Monday, October 31, 2005

Spin A Load Of Baloney, And Then Lock Up People Who Compla

The Future Will Not Be Containing Many Of The Things We Grew Up With

And then there's climate change upon us and the series of hurricanes wiping out lives all over, there are lots of places which are now unliveable and lost to civilisation as well, more and more of the Earth destroyed and useless, and more and more people to migrate, and find the last vestiges of marginal land to drive into more deserts... Not to mention the loss of diversity of other life forms and the extinction of species... The future will not be containing many of the things we grew up with, that's for those who've grown up... I know we've already lost a football field full of animals which would have a species lost in every square metre... So many fast food meals gone forever...

The Only Original Life Left Are In Cemeteries

I heard this morning that the land between Sydney and Melbourne is mostly deforested 99% of the way, it's true, I've driven it so many times and look in dreadful awe at the destruction, just a few isolated dying one tree islands with no replacements, no nothing, the only original life left are in cemeteries, and you rarely see any farming, and the weed and erosion channels are all over... What a travesty for human life on earth, the whole of Australia is now well down the road to Easter Island status, and the same mindset is in the Neo-Coalition government...

Spin A Load Of Baloney, And Then Lock Up People Who Complain

And so the petty politics going on now with bluddy stupid things like Intelligent Design being a science, and this crazy beat up war on the Third World Poor called terrorists, which now is being passed in parliaments, to just have people disappear off the streets or railway stations, like a story I just read about a bloke in England being put through police state rigors cause he looked suspicious, as well as these laws about freedom of speech, and the possibility of anyone talking about how bad these Neo-Coalition Governments are, the freedoms which were established overs years of struggle being swept away by Redneck Knee Jerks scared of their own shadows, which is literally true... They demonise their lower class victims, and attack them for resources, and trick, and spin a load of baloney, and then lock up people who complain to keep them out the way, and torture them to boot... Charming types... Not that I'm complaining...

That Business Of Merging Unions Together Is Not Right

A Huge Conspiratorial Coalition Of Business And Politics To Just Keep On Consuming

So faced with the mortality of the Planet Earth being attacked on all fronts by human interventionists, it's just hugely disappointing seeing the World being devoured and ruined by the Easter Islander brained Neo-Coalitionists... I see them as the political party of the consumer suppliers, there's a huge conspiratorial coalition of business and politics to just keep on consuming, with never ending growth factors in a blast furnace fired economy, in which the perpetrators huddle up in gated communities, and drink bottled water, have private schools, private security, private health care, and privatised transport, with all the bells and whistles of exorbitant consumption... Even the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories to whom we could have relied on to respond to the Bird Flu have been privatised and out of public responsibility, and will be driven by a profit motive I guess, tragic, same as the bank and insurance and the airline and the mining and deforestation issues...

That Business Of Merging Unions Together Is Not Right

For instance, the coalition between the Unions destroying the forests, the same union for private mining, the CFMEU, making deals with the Little Liars government, in bed together... And for that matter what the hell are these Unions which represent deforestation and mining doing in a coalition with each other anyway, that business of merging unions together is not right, never was, all sorts of conflict of interests and neglect of the little issues which hurt... Like there's a huge brown coal poisonous Power Industry which has to be closed down, phased out and replaced as soon as possible, but wait, wait, wait till the coal is sold, like, wait til we sell the last tree, wait till we catch the last fish, wait till we till the last soil, wait till the bell tolls for thee...

Leaving Inspiration To The Birds, Who Are Getting The Flu To Boot

2005 October 31, Monday, 11:54

Leaving Inspiration To The Birds, Who Are Getting The Flu To Boot

Inundated into quietness, and I've been reading the book Collapse of Civilisations by Jared Diamond and it's lessons from history that are all ignored, such big issues which get pushed back under trivialities played out in shallow media, so being bombarded with bad news takes it's toll, and the billions of words spewed out, like this, in a billion blogs which never get read anyway, and then all the emails into the ALP Soapbox which I skim read religiously, it's just a spiral down into leaving Inspiration to the birds, who are getting the flu to boot...

Social Problems Which Turn Political, To Pit Greenies Against Redneck Deregulators

The parallels for today's world with the lost civilisations is as plain as The Desert Plagues in the Garden of Eden, I have read about the Easter Islanders, the wrecked ecology they left behind as testament to their warring hatreds and religious stupidity, going on to the woes of Montana, a once monument to the beautiful and bountiful American continent which is now poisoned and eroded and invaded by pests such as human land developers and Gated Communities, it's a crime, and the social problems which turn political to pit Greenies against Redneck Deregulators, it's a shake your head scenario...

How The Brilliance Of Human Inventiveness In Food Production Turns Nature Against Them

And then the Farming, how the brilliance of human inventiveness in food production turns nature against them, the erosion gullies, the water table problems, salt, the rampant deforestation which features right up there as the raw material for the subsequent demise of civilisations, and there it is on the news every week now, another landslide, another burial of some small city, washaways and destruction, just enormous damage from nature when it unleashes the forces on human consumption techniques, I saw a huge slice of mountain rock appearing after that earthquake across Asia, which looks so familiar in the deforested Bible Belt of Xtianity...

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Charade That's Being Played Out As Justice

2005 October 19, Wednesday, 11:44

The Charade That's Being Played Out As Justice

The trial of Saddam has been kicked along with charges that date back some 20 odd years, even when he was the puppet for the West! The Law has taken such a battering of late, and justice seems a distant history, I can remember reading the accounts of the Nuremburg trials and the arguments for justice and process, but these torture camps and detention centres and imprisonment without charge or a trial or lawyers, it's abysmal the charade that's being played out as justice, and the whistleblowers get trashed... What happened to the people we once were? Seems a whole generation has taken their eyes off the ball and let things slip...

After A Suicide Bombing, Who Did It

2005 October 11, Tuesday, 19:11

After A Suicide Bombing There's A Big Investigation As To Who Did It?

I keep noticing in the news that after a suicide bombing there's a big investigation as to who did it? And then they never find out why he did it, just a photo of his head, but then who is he, why did this individual hate us so much as to die for it? But we all know who did it, it was the Moslems or something, Islamic or something from some other fundie faction, there's a whole lot of breakaways, but they did it anyway, now we all know, but why did they do it? The motive? Hmmm was it Ummmm insulting, or jealousy, or just plain old religious bigotry and age old mumbo jumbo, or is it just oil, energy being so expensive these days, owning the power... Or to have foreign armies from the USA's Coalition blowing them up every day? Seems to me they fighting to the death for their own principles which the West tags as criminal behaviour against the invaders? Why doesn't the media start calling a horse a horse? Oh they shoot horses don't they... Is it just playing cowboys still? With deputy dogs to boot?

The Most Brilliant Person She Knows

2005 October 11, Tuesday, 12:33

In Her Judgment George Dubya-Dubya-III Was The Most Brilliant Person She Knows

Some things have a classic clang or irony when the High Court of the USA gets it's latest nominee, a law clerk type from George Dubya-Dubya-III's office, one of his cohorts you could say, and here she is being shoved onto the high court to bolster the fundamentalists I'd guess, and then comes out with that: In her judgment George Dubya-Dubya-III was the most brilliant person she knows, what a mind she must have to be dealing with the Law, that's LAW, she is bereft of qualifications cept be being known by George, what a recommendation, the USA is now surely the laughing stock of the World... But it's not funny...

It's Enough To Make Ya Paranoid

2005 October 9, Sunday, 19:04

It's Enough To Make Ya Paranoid, All These Impending Disasters

Jesus H christ it's enough to make ya paranoid, all these impending disasters, I was trying to think up the list:


The Biggest Threat? The threat to Mankind is Mankind itself

The rise of neo Nazis Conservative Religious Rightwing Bigots

Nature's revolt in the weather from Global Warming Climate Change

Fossil fuel Energy from coal and oil and carbon emissions

Current U.S. Government

The Free Trade Crash to burst the bubble

The xtian right wing USA infecting culture

The return of torture, arbitrary detention and attack on civil rights

The control and corruption of the media and monopolies

The Avian flu, or Ebola virus

The Rise of China and cheap non-unionised labour

Ancient religions in the Clash of Culture

The States of Israel and Palestine

Countries such as Iran and Syria

Nuclear, chemical and biological war

Tsunamis, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

The Killer Asteroid and another Mass Extinction


"What's The Worst Threat To Mankind"

I am sure there's more I just don't really wanna think about it... Why don't they have an online poll for the whole world, and then regions, and they have a "What's the worst threat to Mankind" and then you can vote for a topic, cause the topics would have to be chosen to include every conceivable threat, so cripes that would be say 6 billion? So you'd have to summarise them into some catchphrase to explain it all... In how many words? Well I reckon about how many it takes to make a headline, you have to be succinct...

John Doyle's Andrew Ollie Lecture

2005 October 8, Saturday, 21:00

John Doyle's Andrew Ollie Lecture

Oh god, I just listened to John Doyle's Andrew Ollie lecture... He puts it so well the bugger, I been saying all that in as many words if some less, and he goes on that ABC show and blasts the whole media world apart, god he's a clever bugger and even managed to through in the Universe and string theory and what the hell are we doing with it, so good, that speech is a classic I spose... and I have it on my iPod to lissen to again... What a blessing the iPod is...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

If They're Silly Enough To Believe In God They Are Certainly Too Silly To Be Making Law In Parliament


2005 October 6, Thursday, 08:20

The USA Is Now Seen As A Religious Right Wing Cock Up

It might be my preferences for media, but lately there's been a plethora of criticism of the religious right, or religiosity as it gets called, like there's a report which compares the religiosity of countries and shows how the more religiosity invades a country the worse it gets, like the USA is way down on civilised standards and all the blame lays at the feet of the Religious Right, the very things they wack on about have the worst results, like teenage pregnancies, and murder and crime, and social problems, they have Creationists and now the Designed dream, their crazy drug war, the worst health care and such, their primitive gun laws, the pre-emptive wars they keep waging on the rest of the world, the whole scenario of the USA is now seen as a religious right wing cock up...

Large-scale surveys show dramatic declines in religiosity in favour of secularization in the developed democracies. Popular acceptance of evolutionary science correlates negatively with levels of religiosity, and the United States is the only prosperous nation where the majority absolutely believes in a creator and evolutionary science is unpopular. Abundant data is available on rates of societal dysfunction and health in the first world. Cross-national comparisons of highly differing rates of religiosity and societal conditions form a mass epidemiological experiment that can be used to test whether high rates of belief in and worship of a creator are necessary for high levels of social health. Data correlations show that in almost all regards the highly secular democracies consistently enjoy low rates of societal dysfunction, while pro-religious and anti-evolution America performs poorly.

Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A First Look

Gregory S. Paul, Baltimore, Maryland
Abstract ] [ Article ] [ Print Version ]



If They're Silly Enough To Believe In God They Are Certainly Too Silly To Be Making Law In Parliament

One of the best criteria on which to judge how suitable a person is to make the rules in Parliament is whether you reckon they believe in religious claptrap or not, like if they're silly enough to believe in god they are certainly too silly to be making law in Parliament, that's the whole church and state separation... A best example was when the original immigrants from Europe escaped to America to avoid Kings and Popes and the religious hatreds bred up over centuries, the USA founding fathers specifically denied religion from any role or support from the new Constitution and those rotten headed xtians have been forever dragging us back to primitive stupid religious garbage, so simplistic and childish, they believe in literally taking biblical mush stories as fact, when any one half sane can see it as a load of fairy stories and wishful thinking, then the worst is they use it to justify all sorts of crap to deny human rights, they ought to be banned properly like the Constitution says, anyone mentioning god in Parliament ought to be expelled...

The Religious Right Wing In America Provide The Worst Example Of Government We've Ever Seen

One good thing coming out of the disaster of the religious right wing in America is that they provide the worst example of government we've ever seen, and people just get turned off, like lissening to the crap that George Dubya-Dubya-III  stumbles over is giving people the heebie jeebie's, the way he's always sprinkling "godswill" though his bumbling preaches is making them look so stupid as to be ludicrous, and the polls about the administration are showing that up...

Once The West Gets Over It's Oil Addiction The Bombings Will Stop

2005 October 4, Tuesday, 12:18

Once The West Gets Over It's Oil Addiction The Bombings Will Stop

So! What bombing? Having the news turned off fir a few days and nothing happens, as far as you know anyway, but the flock of fools who took the trip to Bali, where they all write Target on their foreheads, well what do they expect... And then the pundits say there's nothing to be done to be protected, and that's true and they're all terrified bar the idjuts, when the real answer is to stop stealing the Muslim World's oil and get the armies out of the Muslim World's countries, seems straight forward enough, and then develop an alternative energy system, so there is an answer and once the West gets over it's oil addiction the bombings will stop...