2005 December 13, Tuesday, 15:53
Annointing Police With New Powers
In response to the declaration of racial war in Australia the NSW Government will be annointing Police with new powers to declare shut down zones, and use road blocks and searches and will confiscate the cars carrying rioters to the crimes, so there we have apartheid back just like that... And the rioting penalty will go from 5 years to 15 years, a bit like how the racial pack rapes by some Pakistani muslim families, whose sentences were like wise reduced form 40+ years to 10 or so? They keep getting reductions and have decided to feel sorry for themselves I guess... So we have full on racial war kicked off by the bashings between the Shire Boys with the beaches and the Lebanese with Middle Eastern Appearance background who've taken to making car convoys of muslim/xtian males with baseball bats and crowbars and rocks and guns to go down the streets near the beaches and smash every car and window they can get at, charming friendliness going on here, sure to make friends and gain an admiration society, so everyone will welcome them...
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