Seems The Thing That Intelligent Design Proves Is How Dopey Anyone Is Who Believes Crap Like That
A Shandy of sewage water might taste better than the scummy politics from the Little Unintelligent Disaster... I have faith that UD is perhaps a more truthful ID for what ever could be attributed to Intelligent Design, in his particular case, the proof is in the records covered up in his Rotten Government, I'm sure that's scientifically provable, but who'd want to test it anyway, we all know already... Seems the thing that Intelligent Design proves is how dopey anyone is who believes crap like that, and how dopey anyone who sends their kids to King's School is with an idiot headmaster, I really do believe in that... Seems they want their kids to be just like them, PCID, perfectly complete idiotic dopes... Or noddies, I used to call them once, another shake your head moment...
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