight watchers will be a thing of the past, goodbye the fat American...
Once You've Been To War All Your Life, You Can Retire On Your Own Savings, And Pay For Everything Yourself
As well now we have the Arc of Peace, where all the killing is currently going on, soon to be enlarged by adding Syria where the crystal ball is saying the Terraouristsistss are really living, and then there's Iran, hell bent on nuclear reactions too close to home, and watch out for the Americanisation of China, so the days of America pulling it's head in and retreating to it's own navel gazing are in the glorious past, just think once you've been to war all your life, you can retire on your own savings, and pay for everything yourself, once Enron and the never ending bankruptcies have kept your investments alive???
Friday, February 04, 2005
Rupert, In The Ears Of Some 5 Billion Earthlings, Some People Say His Is The Most Evil Influence On Earth
Saw the "OutFoxed" show about Rupert and his dynasty of kids whispering if not shouting down "Shut Up" in the ears of some 5 billion earthlings, pushing his own privatised line of media broadcasting and acting out the role of the biggest propagandist ever, seems there must be some biblical role model to precede him, must be those Temptations that he carries, and then the "Word" he spreads, so now he rules the world of the right wingers, they only ever tune in to the Foxy message, so we know they'll never see that "OutFoxed" show on the Fox network, it's hardwired... Some People Say his is the most evil influence on Earth...
There's A Parallel In Globalisation And Nature's Response In Making The Earth Uninhabitable
The latest flurry in the news about Global Warming, whoops Climate Change, whoops irresponsible Americanisation by Capitalist Globalisation, has even Tony B Liar extorting the Neo-Cons to dry out and go cold turkey on their oily fossil fuel addiction, the weather has been doing the extreme flip flops, now there's a super storm of cold winds and rain dumping record levels of trouble on the south east coast of Australia, seems Melbourne and Sydney have been hit, and we're having a mid-winter snap right in the middle of the hottest months... I heard how the localised weather patterns are disappearing and these super cells are whipping up wild weather unheard of, so there's a parallel in globalisation in Human Society's Economics and nature's response in making the Earth uninhabitable, believe me, it's a sign...