2005 June 19, Sunday, 06:59
News Turn Off Continues
The big news turn off continues, I just can't watch anymore, it's abysmal, I half hear snippets about slum clearances in Africa, where do the inhabitants go? It's that Nazi get rid of them syndrome... And that the USA invasion of Iraq and all the labels they pin on the inhabitants there continues, the labels have Newspeak connotations, to call them Insurgents means they are fighting for their homelands and are actually heroes for Iraq, I must admit they are brave buggers, they walk into the soft spots and detonate themselves, apart from the religious madness, it's still a brave and committed act... But the labels get used by our own media, it's so disappointing to have the ABC Public Radio in the same ruts and using the same labelling, in actual fact the USA is pursuing the old Crusader Crap where they treat the Muslim countries like targets for plunder...
A Big Full Stop Put On The EU Constitution
There's been a big full stop put on the EU Constitution as well, the rejection of the bureaucracy driven Constitution has relit the fire under Euro Nationalistic aspirations, seems the majority don't want their Nationalities submerged into a hotpot... Can't say I blame them, I reckon it's madness to bring people into countries with other rules where they don't belong and it's only the exploiters who want them to keep standards lower, everyone else has to reduce their standards to the lowest common denominator, and it's against human nature to mix... For the most part humans are forming clubs and associations of the similar and so the built in rejection for the foreign is a basic human xenophobic trait...
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