2006 January 5, Thursday, 09:25
Giving Up And Having The Last Dances While The Band Plays On Titanic Earth
The history of the world has caught up with me, I don't like what humanity has done and is still doing, it's abysmal and they wont stop, it's only nature that will stop them, I spose there's climate change but it's so awesome, so huge a problem, and they won't even acknowledge it, there's only Aids and it seems to affect the poor worst... Parliaments have lost power, the political parties are undifferentiated, I heard Galbraith say, the USA doesn't need two Republican Parties, and now we have two rotten conservative right wing parties in Australia, they're not bib and bub, they're more like Nazis and Mafioso, things are done on bribery and threat, and then there's the evil of religiosity in government... But what is to become of the magic planet, it's doomed, we'll all be doomed... So my god tells me as plain as the nose on ya face... I have turned off, it's too depressing, there's too many big hurdles, it's a matter of giving up and having the last dances while the band plays on Titanic Earth...
The Politics Is So Disappointing
Disillusioned, the politics is so disappointing cause there just isn't any voice being heard, cept for SBS there's been the other viewpoints put, the Corporation Movie again, the religious dumbing down just goes on otherwise, even that creep doing the Boyer Lectures, the mad Archbishop, has the ABC charging a fee to lissen to his claptrap... So I don't feel any inspiration to turn back the tides, thing is the contorted media influence has the dopey vote...
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