Thursday, October 06, 2005

If They're Silly Enough To Believe In God They Are Certainly Too Silly To Be Making Law In Parliament


2005 October 6, Thursday, 08:20

The USA Is Now Seen As A Religious Right Wing Cock Up

It might be my preferences for media, but lately there's been a plethora of criticism of the religious right, or religiosity as it gets called, like there's a report which compares the religiosity of countries and shows how the more religiosity invades a country the worse it gets, like the USA is way down on civilised standards and all the blame lays at the feet of the Religious Right, the very things they wack on about have the worst results, like teenage pregnancies, and murder and crime, and social problems, they have Creationists and now the Designed dream, their crazy drug war, the worst health care and such, their primitive gun laws, the pre-emptive wars they keep waging on the rest of the world, the whole scenario of the USA is now seen as a religious right wing cock up...

Large-scale surveys show dramatic declines in religiosity in favour of secularization in the developed democracies. Popular acceptance of evolutionary science correlates negatively with levels of religiosity, and the United States is the only prosperous nation where the majority absolutely believes in a creator and evolutionary science is unpopular. Abundant data is available on rates of societal dysfunction and health in the first world. Cross-national comparisons of highly differing rates of religiosity and societal conditions form a mass epidemiological experiment that can be used to test whether high rates of belief in and worship of a creator are necessary for high levels of social health. Data correlations show that in almost all regards the highly secular democracies consistently enjoy low rates of societal dysfunction, while pro-religious and anti-evolution America performs poorly.

Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A First Look

Gregory S. Paul, Baltimore, Maryland
Abstract ] [ Article ] [ Print Version ]



If They're Silly Enough To Believe In God They Are Certainly Too Silly To Be Making Law In Parliament

One of the best criteria on which to judge how suitable a person is to make the rules in Parliament is whether you reckon they believe in religious claptrap or not, like if they're silly enough to believe in god they are certainly too silly to be making law in Parliament, that's the whole church and state separation... A best example was when the original immigrants from Europe escaped to America to avoid Kings and Popes and the religious hatreds bred up over centuries, the USA founding fathers specifically denied religion from any role or support from the new Constitution and those rotten headed xtians have been forever dragging us back to primitive stupid religious garbage, so simplistic and childish, they believe in literally taking biblical mush stories as fact, when any one half sane can see it as a load of fairy stories and wishful thinking, then the worst is they use it to justify all sorts of crap to deny human rights, they ought to be banned properly like the Constitution says, anyone mentioning god in Parliament ought to be expelled...

The Religious Right Wing In America Provide The Worst Example Of Government We've Ever Seen

One good thing coming out of the disaster of the religious right wing in America is that they provide the worst example of government we've ever seen, and people just get turned off, like lissening to the crap that George Dubya-Dubya-III  stumbles over is giving people the heebie jeebie's, the way he's always sprinkling "godswill" though his bumbling preaches is making them look so stupid as to be ludicrous, and the polls about the administration are showing that up...

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