Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's The Glamour Thing...

2005 June 28, Tuesday, 09:55

Being Arrogant About How They Aren't Going To Abuse The Power

One of the worst weeks for having a Little Ratty Government being arrogant about how they aren't going to abuse the power of having no Opposition, so the Little Belligerent Boofhead has been foreshadowing the complete stuff up of how he's going to rip out the wages system and give all the power back to the business world, leaving the workers back in the previous two hundred years of dog eat dog strike negotiations, what a complete twit he is, and the So-Called Liberal Party is splitting nicely though, they're split on just about everything it turns out, so these ideological dickheads are copping opposition from within, good...

The Leadership Debacle Where The Lid's Going To Blow

And there's the leadership debacle where the lid's going to blow soon, and look at the hopeless line-up, they're all evil and stupid, and one of the worst now is the Smarmy Earring for education, who has driven the Universities into chaos, he reckons education is not a right but a bought privilege!!! And the there's the Smarmy Foreign Gollywog who loves all the war talk, the ex-leader who couldn't cop it, and then there's the Smarmy Complete Hypocrite of Health, a religious fanatic head kicking catholic box-headed nincompoop, as well there's still the Smarmiest Dog to do the poodle thing, what a pack of droobs, and all stewing under the Little Snarly Lying Sneak... What has happened to Australia, it's a basket case...

It's The Glamour Thing...

As well there was the horrifying crawling from the media, the Media Ball was it? Had all the Pollies and the Press Gallery in bed with one another and having such a jolly old time, like the question is, how come these investigative reporters wax so lyrical and giggle about the shenanigans in the Parliament, and then sing ditties and crack a million in-jokes, just being nice to those buggers running the Government is anathema, I can only think that they do it cause they're bought off and jobs depend and there are expectations and the power has them all wilted, particularly all these grrrls on the job, politics being reported by wimmen is just hopeless... It's the glamour thing... Oh what will I wear? I need another set of aphrodisiac heels too, 9 1/4 inches, Oh and the Parlour booking, and Oooo some perfume of power please, only to please...


Just Another Capitalist Pig Carpetbagger

2005 June 22, Wednesday, 10:32

Just Another Capitalist Pig Carpetbagger On The Take And Exploiting The Iraqis

For a while there I was bemused about the fuss over that so-called Aussie captured and ransomed in Iraq, but now it comes clear, he's just another Capitalist Pig Carpetbagger on the take and exploiting the Iraqis, so I draw the parallel with what would you have done to say, some other Imperialists, who take over Australia and start making money out of you, like why expend any energy on saving this fat creep and his poncy family from the swords of the under trodden in Iraq? At least they have a reason to be there, and to be fighting for their lives, not this creep and his exploitation... So now you can see how the Little Magoo's Govt behaves to people on their side as against any others, look at how long it took to get out of the blocks for Schappelle Corby... And then we get to see his Old Barbie Doll wife from the USA, secreted away, and yuck, it all looks so shabby, and then there's the media deals to hear his rotten bragging and stupid jokes, no thanks... But the bad news is, he isn't going back to Iraq, and worse, his wife wont go either...




A Big Full Stop Put On The EU Constitution

2005 June 19, Sunday, 06:59

News Turn Off Continues

The big news turn off continues, I just can't watch anymore, it's abysmal, I half hear snippets about slum clearances in Africa, where do the inhabitants go? It's that Nazi get rid of them syndrome... And that the USA invasion of Iraq and all the labels they pin on the inhabitants there continues, the labels have Newspeak connotations, to call them Insurgents means they are fighting for their homelands and are actually heroes for Iraq, I must admit they are brave buggers, they walk into the soft spots and detonate themselves, apart from the religious madness, it's still a brave and committed act... But the labels get used by our own media, it's so disappointing to have the ABC Public Radio in the same ruts and using the same labelling, in actual fact the USA is pursuing the old Crusader Crap where they treat the Muslim countries like targets for plunder...

A Big Full Stop Put On The EU Constitution

There's been a big full stop put on the EU Constitution as well, the rejection of the bureaucracy driven Constitution has relit the fire under Euro Nationalistic aspirations, seems the majority don't want their Nationalities submerged into a hotpot... Can't say I blame them, I reckon it's madness to bring people into countries with other rules where they don't belong and it's only the exploiters who want them to keep standards lower, everyone else has to reduce their standards to the lowest common denominator, and it's against human nature to mix... For the most part humans are forming clubs and associations of the similar and so the built in rejection for the foreign is a basic human xenophobic trait...




Tuesday, June 14, 2005

How Many Places Would Have A Living Creek

2005 June 14, Tuesday, 09:19

Life Is So Tenacious

The rain falls were widespread it seems, but these measurements around here were like 30 mils?  What's that, about as deep as a fingernail? It missed the driest big town up the highway, so it's still desperate and it seemed that this was a freakish event anyway... But the garden was wetted down and already some shoots of die hard grass were showing green, life is so tenacious, spose you could imagine a future with a different lifestyle on Earth, no animals left due to the climate change including the biggest ego human animal, maybe just the weeds prolific, a different colour scheme of purples and mauves for the UV light and a lot of fire resistant plants surviving, or maybe there would be a huge reduction in oxygen anyway, some bizarre Earth devoid of all the pleasantries we knew once and now completely alien, I spose the sea would still contain living animal life, but what a dreadful consideration to have the wonderful world we knew gone forever and ever and ever, there wouldn't be any gods then, cause there'd be no idiots to believe in any...

How Many Places Would Have A Living Creek

When talking about life out there in the Universe, discovering some other place to colonise in the human mind, the thought occurred on just how many places would have a living creek, and a surfing beach, and a snow clad mountain and a history of evolution? But all too far away, we can never escape our own evolutionary traits to cope with travelling those vast distances, it's only imaginable and that's it...

Seeing Humpty Dumpty Take A Great Fall

There was a strange moment last night when some news report showed a room full of poker machines shaking in a quake, and because it was America, a cheer went up, as if the downfall to come for the biggest bullies was good news, like waiting for the Big One earthquake to slip the fault lines and for America to suffer another disaster, but it is cruel to think like that, but that's the mindset that America has generated around the world, it's like seeing Humpty Dumpty take a great fall...


Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Indonesian Embassy Has Received A Substance And Threatening Letters In The Mail, A Big Fuss

2005 June 2, Thursday, 12:32

The Indonesian Embassy Has Received A Substance And Threatening Letters In The Mail, A Big Fuss

And now in the Indonesian Embassy has received a substance and threatening letters in the mail, a big fuss, the media goes gah gah, there's this flashpoint hatred in the redneck media and worry beads in the more sanguine media... Turns out the mail threat was written in Indonesian??? So what sort of nutters are behind this so-called terrorist attack??? The same extremists out on the edge that did the Bali bombing, to use the terrorist tactic stamps it's own dismissive rejection of whatever it is they want, it's just unacceptable, and so illogical and so dumb and so devoid of the understanding of the possible consequences, it has the same narrow minded ruthlessness that we have in our Little PM, he's a terrorist against unions, uses all sorts of unintelligible garbage to hit out at his perceived enemies...


Laws About Banning Things That Other People Do

2005 June 2, Thursday, 10:41

The Media Response To Schappelle Corby's 20 Year Jail Sentence

Yes, ABC666 public radio remains the source you can almost trust, but still there have been the hot topic issues like the media response to Schappelle Corby's 20 year jail sentence in Indonesia, cause it's overwhelming how Aussies see it as an inadvertent frame up, with a huge scandal erupting as to how baggage handlers are running drugs through the airports, and how the newly privatised airports like Sydney, run by the Prime Ministers ex advisor, that fatboy Marmaduke, have taken the security beat up for Bombs On Board, to get cheap subcontractors to do the job on day passes with no security checks, and so there's a cover up, and so this grrrl ends up with a pillow case sized bag of marijuana in her boogie board luggage on arrival in Bali, and gets 20 years in the clanger...

A Secret Investigation Has Pinged The Whole Airport Management Down To The Cleaners

Like who smuggles drugs into Indonesia from Australia? The price in Australia would be four times higher than the price in Indonesia, just doesn't make sense for her to have anything to do wit it, particularly when it turns out a secret investigation has pinged the whole airport management down to the cleaners as having this drug smuggling racket going on... So then we get to hear the rednecks beating the garbage lids about the bombs going on board as well... What a joke... 

She Has Everything Chucked At Her Cause Of The Pumped Up Drug Wars For The Stupid

Seems the expectation is for the justice system of Indonesia to play out a charade where they put on a show trial and lock people up so then to collect all the bribery to reduce the punishments, same as it's always been, and the publicity has made it worse... But that hasn't stopped the media wars where the one side puts the boot in with all the rumours as to her guilt, while the media who bought the rights insists on her innocence, it's really gross, goes back to the Lindy Chamberlain Religious Trial by Media, where she held to be guilty cause of a witch hunt, while in the Corby case she has everything chucked at her cause of the pumped up Drug Wars for the Stupid...

Laws About Banning Things That Other People Do

Please note that all the trouble in the world, near most of it, can be tracked back to right wing religious wanker laws about banning things that other people do, it's all the same thing, these pumped up dills try to impose their ways on others, who completely reject the imposition, so they try to convert people to be like them, then get pissed off when they are rejected as fools, and then they impose laws to ban whatever it is, and then to make it worse Declare War On It, that's their modus operandi, so we have a war on vague smoky things like drugs, sex, rock n roll, and other religions, and don't forget oil...

Religion Corrupts As The Loadstone, It Is Always At The Base Of The Pyramid

They become more and more intolerant, bring in massive penalties, go to sexed up wars, and create terrorism, they are the cause of gangster syndicates and arms manufacturers getting rich, and all the big time crime, so if you wanna get rid of big time crime, ban the banners, get rid of the religion from politics and you'll get rid of corruption, cause religion corrupts as the loadstone, it is always at the base of the pyramid, it is the biggest evil the human race has ever invented out of thin air, it's all imaginary, but results in abject misery and mayhem...

What Does It Matter If Some People Are Disposed To While Away Their Lives, And Do It Zonked?

To follow these Holy Marketeer's religious zeal all things are supposed to be handled hands off, and let the market decide but they are intolerant of drugs, why? Are they on the take? Does their job depend on having a phoney war? What does it matter if some people are disposed to while away their lives, and do it zonked? When there's nothing else to do but low-paid boring jobs for Macca's and they prefer to drop out in drugs, so what, that's freedom of choice, the thing these Laura Norder People always trumpet for themselves... So what, if you leave them to market forces, so what?

Your Reputation As A Gambler, Alcoholic Or Addict Means You Don't Get To Succeed

Before they were banned, drugs had a bad reputation as a lifestyle, same as gambling, and they tried banning alcohol and created gangsters overnight... Your reputation as a gambler, alcoholic or addict means you don't get to succeed, that's the only sanction there needs to be, women will reject men like that and likewise for men, so your life wont be successful, that's the penalty people see in society... You don’t need police and the judiciary to be involved, it just corrupts them as well, just let them sink and pick up the dole, and provide a visible warning to the young, instead of these traffickers swanning about in sports cars all dressed up for the kill...

All You Have To Do With Drugs Is Decriminalise Them And Take Away The Black Market

All you have to do with drugs is decriminalise them and take away the black market, then the black market can go back to guns or whatever else is banned, but you wouldn't have such a big demand for them once the crime rate drops, the gangster murders in Melbourne were caused by laws banning drugs, that's it, simple... You can still have law that provides protection for the public like operating dangerous machinery while zonked, that would be reasonable... But all over the world the troublesome hotspots are drug and religious wars, and waged by corrupted and stoned individuals cashing in, everyone cashes in eventually, it has all the temptations, so just pull out the loadstone, deconstruct the laws banning this hugely profitable Black Market and regulate it online as a normal part of life, but regulated in the background, just so long as there's no black market, corruption is a far greater evil than some people getting zonked, or some poor Aussie grrrl in a tight blouse getting convicted for buggar all...