Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Course Of Marijuana Treatment To Give Them A Bit Of Insight And Foresight And Imagination

2006 February 14, Tuesday, 14:31

A Course Of Marijuana Treatment To Give Them A Bit Of Insight And Foresight And Imagination

So the Ratbag Right Wing Government has had a meeting on Mental Health and how since all the institutions were shut down the police are now the mental health providers, so blame for the Mental Health debacle falls squarely on religious madness, the biggest Mental Health Problem we have is the Religious getting into Parliament, completely mad people creating problems all over, and all they really need is a course of Marijuana treatment to give them a bit of insight and foresight and imagination, and to become human beings instead of idiots aligned under some other hierarchical force their simplistic brains can't fathom... So the Parliament is the only institution left to house Mental Health patients mainly in the Australian So-Called Liberal Party... The party who lissens to Archbishops and ignores the Scientific Community, sorry, and gags the Scientists to keep us all in the dark ages...

The CSIRO Advice Has Been Gutted With Government Threats To Freedoms

The CSIRO Advice Has Been Gutted With Government Threats To Freedoms

And then there's the threat down the chain threat, they threaten to cut your funding and then your job if you don't toe the Government line... So here's a religious right wing Government threatening Science into shutting up or else, the religious hate Science and the truth, and the CSIRO advice has been gutted with Government threats to freedom of speech particularly when they are warning us about Global Warming and Climate Change and how to cope, but NO, the Government intervenes and as it turns out only listens to the Black Businesses consuming Brown Coal and wont let the Greenie spiel be heard... So the fossil fuel energy people have infiltrated the Government to put the policy positions we have in mining brown coal rather than renewable energy, you see renewable energy costs too much, and shareholders wont be able to buy more gas guzzlers, to park in their Air-conned garages, and make huge contributions to Global Warming and the So-Called Liberal party...

The Government Wont Answer Questions Or Let Anyone Else Talk

2006 February 14, Tuesday, 12:09

The Government Wont Answer Questions Or Let Anyone Else Talk

It's all a big secret, there's the soundproofing being doubled up around the Little Conspiracy Closet's rooms in Parliament, Shhhhh, the spooks will hear, and now it's don't let the Public Servants be questioned by the Senate Committees need to know, so the Government wont answer questions or let anyone else talk, so there's Australia's Freedom of Speech gone again, but as well this time there goes Accountability, the requirement that Government answer questioning by the Opposition, and responsible Government for that matter, where resignation is the result for playing tricky dicks... Nope, nobody told me...

I Bet Dick Chaney Would Like To Take Saddam Duck Shooting

I Bet Dick Chaney Would Like To Take Saddam Duck Shooting 

The Saddam Show Trial is a winner, the snippets are a hoot, that after all the demonising and such by the xtians in the USA, there's Saddam belligerent and yelling and acting just like an outraged Iraqi should, he's the conduit of their feelings once again, while George Dubya-Dubya-III  has become a laughing stock, always was, but Saddam has passion and outrage, it's outrageous to treat Iraq like this, and it's a message that makes the point... I bet Dick Chaney would like to take Saddam duck shooting...

Dana Blew The Lid Off The Garbage Can Of Racial Problems

2006 February 14, Tuesday, 10:58

Dana Blew The Lid Off The Garbage Can Of Racial Problems

Poor Dumb Dana, she blew the lid off the garbage can of racial problems with the We'll be over run with the Moslems.... And then My Hero Faulkner comes out with, it's dopey, it's prejudiced, it's something else, and left out that it's true and we all know it deep down and don't wanna say it, then Amanda says, Well Dumb Dana could come and have a cucumber sandwich and be told how the majority of migrants comes from India and Africa and the Pacific plus some white countries, but didn't mention of Middle Eastern Appearance, the ones who want to integrate with themselves...

Now The Salvation Army Amongst Others Is Paying Back 8 Million Dollars They Ripped Off

Now The Salvation Army Amongst Others Is Paying Back 8 Million Dollars They Ripped Off

They brought religion into the Commonwealth Employment Service so that now the Salvation Army amongst others is paying back 8 million dollars they ripped off out of the system saying as how it was too complicated, not good enough for simplistic Intelligent Design brainlessness...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Competition In The Holy Market By Bribing The Iraqi Regime

Competition In The Holy Market By Bribing The Iraqi Regime

Then they've been corrupting all their own bull and crap about Competition in the Holy Market by bribing the Iraqi Regime, and who knows else, with the AWB, the privatised Wheat Board, it's so ridiculous, the only thing good is how all their idiot ideas and eco rationalism have blown up in their faces...

With Religious Right Wing Wankers: If It Feels Good Then Ban It, That's Their Miserable Creed

With Religious Right Wing Wankers: If It Feels Good Then Ban It, That's Their Miserable Creed

And the ugly thing in their conspiratorial Government is to try and embarrass John Stanhope the Chief Minister of the ACT, who is the most decent man in politics it seems, so he paid out on them again saying as how the Canberra laws are sensible and balanced, and provides for all constituents, not religious ratbags... Some people rang in the ABC with their own stories of the good feelings that marijuana gives to these people who need it, but with religious right wing wankers: if it feels good then ban it, that's their miserable creed... Suffer... Gees I hope they do...

People Who Can't Get Their Drugs

People Who Can't Get Their Drugs

It's people who can't get their drugs that cause all the fear and crime and paranoia... So they keep them deprived and then beat the drum to get elected on being tough against people who have mental health problems and then blame the drugs to boot, it's a sham... The Religious Right think a Black Market is good for business and demonising things, creates crime, creates desperate people, and keeps the public paranoid, and keeps them in power... Cute...

Suppressing From Everyone Else The RU486 Medicine Cause They Don't Want You To Take It

Suppressing From Everyone Else The RU486 Medicine Cause They Don't Want You To Take It

Then the same Religious Right Gov is suppressing from everyone else the RU486 medicine cause they don't want you to take it, not as if they don't take it themselves, no, they want to prevent you from having it, as well as drugs, they prevent them being controlled properly, without a black market, and making ordinary people into their criminals and creating their black market and beating the same Lawra Norder drums at very chance, like this week they are blaming mental health on marijuana, and the same cretins closed down all the mental health care we had years ago to save a dollar, those religious right wing wankers cause all the trouble, then bang drums to beat up a police state to deal with their problems...

Gagging The Freedom Of Speech Of Science

2006 February 13, Monday, 13:06

Gagging The Freedom Of Speech Of Science

The CSIRO privatised version has been gagging the freedom of speech of Science, there you are, the religious right is gagging Science cause the scientists were reporting on Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect, while the Conservative Religious Right Government was collecting donations from the coal mining for Power Companies...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Only Lights On The Hill Are Over In Venezuela

The Only Lights On The Hill Are Over In Venezuela

So there's only the Greens, both the Labor and Liberal Neo-Conservatives are just drones for the big business end of the street, so all is lost, and that's what they can do till someone somewhere can raise a platform, and get it on the agenda, privately owned by big business as well... I pity the struggle ahead, the only lights on the hill are over in Venezuela, and South America, even the Scandinavians have dropped themselves in the bog with their cartoons, what a joke...

A Magic Bullet And The Pill For The Labor Party

A Magic Bullet And The Pill For The Labor Party

There is usually a magic bullet, and the pill for the Labor Party is: One Member One Vote, but then they stack the branches... Maybe they ought to rip up the rule book, and start the Labor Party all over again, but then the factions would rewrite it for themselves, Ummmm... The only way that works is when you have compulsory membership and compulsory voting, and then be it on your head... There could be a tax deduction for having ticked all your boxes when you were asked to, use bribery, it works for the right wing all the time...

The Australian Labor Party Hardly Exists

2006 February 6, Monday, 16:45

The Australian Labor Party Hardly Exists

They've done a review of the Australian Labor Party and discovered it hardly exists, the members are gone, down to less than a thousand, the machine men run it, by bribes for jobs and intolerance for anyone who disagrees, the scary results were brought to light on Background Briefing, and there were comparisons about what backgrounds the people in the Labor Party represented today as against the hey days of the 1970s/80s. and it turns out that most officials back then had had lives before politics, from all walks of life, while today the majority by far are political workers for politician as well and such, and unions as it's supposed to, and have never lived in the real world... And that the fund raising dinners where the tables cost $14,000 for influence are populated by lobbyists and other party's peoples... Oh dear... Latham may have been just what they needed, but not what I needed, I have been reading his Diaries, he's as mad as a hatter, and pushes all that competition and sweat crap, he's a hard worker drongo, and an internationalist, cause that would whip the horses too, what a turkey...

Bugger What A Combination Abomination That Is

2006 February 3, Friday, 16:19

Bugger What A Combination Abomination That Is

Having lost interest and having been spending valuable time reading other peoples politics on the web, I get into schadenfreud or whatever, I have read some of the most primitive knee-jerk comments from the religious right wing, it's as if they have some of that What Is Written Thing in their heads, they seem to absorb written stuff, or become the subjects of teachers, and then parrot right wing mantras that are so unscientific and so simplistic, so prejudiced and so intolerant, they are such shallow droobs, no doubts and questions unless there's some conspiracy theory, and I just can't stand them, such a turn off, I pity anybody out there married to the right wing scab variety, the destroyers, the followers of the myths and superstitions and claptrap from Corporations and the Shock-Jocks, they are forever quoting Shock-Jock stuff, or else when a broad consensus of scientists says that the Earth is suffering Global Warming from consuming the fossil fuels and deforestation, they always want to quote some trivial exception, there's now a huge pile of evidence and facts about the Earth's history of glaciation and the current trends, and they don't want to know, and they are destroying the Earth... And they are the ones who vote, cause It Says So... Bugger what a combination abomination that is...

George Dubya-Dubya-III  Has Admitted That The USA Is Addicted To Oil

At last that hopeless idiot George Dubya-Dubya-III  has admitted that the USA is addicted to oil, and I suppose that's the best thing his Oil Cartel Govt has said ever...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More Americanised And Lesser An Aussie

2006 January 26, Thursday, 11:27

Degrades And Reduces Any Semblance Of Patriotism, The Decay Is Rampant

Un-Australia Day, completely non-plussed about it, amazing how a rotten Government at the top, the slime at the top, the scum at the top, how it degrades and reduces any semblance of patriotism, the decay is rampant, the society is reduced to dumb downed consumerism, and the aspirations for the young amount to the Precocious Aussie Idol with a microphone to scream into as the icon of ethnic consumerism or something equally demoralising... And then suffering thru the Aussie tennis where you can't find an Aussie anyway, and the Local Hero is so Americanised to make you sick, and even the commentators are Americanised goofballs... The Aussie of the Year has a Scottish accent! I just wished we were more Scottish...

Immigrating In Racial Turmoil

Seems the big business idea about Immigrating In racial turmoil is being painted over again, it's nothing but a ploy to de-unionise and split and divide and the short tempers shown at the beaches with the Lebanese enclave being particularly hated, and how Sydney is divided all over ethnically with enclaves in various suburbs, and then there's all the intolerant clubs and football teams, and the sure fact that some places you just wont ever get a job unless you're one of them...

More Americanised And Lesser An Aussie

This time Australia Day is more like: Look at me, Look at me, Look, I'm almost Americanised to the teeth, even my lack of intellect and sense of humour sees me as more Americanised and lesser an Aussie than anyone could horribly imagine...

Politics Has Deserted Me, It All Got So Disgusting

2006 January 5, Thursday, 19:54

Politics Has Deserted Me, It All Got So Disgusting

Reverting to the solitary hermit life, just not expanding my horizons, it's too good, there's no hassles, I love it... So all the other outside influences just vague away, I care less and less, even politics has deserted me, it all got so disgusting, particularly the climate change fears, not a bugga about terrorists, it's the global warming, these super hot windy days are frightening me, that's the pressure, the stress levels cause these red necks destroying the place are also in power, and also own so much, and also have ripped off all the State Assets, and own all the media, and there's the planet getting ravaged all day every day, and they wont stop, and it's making the weather dangerous, and they just wont even lissen...

The Voices Of The Rednecks On The Forum

A recent influence on me is turning sour too, was the voices of the rednecks on the forum, I been reading this fiddlers forum for weeks, and hear this sneering snarly opinion from the complete opposites to me, they have names for everything, I'd be a lib I guess, strange how the juxtaposition works between Aussie and the Yanks, someone put up a story on the tax cuts election policy, the results are showing with this list of deficiencies and society problems, so these rednecks do their war dance all over it, it's just a big vomit, but I can't say anything cause I want the information, but they are so sick...

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Giving Up And Having The Last Dances While The Band Plays On Titanic Earth

2006 January 5, Thursday, 09:25

Giving Up And Having The Last Dances While The Band Plays On Titanic Earth

The history of the world has caught up with me, I don't like what humanity has done and is still doing, it's abysmal and they wont stop, it's only nature that will stop them, I spose there's climate change but it's so awesome, so huge a problem, and they won't even acknowledge it, there's only Aids and it seems to affect the poor worst... Parliaments have lost power, the political parties are undifferentiated, I heard Galbraith say, the USA doesn't need two Republican Parties, and now we have two rotten conservative right wing parties in Australia, they're not bib and bub, they're more like Nazis and Mafioso, things are done on bribery and threat, and then there's the evil of religiosity in government... But what is to become of the magic planet, it's doomed, we'll all be doomed... So my god tells me as plain as the nose on ya face... I have turned off, it's too depressing, there's too many big hurdles, it's a matter of giving up and having the last dances while the band plays on Titanic Earth...

The Politics Is So Disappointing

Disillusioned, the politics is so disappointing cause there just isn't any voice being heard, cept for SBS there's been the other viewpoints put, the Corporation Movie again, the religious dumbing down just goes on otherwise, even that creep doing the Boyer Lectures, the mad Archbishop, has the ABC charging a fee to lissen to his claptrap... So I don't feel any inspiration to turn back the tides, thing is the contorted media influence has the dopey vote...

It's The Look At Me, Look At Me, Generation At Their Most Hopeless Worst

2006 January 1, Sunday, 00:01

It's The Look At Me, Look At Me, Generation At Their Most Hopeless Worst

It's the pipes, whoopee...  This is the best buzz, as the music from some circus thing has the floor, and another fireworks show from Sydney fails to explode the right wing gloom... Weird how these right wing years are so flat and unfunny, the characters they employ to host their shows too are so dumb and simple, only conscious of appearances, all lies, it's the Look at me, Look at me, generation at their most hopeless worst... All under security guard glares too, what a pack of weirdos they are, particularly Sydney cause it's the foreign capital of Globalism in Australia, just doesn’t belong here, so once global warming has high tides in George Street while the heatwaves burn it down would probably make TV news clips... Who's there to watch it tho?

2006 January 1, Sunday, 01:13

I Wished We Had A Better Celestial Wonder To Bring Out The Awe

That's it then, you spend the rest of your year like you do the new years eve, I wished we had a better celestial wonder to bring out the awe...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Memorising Tunes, And Then This Memory Bank Concept


2005 December 22, Thursday, 19:24

Speculation Today About The ID Mass Debate

I found some fabulous speculation today about the ID mass debate, this excerpt from Paul Davies, I just ordered the library book, and the idea in my mind is how these little lifeboats of quantumly changing particles are doing their dance of life and have found a way of storing the steps in this huge wandering strand of DNA, they use it as a storage device, so they can remember correctly all the activities they can undertake, it's a very satisfying image, just seems right, my god tells me it's pretty much what you'd expect, and it fits... So!!! Another step into the unknown may be explained, I spose I should have guessed, well I did go deep into that molecular world to explain things, just realising that every living thing is actually a colony of cells all dependent on one another as a whole being, little bricks to build everything living, nails, eyes, ears, livers, your look...

Memorising Tunes, And Then This Memory Bank Concept

So we were discussing memorising tunes, and then this memory bank concept, so there really is a chance that music can be stored in those cavernous DNA spirals, so that when they curl up in the shapes designated they can form or conjure up new shapes to sing out the way other molecules swim into place, so those vibrations in the way of a song could well be the definition of the molecular construction, waves of something puts all the connections into contacts and bang zap zowie it all gets connected... I am sure I can imagine that being one of the best explanations and anyway it suits my purposes of trying to find out... And it also has that attraction and rejection that makes little points of focus... And it happens, they see it every day when DNA strands build things, but it's so marvellous...  

Confined To Lost Memories


2005 December 31, Saturday, 23:58

Confined To Lost Memories

SO it's all confined to lost memories, can't remember, another year to forget, more good times than bad of course, the only news was bad news, so in the end you just have to turn it off, I don't think I sat through an entire news bulletin, just a load of images for TV with no values, but to reduce the IQ another point... Dumb Downing has become so boring, just complete rubbish night after night, like what's the use of showing Iraq on the news? It shouldn't ever have happened... One good sign towards the end was the scandals moving in from the corruption in xtian America Republicans, and the sight of George Dubya-Dubya-III  being seen as the idiot son he is... The real tragedy is how America has turned rotten with religion, and how the left wing is just shrivelled...

Of Middle Eastern Appearance


2005 December 22, Thursday, 11:19

Of Middle Eastern Appearance

My god was telling me about a male Jew born in a manger of Middle Eastern Appearance who was a refugee, an illegal immigrant, dobbed in, and executed for sedition... Nothing much has changed really...

Fw: Today Is The Summer Solstice, A Wonderful Thing, Truly Wonderful


2005 December 21, Wednesday, 22:55

Today Is The Summer Solstice, A Wonderful Thing, Truly Wonderful

So today is the summer solstice, a wonderful thing, truly wonderful, not that crap about xmas, my god was reminding me the other day of the absolutely fabulous positioning of our planet, how the orbit around the sun is so perfectly situated for running water, and the tilt of 23.5 degrees is so good for the seasons, and the axis is perpendicular almost for the daylight and night-time revolutions, and the moon is balancing the tides and the giant outer planets sweep up those killer comets and thus we only have a few mass extinctions so far apart... And then there's those solar reasons for celebrations, the solstices and the equinoxes and then there's the full moons, it's such a better reason to celebrate than that xtian garbage... So my party is for the solstice, what a good idea, seems so much better to have a real reason...

Monday, February 06, 2006

If You're Prepared To Go Without, Then Pray For It


2005 December 21, Wednesday, 22:39

If You're Prepared To Go Without, Then Pray For It

I saw the George Dubya-Dubya-III  inarticulate attempt to hoodwink the US public again, he is so hopeless, what a joke, and the religiosity thing in the US has hit the fan with that crazy Intelligent Design fraud being chiacked out of proper Science courses, so finally there's a spark of life in the good ol' America that's been lost with the religious takeover... My god told me that the question to always ask when the Religious Right tries one on is to say if they don't like abortions then don't have one, and don't try to make other people do things they don't want, if you don't like RU486 then don't take it, if you don't like stem cells putting backbones back together then stay a cripple, if you're prepared to go without, then pray for it...


What Dr Ted Trainer Said On The ABC


2005 November 29, Tuesday, 11:49

We Should Immediately Transform Into Small Self Sufficient Societies

I been lissening in so much more on my Podcasts to all the programs on cutting edge news and current affairs and dire warnings to go on the ignored lists in politics, and here's another one, and it's from Ted Trainer who wears a Dark Green mantle and a search engine finds Ted Trainer's words everywhere, and he popped up on the ABC Radio National Science Show saying that we should immediately transform into small self sufficient societies and reduce our energy footprints to about 6% of what our affluent society gouges out of the planet... Thing is about his argument is he often uses the entire world population to extrapolate the consumption figures, as if the aspirations of all should be taken into account to share resources fairly on a per capita basis, remarkably fair-minded, even for me, trouble is the rich gated communities are never ever going to forsake their own lifestyles, and the attitude they have ingrained into their cultural mores, is for everyone else to bugga off... So Ted Trainer is right, and the implication is: the whole world is on the way to buggary, and the rich will be going along with the poor...

What Dr Ted Trainer Said On The ABC

Anyway this is what Dr Ted Trainer said on the ABC:

The Pursuit Of Affluence And Growth - Ted Trainer

"The most disturbing problem of all is our failure, our refusal to even recognise that the pursuit of affluence and growth is a terrible mistake."

The Fundamental Cause Of The Big Global Problems Threatening Us Now Is Simply Over-Consumption.

The rate at which we in rich countries are using up resources is grossly unsustainable. It’s far beyond levels that can be kept up for long or that could be spread to all people. What is not clearly understood is the magnitude of the over-shoot. The reductions required are so big that they cannot be achieved within a consumer-capitalist society. Huge and extremely radical change in systems and culture are necessary.

Several lines of argument lead to this conclusion, but I’ll note only three.

Resources Are Already Alarmingly Scarce

Some resources are already alarmingly scarce, including water, land, fish and especially petroleum. Some geologists think oil supply will peak within a decade. If all the world’s people today were to consume resources at the per capita rate we in rich countries do, annual supply would have to be more than six times as great as at present, and if the 9 billion we will have on earth soon were to do so, it would have to be about ten times as great.

Per Capita Area Of Productive Land Needed To Get By

Secondly, the per capita area of productive land needed to supply one Australian with food, water, settlements and energy is about seven to eight hectares. The US figure is close to 12 hectares. But the average per capita area of productive land available on the planet is only about 1.3 hectares. When the world’s population reaches 9 billion the per capita area of productive land available will be only .9 hectares. In other words, in a world where resources were shared equally we would have to get by on about 13% of the average Australian footprint.

Already Seeing Disturbing Climatic Effects

Third, the greenhouse problem is the most powerful and alarming illustration of the overshoot. The atmospheric scientists are telling us that if we are to stop the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from reaching twice the pre-industrial level, we have to cut global carbon emissions and thus fossil fuel use by 60% in the short term, and more later. If we did that and shared the remaining energy among 9 billion people, each Australian would have to get by on about 5% of the fossil fuel now used. And that target, a doubling of atmospheric CO2, is much too high. We’re now 30% above pre-industrial levels and already seeing disturbing climatic effects.

Enormous Reductions In Rich World Resource Use

These lines of argument show we must face up to enormous reductions in rich world resource use if we’re to solve the big global problems. This is not possible in a society that’s committed to the affluent lifestyles that require high energy and resource use. We in countries like Australia should reduce per capita resource use and environmental impact, to something like one-tenth of their present levels.

Our Supreme, Sacred, Never-Questioned Goal Is Economic Growth

Now all that only makes clear that the present situation is grossly unsustainable. But that’s not the most important problem. This society is fundamentally and fiercely obsessed with raising levels of production and consumption all the time, as fast as possible, and without any limit. In other words, our supreme, sacred, never-questioned goal is economic growth. We’re already at impossible levels of production and consumption but our top priority is to go on increasing them all the time.

9 Billion People Expected On Earth

If we in Australia average 3% growth to 2070 and by then the 9 billion people expected on earth have all risen to the living standards we would have then, total world economic output each year would be 60 times as great as it is now. Yet the present level is grossly unsustainable.

Moving From Consumer-Capitalist Society

Many respond here by saying that Yes, the problems are very serious but No, we don’t have to think about moving from consumer-capitalist society because more effort and better technology could solve the problems. It only takes a few seconds to show that this tech-fix position is wrong. The overshoot is far too big.

Technical-Fix Optimists

Technical-fix optimists like Amory Lovins claim we could cut the resource and ecological costs per unit of economic output to half or one quarter. But if global output rose to 60 times what it is now, even a Factor Four reduction by 2070 would leave global resource and environmental costs 15 times as great as they are now, and they are unsustainable now.

Scarce Things Go To Those Who Can Pay Most For Them

The foregoing comment has only been about sustainability and our society is built on a second deeply flawed foundation. We have an extremely unjust global economy. It’s a market economy and that means scarce things go to those who can pay most for them, that is, to the rich and not to the poor. So the rich countries gobble up most of the world’s resource production.

What’s Developed Is What’s Most Profitable Not What’s Most Needed

Even more important, in a market economy what’s developed is what’s most profitable not what’s most needed. So the development that takes place in the Third World is development of what will maximise the profits of corporations. Look at any Third World country and you see a lot of development but most of it puts their resources into producing to stock our rich world supermarkets and very little goes into the industries that produce the basic necessities the majority of poor people need. Conventional development is therefore well described as a process of plunder.

If We Had To Get By On Our Fair Share

Our living standards in countries like Australia could not be anywhere near as high as they are if these unjust processes did not occur and we had to get by on our fair share of the world’s resources.

‘Development’ For The Third World Is Totally Impossible

If one is to understand the nature of the problems facing us, one must focus on these concepts of gross unsustainability and injustice. For instance, they show that the conventional concept of ‘development’ for the Third World is totally impossible; there are nowhere near enough resources for all of them to rise to anything like our rich world ways and standards. Yet that’s the taken-for-granted goal of development.

Radical Social Change To Frugal Living Standards

Similarly few green people seem to recognise that the environment problem cannot be solved without dramatic reduction in the level of producing and consuming going on, and therefore without radical social change to frugal living standards and a zero-growth economy. Yet our peak environmental agencies do not focus on the absurdity of the quest for economic growth.

If We Insist On Remaining Affluent

And how many within the Peace movement realise that if we refuse to dramatically cut rich world demand for resources, and everyone strives to rise to our living standards, then there will inevitably be increasingly fierce competition for the dwindling resources. If we insist on remaining affluent, then we had better remain heavily armed. We can’t expect to go on getting far more than our fair share of the world’s resources unless we’re prepared to use force to invade oil fields and prop up compliant dictators.

The Only Way Out Of The Mess We’re In

What then is the answer? If the question is how can we run a sustainable and just consumer-capitalist society, the point is that there isn’t any answer. We cannot achieve a sustainable and just society unless we face up to huge and radical transition to what some identify as The Simpler Way, that is to a society based on non-affluent but adequate living standards, high levels of self-sufficiency, in small scale localised economies with little trade and no growth, to basically co-operative and participatory communities, to an economy that’s not driven by market forces and profit, and most difficult of all, a society that’s not motivated by competition, individualism, and acquisitiveness. Many have argued that this general vision is the only way out of the mess we’re in.

Our Failure, Our Refusal To Even Recognise That The Pursuit Of Affluence And Growth Is A Terrible Mistake

So which of these problems is our biggest one? None of them. The most disturbing problem of all is our failure, our refusal to even recognise that the pursuit of affluence and growth is a terrible mistake.

There Is Almost No Official Or Public Recognition

Despite our vast educational systems, information technologies and media networks, despite having hordes of academics and experts, there is almost no official or public recognition that the quest for affluence and growth is the basic cause of our alarming global predicament. There is no recognition of any need to move to The Simpler Way. These themes are almost never mentioned in the media, educational curricula, or government pronouncements.

A Profound Case Of Denial And Delusion

We are dealing here with a fascinating and powerful ideological phenomenon, a failure, indeed a refusal, to even think about the possibility that we are sitting on the railway tracks and there is a train fast approaching. It would be difficult to imagine a more profound case of denial and delusion. Some of the forces at work are understandable, such as the fact that profit driven media are not going to raise such issues but will work hard to seduce people into preoccupation with trivia, sport, celebrities and mindless consuming. But how do you explain why so very few academics and intellectuals concern themselves with these themes while many of them work at providing the economy with the technocrats, the managers, and the mentality that it needs.

An Ideology, Which Casts The Consumer Capitalist Way As The Only Conceivable Way

Obviously the corporate class is most culpable. Their very existence depends on maintaining the conviction that we need not even think about reducing consumption. The economists are high on the list too, teaching and practising an ideology, which casts the consumer capitalist way as the only conceivable way. But why do the educators so diligently teach that worldview. Why do the curriculum makers, and the ABC program makers, and journalists and the intellectual ranks so studiously avoid any reference to limits or the possibility that affluence and growth are suicidal goals or the possibility that survival requires urgent transition to some kind of Simpler Way? How can it be that almost all of our most intelligent and educated people devote themselves to pursuits which never challenge over-consumption and have nothing to do with the sustainability crisis now threatening the survival of all of us.

We Cannot Even Recognise That We Are Committed To Fatally Mistaken Goals

Toynbee analysed the fate of civilisations in terms of their capacity to respond to challenges. What then are our prospects, given that we cannot even recognise that we are committed to fatally mistaken goals.

The Blinding Curse Of Affluence

If the thing threatening our survival was a comet headed for earth, or a global flu epidemic, or another Hitler, there would instantly be focused attention and energetic and massive effort to deal with it. But what’s threatening us is the very thing that is cherished in consumer society above all else, greater material wealth. We suffer from the blinding curse of affluence. The situation was summed up elegantly by that insightful analyst, George W. Bush, when he said recently ‘The American way of life is not negotiable’.

We Could Quickly And Easily Move To Sustainable And Just Ways, If We Wanted To

The greatest tragedy is that we could quickly and easily move to sustainable and just ways, if we wanted to. Essentially that would involve people in suburbs and towns getting together to organise local economies with small farms and firms using local resources and labour, to produce to meet local needs. There would be many voluntary working bees and committees and town meetings. Some things would be free, such as fruit from trees planted on the commons. For the detail see The Simpler Way website.

Communities Are Trying To Demonstrate The Alternative Ways

This could be a far more satisfying way of life. Consider being able to live well on two days work for money a week, without any threat of unemployment, or insecurity in old age, in a supportive community. These are the kinds of conditions that thousands of people enjoy in eco-villages around the world. Many of these communities are trying to demonstrate the alternative ways to which the mainstream can move.

A Time Of Rapidly Intensifying Problems

I believe we are now entering a time of rapidly intensifying problems which will impact heavily on the complacency within the rich countries. The coming peak of petroleum supply might concentrate minds wonderfully, but I think the probability of us achieving the transition is very low.

Whether Your Region Manages To Build Local Economies

Your chances in the next few decades will depend very much on whether your region manages to build local economies, and whether the people living there are willing to shift to frugal, co-operative and self-sufficient ways.

Ted Trainer

There that's what Dr Ted Trainer had to say on the rare instance of having a media reply against the onslaught of Holy Market Globalism: A Profound Case Of Denial And Delusion taken for granted by the flock...


Of Middle Eastern Appearance

2005 December 22, Thursday, 11:19

Of Middle Eastern Appearance

My god was telling me about a male Jew born in a manger of Middle Eastern Appearance who was a refugee, an illegal immigrant, dobbed in, and executed for sedition... Nothing much has changed really...

Memorising Tunes, And Then This Memory Bank Concept

2005 December 22, Thursday, 19:24

Speculation Today About The ID Mass Debate

I found some fabulous speculation today about the ID mass debate, this excerpt from Paul Davies, I just ordered the library book, and the idea in my mind is how these little lifeboats of quantumly changing particles are doing their dance of life and have found a way of storing the steps in this huge wandering strand of DNA, they use it as a storage device, so they can remember correctly all the activities they can undertake, it's a very satisfying image, just seems right, my god tells me it's pretty much what you'd expect, and it fits... So!!! Another step into the unknown may be explained, I spose I should have guessed, well I did go deep into that molecular world to explain things, just realising that every living thing is actually a colony of cells all dependent on one another as a whole being, little bricks to build everything living, nails, eyes, ears, livers, your look...

Memorising Tunes, And Then This Memory Bank Concept

So we were discussing memorising tunes, and then this memory bank concept, so there really is a chance that music can be stored in those cavernous DNA spirals, so that when they curl up in the shapes designated they can form or conjure up new shapes to sing out the way other molecules swim into place, so those vibrations in the way of a song could well be the definition of the molecular construction, waves of something puts all the connections into contacts and bang zap zowie it all gets connected... I am sure I can imagine that being one of the best explanations and anyway it suits my purposes of trying to find out... And it also has that attraction and rejection that makes little points of focus... And it happens, they see it every day when DNA strands build things, but it's so marvellous...  

If You're Prepared To Go Without, Then Pray For It

2005 December 21, Wednesday, 22:39

If You're Prepared To Go Without, Then Pray For It

I saw the George Dubya-Dubya-III  inarticulate attempt to hoodwink the US public again, he is so hopeless, what a joke, and the religiosity thing in the US has hit the fan with that crazy Intelligent Design fraud being chiacked out of proper Science courses, so finally there's a spark of life in the good ol' America that's been lost with the religious takeover... My god told me that the question to always ask when the Religious Right tries one on is to say if they don't like abortions then don't have one, and don't try to make other people do things they don't want, if you don't like RU486 then don't take it, if you don't like stem cells putting backbones back together then stay a cripple, if you're prepared to go without, then pray for it...


Confined To Lost Memories

2005 December 31, Saturday, 23:58

Confined To Lost Memories

SO it's all confined to lost memories, can't remember, another year to forget, more good times than bad of course, the only news was bad news, so in the end you just have to turn it off, I don't think I sat through an entire news bulletin, just a load of images for TV with no values, but to reduce the IQ another point... Dumb Downing has become so boring, just complete rubbish night after night, like what's the use of showing Iraq on the news? It shouldn't ever have happened... One good sign towards the end was the scandals moving in from the corruption in xtian America Republicans, and the sight of George Dubya-Dubya-III  being seen as the idiot son he is... The real tragedy is how America has turned rotten with religion, and how the left wing is just shrivelled...

Today Is The Summer Solstice, A Wonderful Thing, Truly Wonderful

2005 December 21, Wednesday, 22:55

Today Is The Summer Solstice, A Wonderful Thing, Truly Wonderful

So today is the summer solstice, a wonderful thing, truly wonderful, not that crap about xmas, my god was reminding me the other day of the absolutely fabulous positioning of our planet, how the orbit around the sun is so perfectly situated for running water, and the tilt of 23.5 degrees is so good for the seasons, and the axis is perpendicular almost for the daylight and night-time revolutions, and the moon is balancing the tides and the giant outer planets sweep up those killer comets and thus we only have a few mass extinctions so far apart... And then there's those solar reasons for celebrations, the solstices and the equinoxes and then there's the full moons, it's such a better reason to celebrate than that xtian garbage... So my party is for the solstice, what a good idea, seems so much better to have a real reason...