2005 May 27, Friday, 19:44
Seeing The Chappelle Corby Case Tried By These Indonesian Primitives
I haven't been as pissed off for ages, after seeing the Chappelle Corby case tried by these Indonesian primitives, as if you can't expect some sort of intelligence, but these wanker judges they have in Indonesia, just goes to prove the hopelessly backward world they live in, these macho wanker states, what a debacle it is to imagine the world is Globalised, and we all live by the same rules, these Waco's up in Indonesia are as about as far from civilised as Bunkum is from Bailey...
When Justice Looms Up In Their Mr Maggoo Eyes It's All A Big Fade
I watched the debacle unravel on live TV via Indonesian interpreters trying to make as if these courtyard clowns had any idea about justice, and got all these apologists waffling on for the Other Culture, saying Oooo no we can't say what we really think cause we have trade agreements and there's big money involved... Well what a pack of hopeless wankers this Little Big Protector against terrorism comes up with, they spend up big on shadows and fear, and then when justice looms up in their Mr Maggoo eyes it's all a big fade...
The Indonesian Faulty Empire They Inherited Illegally From The Dutch
I reckon we ought to wage war on those cretins and get Chappelle back here where she belongs, and then break up the Indonesian faulty empire they inherited illegally from the Dutch, and let them spend another hundred years working out what democracy and the rule of law, and convention, and decency, and get these primitive clowns off their legal benches, that's if anyone ever asked me what I thought, but they never do, not much anyway, but it will come true in the end...
Enemy Aliens Who Just Don't Think Right
Being one deadset prone to answer back to the TV, just about every utterance of these so-called judges of justice was anathema, and I could feel this revulsion rise up, and see these people as some enemy aliens who just don't think right, it was impossible, after all the multicultural blandishments we're suppose to live with, I just found that having one our grrrls stuck in their hands and being abused with their aped idea of drug war justice, it just makes people boil...
There Are Some Hugely Divisive Realms In The World Of Globalisation
See there are some hugely divisive realms In the world of globalisation, where I just don't want to live by their standards and would hugely prefer not to ever have anything to do with them... So a trip to Bali is out...
Gra-Gra Graham Kennedy The King's Death
U can't get really excited about Gra-Gra Graham Kennedy the King's death, I know I used to laugh at his antics but really he was just there for the times `and introduced more smutty stuff than had been ever done at the time and so caught conservative Little Picket Fence Australia on the hop, so really the talent resolved to Bert, he was the trampoline and Gra-Gra just did the jumping into the blue... And as far as his acting went I dunno, he was never himself, that's the trouble with actors they always try to be someone else...
Derryn's Gayness And His Pouncy Appearances On Dancing With The Physically Challenged
But still Gra-Gra took Australia into having a giggle at their-selves and mainly did no harm, so I wasn't too happy with Derryn Zinch when he put the Aids slur onto poor old gay Gra-Gra, what's the difference??? A few stray hormones drifting about in the brain, no fault in that, but Derryn didn't come out looking so sweet, as at the time he dropped all of Hooksies grrrlfriends in the poo as well. So I fell a bit more sympathetic with Jacqui and I can vouch for Derryn's gayness by his pouncy appearances on Dancing With The Physically Challenged...
Winding Back Wages And Conditions To Third World Levels
All the preoccupation with the Gross Miscarriage of Civilisation up in Indonesia the Little Lock-Em-Ups Govt has been waffling on about winding back wages and conditions to third world levels, why don't they just go and live there??? So we are losing all the hard fought for conditions in the workplace, throwing them away over being duped about the way the world was being run, this pack of creeps have got in and done and doing their very worst, they have a hit-list a mile long `and here we go like Aussie Roos on the shooting gallery, and where's Labor? Oh we'll have a look at it when it's all over...
Drugs Repriced Thru The Roof Until They Become A Menacing Black Market
Oh bugger, my boogie board bags empty, they got anything cheaper in Bali do ya reckon??? Let's see what can I take over there that's a lot less valuable, Ummmm? Just about anything, maybe some Law Books would go down well if they could read, if they could comprehend, if they had any brains at all... Why do they have these crazy drug war crimes, cause right wing religious wanking America said so, other wise if it was ignored it would be a third rate unpopular way to live as a drug addict, and they would be a spectacle to avoid, but instead they've been glorified and drugs repriced thru the roof until they become a menacing black market, so this Aussie Grrrl gets 20 years and six months and a billion worthless rupee fine so these wankers can go strutting about in their war on fuzzy crime...
He Goes All Squeamish When They Abuse One Of Our Innocent Little Blue Eyed Tight Bloused White Aussies
So that's an example of their Globalised world where we lower our standards, rip up all out conventions, drop to one knee and speak dribble in defence of our civilisation to these backward Biblical, Koranned dimwits to decide on what's best , what a hopeless joke they are, and the Little Battler is suppose to stand up to who decides etc, and he goes all squeamish when they abuse one of our innocent little blue eyed tight bloused white Aussies...
British Empire Day I Used To Think It Was The Pits
It's just not good enough, it's about time the Indonesian empire was reduced back to what it should have been, a lot of little islands in the sun... Gees, but it was once a tropical paradise back in the old Empire... Which passed by unnoticed, the other day was British Empire Day I used to think it was the pits well it was in the first place but as time went on it turned out a lot better than these two bit democracies and pigs in the trough Indonesia of today...
A Good Days Hard Avoidance Of Work
Besides all that drug running backwards, I did have so good a time today, there's something terrible conspiracy theorist about having good ol' c,c,c,cuntry music with a bit of bluegrass and some live draught VB... After a good days hard avoidance of work...
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