Friday, May 27, 2005

Hugely Divisive Realms In The World Of Globalisation, When Justice Looms Up In Mr Maggoo Eyes

2005 May 27, Friday, 19:44

Seeing The Chappelle Corby Case Tried By These Indonesian Primitives

I haven't been as pissed off for ages, after seeing the Chappelle Corby case tried by these Indonesian primitives, as if you can't expect some sort of intelligence, but these wanker judges they have in Indonesia, just goes to prove the hopelessly backward world they live in, these macho wanker states, what a debacle it is to imagine the world is Globalised, and we all live by the same rules, these Waco's up in Indonesia are as about as far from civilised as Bunkum is from Bailey...

When Justice Looms Up In Their Mr Maggoo Eyes It's All A Big Fade

I watched the debacle unravel on live TV via Indonesian interpreters trying to make as if these courtyard clowns had any idea about justice, and got all these apologists waffling on for the Other Culture, saying Oooo no we can't say what we really think cause we have trade agreements and there's big money involved... Well what a pack of hopeless wankers this Little Big Protector against terrorism comes up with, they spend up big on shadows and fear, and then when justice looms up in their Mr Maggoo eyes it's all a big fade...

The Indonesian Faulty Empire They Inherited Illegally From The Dutch

I reckon we ought to wage war on those cretins and get Chappelle back here where she belongs, and then break up the Indonesian faulty empire they inherited illegally from the Dutch, and let them spend another hundred years working out what democracy and the rule of law, and convention, and decency, and get these primitive clowns off their legal benches, that's if anyone ever asked me what I thought, but they never do, not much anyway, but it will come true in the end...

Enemy Aliens Who Just Don't Think Right

Being one deadset prone to answer back to the TV, just about every utterance of these so-called judges of justice was anathema, and I could feel this revulsion rise up, and see these people as some enemy aliens who just don't think right, it was impossible, after all the multicultural blandishments we're suppose to live with, I just found that having one our grrrls stuck in their hands and being abused with their aped idea of drug war justice, it just makes people boil...

There Are Some Hugely Divisive Realms In The World Of Globalisation

See there are some hugely divisive realms In the world of globalisation, where I just don't want to live by their standards and would hugely prefer not to ever have anything to do with them... So a trip to Bali is out...

Gra-Gra Graham Kennedy The King's Death

U can't get really excited about Gra-Gra Graham Kennedy the King's death, I know I used to laugh at his antics but really he was just there for the times `and introduced more smutty stuff than had been ever done at the time and so caught conservative Little Picket Fence Australia on the hop, so really the talent resolved to Bert, he was the trampoline and Gra-Gra just did the jumping into the blue... And as far as his acting went I dunno, he was never himself, that's the trouble with actors they always try to be someone else...

Derryn's Gayness And His Pouncy Appearances On Dancing With The Physically Challenged

But still Gra-Gra took Australia into having a giggle at their-selves and mainly did no harm, so I wasn't too happy with Derryn Zinch when he put the Aids slur onto poor old gay Gra-Gra, what's the difference??? A few stray hormones drifting about in the brain, no fault in that, but Derryn didn't come out looking so sweet, as at the time he dropped all of Hooksies grrrlfriends in the poo as well. So I fell a bit more sympathetic with Jacqui and I can vouch for Derryn's gayness by his pouncy appearances on Dancing With The Physically Challenged...

Winding Back Wages And Conditions To Third World Levels

All the preoccupation with the Gross Miscarriage of Civilisation up in Indonesia the Little Lock-Em-Ups Govt has been waffling on about winding back wages and conditions to third world levels, why don't they just go and live there??? So we are losing all the hard fought for conditions in the workplace, throwing them away over being duped about the way the world was being run, this pack of creeps have got in and done and doing their very worst, they have a hit-list a mile long `and here we go like Aussie Roos on the shooting gallery, and where's Labor? Oh we'll have a look at it when it's all over...

Drugs Repriced Thru The Roof Until They Become A Menacing Black Market

Oh bugger, my boogie board bags empty, they got anything cheaper in Bali do ya reckon??? Let's see what can I take over there that's a lot less valuable, Ummmm? Just about anything, maybe some Law Books would go down well if they could read, if they could comprehend, if they had any brains at all... Why do they have these crazy drug war crimes, cause right wing religious wanking America said so, other wise if it was ignored it would be a third rate unpopular way to live as a drug addict, and they would be a spectacle to avoid, but instead they've been glorified and drugs repriced thru the roof until they become a menacing black market, so this Aussie Grrrl gets 20 years and six months and a billion worthless rupee fine so these wankers can go strutting about in their war on fuzzy crime...

He Goes All Squeamish When They Abuse One Of Our Innocent Little Blue Eyed Tight Bloused White Aussies

So that's an example of their Globalised world where we lower our standards, rip up all out conventions, drop to one knee and speak dribble in defence of our civilisation to these backward Biblical, Koranned dimwits to decide on what's best , what a hopeless joke they are, and the Little Battler is suppose to stand up to who decides etc, and he goes all squeamish when they abuse one of our innocent little blue eyed tight bloused white Aussies...

British Empire Day I Used To Think It Was The Pits

It's just not good enough, it's about time the Indonesian empire was reduced back to what it should have been, a lot of little islands in the sun... Gees, but it was once a tropical paradise back in the old Empire... Which passed by unnoticed, the other day was British Empire Day I used to think it was the pits well it was in the first place but as time went on it turned out a lot better than these two bit democracies and pigs in the trough Indonesia of today...

A Good Days Hard Avoidance Of Work

Besides all that drug running backwards, I did have so good a time today, there's something terrible conspiracy theorist about having good ol' c,c,c,cuntry music with a bit of bluegrass and some live draught VB... After a good days hard avoidance of work...


Monday, May 23, 2005

Slap A Tariff On All Those Imports And Have Australian Made Back On Every Label

2005 May 23, Monday, 12:52

The Shed, A Few Tools And Some Machinery And The Ambience Of Making Things

Sheds, they had a session on the poor demented men of Work Denied Australia, all these blokes who've had their jobs disappear overseas into the union-less slave markets of Asia... So some of them have been gathering and the theme is the Shed, a few tools and some machinery and the ambience of making things again and having the company and being absorbed into constructive thinking... It’s simple enough, boys need men, who know all about using and making tools, and then using them to make something, maintain something, a public transport service for instance, a tram service for instance, a communications network, the infrastructure of road and rail and wires, but it's all been exported by these Globalisation twits...

Slap A Tariff On All Those Imports And Have Australian Made Back On Every Label

It's about time the Shed Unions got together and put out of the Labor and Liberal Parties all those bluddy selfish eco-rationalists and replace them in Parliament and bring back Protection and Feather Bedding, slap a Tariff on all those imports and have Australian Made back on every label... And you need Shed Unions to make the difference... What's your favourite tool? A hammer??? You get more than hammers in shed living...


Why Is There This Persistent Push To Have Immigration

2005 May 22, Sunday, 15:47

Why Is There This Persistent Push To Have Immigration

Y'know, I was never too racist when it came to mixing up people from all over the place, but Australia always was racist, in it's history, and still is, and it's a bugger for the more tolerant to have to deny the racist elements their predilections of an homogenous society, but it happened, the WW II genocides brought disrepute on a basic human quality to disparage other people, so the racism was given short shrift, but it's a built in genetic thing, it's everywhere and no use denying it, so why is there this persistent push to have immigration and letting the separate societies that grew out of their isolation, now be watered down and demolished, like I heard that some cities in Holland, and the schools, are almost completely separate worlds, I reckon they ought to have a few generations of no immigration...

Incredible Improvements, A Cross Fertilisation In All Things

The big exception I reckon is to let families marry and have kids though, cause when you mix up these genetics and societies you get these incredible improvements, a cross fertilisation in all things, the music and dance and food and stuff, so mixed marriages are a really good way to absorb other cultures, and besides they'd be half belonging already, well it's true...

Good To Have Neighbours Like That

The world's turning into a bluddy big fight with everyone else, maybe by putting the fences back up things would be better and let the different societies get on with their own thing... This bluddy interfering America is the prime cause of all that trubble as well, forcing down everyone else's throat what the bluddy Americans want... Why don't they pull their self centred bigoted heads in for a 100 years, and then learn to shut up... Be good to have neighbours like that actuooooly...


This Multicultural Bull Has Gone Too Far

2005 May 22, Sunday, 12:33

How Keen Would Ya Be To See The Rest Of The World's Leaders In Their Underpants

Just how keen would ya be to see the rest of the world's leaders in their underpants, like who'd fancy seeing the Little budgerigar cage in his undies??? Belies imagination, We will decide who sees me in me undies, and George W Y Fronts would be seen in the headlights, spotted... This whole torture debate is humiliating and debasing, torturous, all these rednecks dreaming up pain for the benefit of the USA dumping people on their racks and barrels in the wet rooms, wired for the sound of screaming, to have that member of the board for migrant questioning being in favour of torture too, duh??? Gees they're a sick bunch this new world...

In France Finally There's A Big Non For The EU Constitution

However in France finally there's a big Non for the EU Constitution, they're saying the enshrining of free trade and markets and competition policy will destroy their way of life and allow the cheapest cost countries with the poorest slavers to do them out of their jobs, so right... And it's a coalition of the extreme left and right that's doing the protesting, people with money want to keep it by buying slave labour and screwing their own countrymen... So when they get what they deserve I hope they don’t whinge too much about it, or sream for merci either, after all they removed all the human rights legislation, so when the worm turns, you get history repeating itself, Madame le guillotine will be back from the chop...

The Poor Have To Be Goaded With Less Money While The Rich Have To Be Incentivised With More Money, Cute Eh

So the world's history seems to lurch from left to right and back and everyone in the middle has to duck, or else... just look at these revengeful ideas about mutual obligation, what a wank, the poor have to be goaded with less money while the rich have to be incentivised with more money, cute eh... Handy little applications of the interpretations, probably based on some quote from the scripture rules we never wrote and never get to vote on...

This Multicultural Bull Has Gone Too Far

Like that creepy little sheila from the Moslems of Auburn who wants to wear that other uniform, whereas the democratic Aussie has school uniform rules, this arab chick wants to bring other rules from somewhere else which don't apply anyway, and have the twisted wired brainlessness from religion to impose upon the primitive weak minds, there she is swanning about in that bluddy awful getup, down to her unseen ankles, just to rankle and do an In Your Face Finger to the rest of the population, it's such a piss off, why don’t they dump her from a moving car into some mission somewhere in her own backward primitive godforsaken land... They come here, as decided by the Little Hypocrite In His Undies to live in a legislative democracy where We Decide What The Rules Are, and these runaway refos try to bring their stupid dumb religious rules with them from some tyrannical period of debunked history and perpetuate the idiocy, and expect us to put up with them, well take it back to where it came from and them with it, I reckon this multicultural bull has gone too far... When some little rebel wont wear the school uniform then No School, bugger off back to where they come from... Christ I wished I'd never heard of Al Grassby...


Monday, May 16, 2005

Return To Real Labor

2005 May 16, Monday, 15:03

As If He Was Going To Return To Real Labor, But It's All Fizzled

Just haven't got the time or inclination for writing lately, the world stumbles on downhill, we're in a long dry drought, the politics have been dry as well, there was Give It All To The Rich Budget put out by the Rotten to the Core Aussie Govt of the Little Psychopath, then Big Kim did a speech in reply which almost surprised a few die-hards, as if he was going to return to Real Labor, but it's all fizzled, there's more dissent coming from the career pollies and family dynasties, the factional heavyweights were all pissed off that Kim went against the rich tax cuts... And that was it... Nothing to write home about...

This Aussie Grrrl With Tight Blouses Who's Almost On Death Row In Bali

The big topic in the Aussie psyche is evidently Chappelle Corby, this Aussie grrrl with tight blouses who's almost on death row in Bali Indonesia, and a great white racial streak has broken out all over from the Aussie mums and dads, and finally the Little Racist Bigot has had a letter sent to the crazy legal system in Indonesia saying it was the baggage handlers in the airport who stuffed the grass into her boogie board, but the Indonesian hatred level has gone red neck, the talk back is ruthless...

There Ought To Be Some Sort Of Maximum Period For Holding A TV License

Seems this Individual Greed Comes First Mentality has changed the whole ethos, and it shows, cripes they're a disgusting bunch, and there's some new TV shows based on beating, winning, elbowing, hard work, dedication and selfish egocentric and such precocious brats... Anyway it rates, and there's that feed back loop to make those young audiences ever worse... There ought to be some sort of maximum period for holding a TV license, and the firing squad for bringing religion into them, it's bluddy everywhere lately, there's this creepy religious muck popping up in all the wrong places, for instance, there was a motor show, hot-rods, so who gets on the TV news? The xtian hot-rods, what a wank...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

You Can Count The "Hard Works", It's The Equivalent For Consumers As Allah Is To The Arabs

2005 May 7, Saturday, 14:27

You Can Count The "Hard Works", It's The Equivalent For Consumers As Allah Is To The Arabs

As you listen to all the media comment and in-depth extremely shallow interviewers, particularly with celebrity sports stars and junk dumb down TV soapy stars, there's a game to play, it's akin to how all the Fundies thank god, Allah be praised, for everything that ever happens, so you can count the "Hard Works", it's the equivalent for consumers as god is to the Arabs, it all comes from Hard Work, moving on from disasters and then more Hard Work, there's millions of them... It's as if there's a power from the boss for crawlers to suck up to and that's one of them, but that's enough Hard Work for me, it's a thing to avoid with all your might actuooooly... A bit of inventiveness, or just bring back slavery for the Hard Workers, I think that's what they're getting at...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Bulletin's Version Of 125 Greatest Moments In Australian History

2005 May 4, Wednesday, 10:42

The Bulletin's Version Of 125 Greatest Moments In Australian History

Not being one to whinge, but, just took a look thru the Bulletin's version of 125 Greatest Moments in Australian History, and it is significant, I like history, it's there ands never changes, only the interpretations which distort and twist all over the place, but from it you can see where the Labor Party was duded from the Right wing with Privatisation and the Competition Policy, where we went from comfortable living in cotton wool, to this ratbag world of today with everyone at your throat and cutting competition which just introduced more collusion and monopoly takeovers and that rule for the shareholders and stuff everyone else, so thanks a lot to the white-anters in the Labor Party, and they're still there, I wish there would be another revolution and revolt, cause the Labor Party is revolting in the wrong way...

The Greenpeace Leader Dying, The Icon, The Warrior, The Inspiration

Pity to hear about the GreenPeace Leader dying, the icon, the warrior, the inspiration, and now look at the world, the whole effort for the Greenpeace ideals have been nullified it seems, Bluddy hell, even the whales are in for the slaughter again, what a debacle... This planet should never have had human progress, development, civilisation, and maybe we would have survived, seems where the Neanderthals survived themselves for 5 million years, now the modern man has taken less than half a million years to root it completely... I particularly hate to see any video of Iraq and the fertile crescent on TV, it's such a denuded desert and makes me sick, so much so I don't give a stuff about all the carnage anymore, what they ought to be doing is revegetating the place and sealing up the oil wells... Now I have to go shopping for cheap Asian goods and fill up the Ford with petrol...

May Day, What Do They Do Now, The GenXers

2005 May 1, Sunday, 15:00

May Day, What Do They Do Now, The GenXers

May Day, what do they do now, the GenXers, celebrate the loss of wages and conditions and jobs and opportunities and welcome back to the Depressions and social unrest... Spose so... Media leaves us all history-`less, weird how you hear these young ABC reporters using all the blandishments of the bosses...

The Latest George W Flim Flam, He’s Finally Got The Rabbit In The Spotlight Look Back

I just can't stand watching the media anymore, it's so pissweak, the reporting as well, I saw the latest George W flim flam, he's finally got the Rabbit in the Spotlight look back though, what a load of crap to have the Social Security system of theirs going over the Private Accounts, as if anyone in their right minds would let these Investment Vultures get their hands on your retirement, Christ he's a wanker...

The Dog Finagling About As If He Wants To Be PM, But He Doesn't, He's A Wimp

The So-Called Liberal Party of Australia has got this complete weirdo Costello the Dog finagling about as if he wants to be PM, but he doesn't, he's a wimp and gutless wonder, and looks like the demons are getting to him, so he's out to pasture, while Malcolm Turnbull has been flashing his lovely smile about and getting into the debate devoid of the current leaderships madness, he might be the only saving grace for the next PM...

Lindsay Tanner Seems To Be The Labor Version Of Malcolm Turnbull

And the So-Called Labor Party is filibustering all over the place and there's another paper come out redefining themselves but not from Big Kim, so the splits are running deep, Lindsay Tanner seems to be the Labor version of Malcolm Turnbull, sitting on the back bench and seeking supporters, I reckon it will be a Tanner vs. Turnbull fight for the minds to come...

The Worst Of Australia's Politicians Ever Died

2005 April 27, Wednesday, 13:24

The Worst Of Australia's Politicians Ever Died, Ran A Police State, As Corrupt As You Ever Get

On the weekend the worst of Australia's Politicians ever died, thank Christ, lingering on, he was the epitome of the prick, had beat up that right wing crap up in Queensland and ran a police state, as corrupt as you ever get, and demonised any opposition and tried to crush it, had a terrible effect on the egalitarian Australia, had Union Bashing down to a thuggery art, and caused hardship and ruined people's lives while he crawled amongst the lowest of the low to get his evil ways...

A State Funeral For Australia's Biggest Political Criminal

An opponent from all those years ago has stood up and arranged pickets and an alternative service for the victims of Joh, seems the Qld premier Beatty has gone after the far right vote, and come up with a State funeral for Australia's biggest Political Criminal, so they reckon it's fair game that Public money is being spent on that scum and so will destroy his legacy hopefully...

The First Leak In The Balloon, The Squeak Before The Big Deflation

2005 April 18, Monday, 23:37

The First Leak In The Balloon, The Squeak Before The Big Deflation

Just when the whole thing was boring me, now it looks like a run is on, the first leak in the balloon, the squeak before the big deflation, the last week they reckon the stock markets across the world have all taken a dip and the panic buttons are being pressed, so when the idea catches on there will the pulling up of the drawbridges and the closing down and battening up for the storm, so when the first few out of work desperation stories hit the headlines, then politics will change...

Aussies Caught After The Australian Police Dobbed Them In

Another easy one to pull was the drug smuggling stories where the strange Chappelle Corby case of smuggling drugs into Bali has all these so-called Aussies caught after the Australian Police dobbed them in and they could be due for the death penalty? Duh? Shows how this Neo-Con Government has gone so far off the rails... It has an insidious influence on it's underlings... So the Justice Minister has more lives on the line, it's that crazy pig headedness the Nazi brain has... They are non-scientific and can't have anything proven to them...

What Would A Bunch Of Cardinals Know

Another good thing about the Pope finally kicking the bucket was how the churches are getting a close look at, all the stupid things they do are being pointed out and just how remarkably irrelevant they should be is being shown all over... Like someone said something like, what would a bunch of Cardinals know about how we live nowadays...

If There Is A Collapse

So if there is a collapse it could be the daddy of them all, and it should be fast and worldwide so it will be interesting to see what the reactions are, like who will want to love America anymore when the bubble bursts, and what will the English Elections do??? In the same week that China has let the hate bubble up for Japan, same time as the oil under their disputed sea is up for grabs...

The Big Right Swing Will Zoom Back The Other Way

The thing to do this time is to keep a dole coming into every home and family, none of this belt tightening, you're on your own crap, as soon as an election comes up they will be crying out to save you from the worst... Politics will stand on it's head, the big right swing will zoom back the other way, they bit off more than they could chew as usual throughout history, all the lessons that never get learned...

This Generation Will Get Their Dose Of The Lecture

So this generation will get their dose of the lecture and will wonder what happened and where it all went... Well you can start with the banks they always get off scot free and then collect the bricks and mortar and the titles, and everyone will blame everyone else and the economists will predict another future for a while, and China will probably lie there like a colossal Dragon and breathe a bit of fire, and gosh, what chapter in the human annuls, so I spose I better keep interested, and think about it while I'm playing...

He Added In The Pursuit Of Happiness

2005 April 18, Monday, 17:47

He Added In The Pursuit Of Happiness

Politics has left me flat of late just can't be bothered, and it seems so hopeless, although there was one ray of light, a lovely man it seems, the Professor of Economics in England somewhere Layard, he added in the pursuit of happiness and has all these philosophical ideas to consider, which good people do anyway I would think, and bad people, i.e., the right wing wankers, don't consider in their greed driven lives... He was on Background Briefing and really put a novel slant on things...

This Week: Sunday 17 April 2005


Produced by Kirsten Garrett

Happiness - the new sciences tell us it's not a mystery, it is measurable and the conditions for it can be created. The idea that politics should assist in that is anathema for many, a foot in the door of the totalitarian state.

LSE Economics Professor Richard Layard says there is a way forward this side of socialism - start with the mentally ill, don't cut taxes, and foster relationships

This Fruitless Search For Success Knowing There's Always A Faster Gun

There's this fruitless search for success knowing there's always a faster gun, an unattainable goal, they can't all be Bill Gates, and then it seems real happiness usually is the surrounding culture and friends and family, where happiness isn't a money measurement...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

May Day, What Do They Do Now, The GenXers

2005 May 1, Sunday, 15:00

May Day, What Do They Do Now, The GenXers

May Day, what do they do now, the GenXers, celebrate the loss of wages and conditions and jobs and opportunities and welcome back to the Depressions and social unrest? Spose so... Media leaves us all history-`less, weird how you hear these young ABC reporters using all the blandishments of the bosses...

The Latest George W Flim Flam, He's Finally Got The Rabbit In The Spotlight Look Back

I just can't stand watching the media anymore, it's so pissweak, the reporting as well, I saw the latest George W flim flam, he's finally got the Rabbit in the Spotlight look back though, what a load of crap to have the Social Security system of theirs going over the Private Accounts, as if anyone in their right minds would let these Investment Vultures get their hands on your retirement, Christ he's a wanker...

The Dog Finagling About As If He Wants To Be PM, But He Doesn't, He's A Wimp

The So-Called Liberal Party of Australia has got this complete weirdo Costello the Dog finagling about as if he wants to be PM, but he doesn't, he's a wimp and gutless wonder, and looks like the demons are getting to him, so he's out to pasture, while Malcolm Turnbull has been flashing his lovely smile about and getting into the debate devoid of the current leaderships madness, he might be the only saving grace for the next PM...

Lindsay Tanner Seems To Be The Labor Version Of Malcolm Turnbull

And the So-Called Labor Party is filibustering all over the place and there's another paper come out redefining themselves but not from Big Kim, so the splits are running deep, Lindsay Tanner seems to be the Labor version of Malcolm Turnbull, sitting on the back bench and seeking supporters, I reckon it will be a Tanner vs. Turnbull fight for the minds to come...