Saturday, February 05, 2005

The State Of The Union Address By George Dubya-Dubya-III, Goodbye The Fat American...

Not being a contributor to the Foxy-Murd(er)ock Billions, I tuned into the ABC NewsRadio broadcast of the State of the Union address by George Dubya-Dubya-III yesterday, and I hear that the Democrats couldn't stomach it, but the Republicans went Cross-Eyed over it, I could hear something like wacko weirdo yells from the frothing BushWacked, clapping their paws, up on their hind legs though... Interspersed between as many Freedoms as there once was Terraouristsistss, was some atom splitting jokes about energy and the electrified middle rail of Privatising the Social Security for the deprived Young Street Gangs on their way into the draft, what a wanker this guy is... Ah, the good ol' days of post Depression USA and the Pre-Social Security... Bring it on, weight watchers will be a thing of the past, goodbye the fat American...

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