2005 December 11, Sunday, 09:44
Apologist Crap About Muslims In Australia And How They Have Trouble
This is one of those times when I just can't stand lissening to Background Briefing, it's all this apologist crap about muslims in Australia and how they have trouble, make trouble, and turn everyone else off, even this attempt at some sort of tolerance being offered is just anathema, I can't see how that racist Australia can ever assimilate these people, they want to mark themselves out differently the very fact that they're speaking out and complaining about the rejection, it just pisses more people off, Xtianity is bad enough in Australia with out having them banding together for the religious never ever ending war on muslims and each other, my god tells me they all orta convert to atheism and get rid of these religious fights, they're hopeless...
We're Getting Terrorism, Real Live Terrorism Right There On Our Beaches
The thing that pisses me off behind it all, is that the Arab world has that history of being the fertile crescent lands where farming kicked off in the so-called garden of eden and since then they've destroyed it all, like every other civilization, and then got started on all this religious bigotry, and wars, and migrations, and their real estate gods they dreamed up and look at it today, an absolute hell, so they wanna run away and do the same thing everywhere else they go, so to bring these non-assimilating people to Australia has been a huge disastrous flop, and now we're having beach wars in Sydney between hate groups of xtians and muslims, ain't that terrific, then there's all this pumped up media war on terrorouroooorsists, and we're getting terrorism, real live terrorism right there on our beaches, there has to a law that zips up all their lips about proselytising dopey religions, they are social poison...
Lawra Norda Should Be Deported Back To America
The goals have apartheid now, it's the only way they can work with this religious punitory throw away the key mentality... Lawra Norda should be deported back to America... I heard an ex-prison visitor/helper give his views on the current fad for the redneck knee-jerk type of LEO, they call cops that in the xtian enclave of America today, Law Enforcement Officer, but this man speaking with authority and science said how the war on drugs and morals, had created far more crime than anything, and anyway most criminal minds were faulty and needed treatment with proper science, not that stupid red neck punitive crap which just breeds more trouble, my god tells me he's right, and those other voices red necks hear are the devil in themselves, cause look at the evil they do...
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