Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Profit Driven Religious Businesses

Non-Taxpaying Profit Driven Religious Businesses Run Private Schools, Private Hospitals And Private Employment Agencies

So the Big Non-Taxpaying Profit Driven Religious Businesses run extortionist Private Schools and extortionist Private Hospitals and then those disreputable private employment agencies to discriminate against the un-xtians, it's diabolical, particularly when we could have had Public Services providing all the services at cost, no profits at all... What a horrible feeling that the religious sector is ripping us off, their paedophilic hands in our pockets, yuck... Must be where they get all the money to pay those creepy barristers to defend the sex molesters they keep in protection... Beats me why anyone would put their kids into that cesspit of religious rape and carnal knowledge, and then not to be told how much they get subsidised by taxpayers... Hoodwinked, that's the costello word for the day btw...

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