Tuesday, December 13, 2005

When The Economists Became The New Voice Of The Prophet For The Profits

2005 December 13, Tuesday, 17:14

When The Economists Became The New Voice Of The Prophet For The Profits

The Beach Terrorism really began with an Immigration Policy to slavishly follow that ridiculous Growth Economy crap, that is the worst sucker bait the world has swallowed, and the Rich People Takeover  really got started in the seventies when the Economists became the new voice of the Prophets for The Profits, and then they took to stealing away all the Public Assets with Privatisation so they could make you pay them for the services, the greatest crime of the century is what my god tells... So now the rich own just about everything and they want to make you take the pay rate they give you at their whim, and bring in cheap labour to do you out of a living, charming people they are, and they wrap it all up in doublespeak and garbage and hire spin doctors to make it sound like it's doing you good...

On The Spot Crushing

On The Spot Crushing

That's the one thing that might work, my god tells me, to confiscate their beloved cars, I spose it's an inherited trait to have an animal to do the work, like a horse, and now it's their cars, I went through it as well, a sort of mesmerising thing to have a car, and they wash and polish and decorate them? And then the cops will take them and confiscate them and pile em up and burn em, no recycle them into a crusher would be good to see, have a live TV coverage, showing this blokes shiny car being flattened into a garbage lid... My god tells that would have more impact getting into their heads, the pollies should make that the point and have it done on the spot, that would be the best deterrent, make them get out of the car and then crush it, On The Spot Crushing, and if they don't get out well... How many virgins do ya get in heaven for doing a suicide crush I wonder, my god doesn't tell me things like that so I dunno...

The Final Straw Broke

The Final Straw Broke

The final straw broke with the Leb girls going to the beaches in the scarf, which is like waving a red flag at a bull, and the Leb boys playing soccer to annoy the locals and threatening local grrrls with rape, and then got into fights, and finally bashed some young volunteer lifesavers, and the insults hit the fan, the Shire boys, the blonde surfer styled youths ganged up and gave out SMS messages and formed a mob and went about bashing everyone who looked Middle Eastern, and the cops had to defend some of them from being killed, virtually kicked to death in mob violence, and in retaliation the Lebs bashed the other beach suburbs in hit and run, ruined cars and shops and bashed a bloke putting out his garbage bins... Makes ya love em to death... They'll be less popular than the Poms soon, but at least we love to hate the Poms, but now it's for real with this mob...

Annointing Police With New Powers

2005 December 13, Tuesday, 15:53

Annointing Police With New Powers

In response to the declaration of racial war in Australia the NSW Government will be annointing Police with new powers to declare shut down zones, and use road blocks and searches and will confiscate the cars carrying rioters to the crimes, so there we have apartheid back just like that... And the rioting penalty will go from 5 years to 15 years, a bit like how the racial pack rapes by some Pakistani muslim families, whose sentences were like wise reduced form 40+ years to 10 or so? They keep getting reductions and have decided to feel sorry for themselves I guess... So we have full on racial war kicked off by the bashings between the Shire Boys with the beaches and the Lebanese with Middle Eastern Appearance background who've taken to making car convoys of muslim/xtian males with baseball bats and crowbars and rocks and guns to go down the streets near the beaches and smash every car and window they can get at, charming friendliness going on here, sure to make friends and gain an admiration society, so everyone will welcome them...

Monday, December 12, 2005

And Who Decided Who Was Let In To Australia Then???

2005 December 12, Monday, 10:54

The Immigration Outcomes That Have Been Inflicted On Australia

I'm disgusted with the immigration outcomes that have been inflicted on Australia, despite all the lessons from history, despite all the warnings, despite human nature and the intolerance it has always shown, there has been these bluddy minded business people wanting cheap labour and wanting to put people into competition and fight for a living, and now the wild wind is being reaped, there's so much involved with Australians history the way the blacks were pushed out and killed off, the way the Chinese miners were treated, and then the White Australia Policy where there would only be the British! But look at what's happened now after these years of migration and the attempts to allow multi Culturalism, what a complete flop it's been, the way Sydney has become isolated enclaves of ethnic segregation and now apartheid for the beach suburbs, what a disaster these bluddy people are who want to import everything, all you get is trouble, if they like the rest of the mad world so much then they ought to piss off and go live there themselves, don’t bring the world's troubles home to us thanks...

That Conservative Government Has Ignited The Race Wars In Sydney

That Conservative Government we have is also the preemptive force that has ignited the race wars in Sydney, you can lay the blame squarely of the corruption of politics to the sway of big business donations, and the spurious pursuit of free trade rubbish ideas, and the gullible uptake of globalisation, and the slavering dog licking up the USA Religious Republicans, they are an evil, my god tells me the trouble always comes from those right wing fascist truth twisting lying layabouts who accuse everyone else of being lazy and go seeking slaves all over the world to do their dirty work... And lately they passed all that useless legislation to wage war on the Muslims, and now we're in for the imported racist hatred from the Middle Eastern Appearance gangs who will be looking up bomb making right now I reckon... There's already been a lot of gun flashing... jesus h christ what debacle... And there's the Australian army over there in the Middle East with the American Suicide soldiers and killing the locals who we never hear about, but my god tells me they think the Arab oil is worth it, the gas guzzlers are a terrible symbol...

And Who Decided Who Was Let In To Australia Then???

The world needs a big left wing liberal revival to balance off these mad right wing takeover dills, my god is telling me it's on the way, it will be so good to say goodbye to the Neo-conservative hate-filled era, and we can give peace a chance, and no imagination needed to do away with heaven and life after death garbage... Reality TV is here and now and you can see the snarls on the faces of the Sydney people right before your eyes... And who decided who was let in to Australia then??? After all that bluster and blather about boat people, while all the time they were filling up the suburbs with people who hate us...

We're Getting Terrorism, Real Live Terrorism Right There On Our Beaches

2005 December 11, Sunday, 09:44

Apologist Crap About Muslims In Australia And How They Have Trouble

This is one of those times when I just can't stand lissening to Background Briefing, it's all this apologist crap about muslims in Australia and how they have trouble, make trouble, and turn everyone else off, even this attempt at some sort of tolerance being offered is just anathema, I can't see how that racist Australia can ever assimilate these people, they want to mark themselves out differently the very fact that they're speaking out and complaining about the rejection, it just pisses more people off, Xtianity is bad enough in Australia with out having them banding together for the religious never ever ending war on muslims and each other, my god tells me they all orta convert to atheism and get rid of these religious fights, they're hopeless...

We're Getting Terrorism, Real Live Terrorism Right There On Our Beaches

The thing that pisses me off behind it all, is that the Arab world has that history of being the fertile crescent lands where farming kicked off in the so-called garden of eden and since then they've destroyed it all, like every other civilization, and then got started on all this religious bigotry, and wars, and migrations, and their real estate gods they dreamed up and look at it today, an absolute hell, so they wanna run away and do the same thing everywhere else they go, so to bring these non-assimilating people to Australia has been a huge disastrous flop, and now we're having beach wars in Sydney between hate groups of xtians and muslims, ain't that terrific, then there's all this pumped up media war on terrorouroooorsists, and we're getting terrorism, real live terrorism right there on our beaches, there has to a law that zips up all their lips about proselytising dopey religions, they are social poison...

Lawra Norda Should Be Deported Back To America

The goals have apartheid now, it's the only way they can work with this religious punitory throw away the key mentality... Lawra Norda should be deported back to America... I heard an ex-prison visitor/helper give his views on the current fad for the redneck knee-jerk type of LEO, they call cops that in the xtian enclave of America today, Law Enforcement Officer, but this man speaking with authority and science said how the war on drugs and morals, had created far more crime than anything, and anyway most criminal minds were faulty and needed treatment with proper science, not that stupid red neck punitive crap which just breeds more trouble, my god tells me he's right, and those other voices red necks hear are the devil in themselves, cause look at the evil they do...

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My God Tells Me To Lissen In When You Have Doubts

2005 December 10, Saturday, 14:04

My God Has Been Telling Me Things All My Life

I've had a revelation, it's my god talking to me, my god has been telling me things all my life, don't do this, do that, don't be stupid, watch out, and those wiser words have been the ones which put things back into the sanity I have been cursed with, and it's commonsense, the voice of my god that wont let irrationality through, it's the voice of doubt, and check it out, and think about that before you jump in... Cause it's my god's voice for fun too, like you know when you're in heaven, and There's Nowhere Else I'd Rather Be type times... So the strategy is steal back the high ground, and just say, Well my god tells me that xtians and muslims are stupid mad fundies, and forever cause trouble... Cause opposing religiosity is the right thing to do and only my god knows what's right, and what could be a perfect natural world again, and none of this, Oh I'll just be disrespectful to Earth, and do my own thing with it, without caring, well my god tells me that's baloney and will end in death, it is ending right now in another shameful mass extinction...

My God Tells Me To Lissen In When You Have Doubts

So My God Tells Me is new strategy cause it's true and I believe it, my god tells me to lissen in when you're thinking in your own head and you have the voice of doubts, that's your real god looking after you...

Executing People

2005 December 7, Wednesday, 10:23

What About Executing People Who Sell Cars

You hear this garbage about how people who commit drug overdoses are victims of the trade... What about executing people who sell cars then, there are far more people killed by the car trade, and then planes, why not execute plane traders too, and then there's people who sell petrol to people who kill themselves in cars, why not execute them? Is there some sort of biased redneck fundie anti-logic involved? What about people who smoke themselves to death, and drink themselves to death, are the businessmen taken out and hung for 30 minutes? Just where does the buck stop in a flow-on of that stupid logic, that the holy market declares some things illegal which could possibly be abused and kill and lets all the others off? Are they biased about people enjoying themselves, intolerant, on a redneck bandwaggon? A mad mob mentality? Why doesn't their little god intervene ever? How come they like to do all the punishing and none of the assisting? Not to mention the gun trade...

The Americans Don't Get Called Suicide Soldiers, Why?

And another wonky one, how come the Arabs get the suicide bomber tag, but the Americans don't get called suicide soldiers, why? I see these pictures of the ones who go to their claimed xtian heaven, but they're all still just dead, they receive a few seconds of their faces on TV, and then disappear into the muffled statistics, it's on PBS, but still we don't know how many Iraqi's are dying from force-fed democracy, what is the toll and who will pay for it eventually... These poor USA suckers are told by their lying god to go and do this stuff to be paid, which is why most of them are there I guess, poor, and the army looks like an escape... They are just as likely to be killed, so why aren’t they on a suicide mission? And what is the difference when they're on an invasion? Surely they all expect to cop it sooner or later, and don't call them Shirley...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Control Our Affluence And Use Our Effluents

2005 November 29, Tuesday, 14:46

Being Independent, Making, Growing, Living From Our Own Resources

My vision was of an Australia operating as isolated as possible from the rest of the rotten world, doing our own thing, being independent, making, growing, living from our own resources, and being in control of our own destinies and being able to take care of our own environment at least, and aim for that elusive sustainability, and take a long time to do it slowly and thoughtfully... And Try Hard to do it along the lines that Ted Trainer has done a lot of thinking about, and living it hisself, I went to the Pigface Point place and saw the example, it has so much to grab your interest, water wheels and sun parabolas and a fabulous shed or two, full of things to use for something else...

Build Up A New Society That Might Live On For A Lot Longer Than These Current Holy Market Rat Bags

And we could use all those roads to grow fruit trees for free as Dr Ted says, what a lovely vision to have, just walk outside and consume the natural free fruits and sustenance from nature, nice idea... I wouldn't mind living at low tech, at least you get to do the tech, we'd still have all the knowledge of jobs we hadn't exported away, and then we could build up a new society that might live on for a lot longer than these current Holy Market rat bags...

Control Our Affluence And Use Our Effluents

I'd love to see Canberra adopt a new lifestyle as their search for an identity, they're always wanting to be visited for some reason, at least that would give them a good example to set rather than a set of monuments to the current world of destruction... Instead we're getting land releases for new suburbs and building ridiculous buildings for god knows what... Instead we could set up PermaCulture Producers on those cleared off useless lands, and do static long term living, and control our affluence and use our effluents... Just think what a difference your prospects would be when the Holy Market collapses and nothing arrives anymore, you'd still have something to eat if you'd done it right... Hmmm, better be well-armed in the future, no matter what... Shortages will become like a road rage, you'll have rages all over, and I think I'm having one now...

What Dr Ted Trainer Said On The ABC

2005 November 29, Tuesday, 11:49

We Should Immediately Transform Into Small Self Sufficient Societies

I been lissening in so much more on my Podcasts to all the programs on cutting edge news and current affairs and dire warnings to go on the ignored lists in politics, and here's another one, and it's from Ted Trainer who wears a Dark Green mantle and a search engine finds Ted Trainer's words everywhere, and he popped up on the ABC Radio National Science Show saying that we should immediately transform into small self sufficient societies and reduce our energy footprints to about 6% of what our affluent society gouges out of the planet... Thing is about his argument is he often uses the entire world population to extrapolate the consumption figures, as if the aspirations of all should be taken into account to share resources fairly on a per capita basis, remarkably fair-minded, even for me, trouble is the rich gated communities are never ever going to forsake their own lifestyles, and the attitude they have ingrained into their cultural mores, is for everyone else to bugga off... So Ted Trainer is right, and the implication is: the whole world is on the way to buggary, and the rich will be going along with the poor...

What Dr Ted Trainer Said On The ABC

Anyway this is what Dr Ted Trainer said on the ABC:

The Pursuit Of Affluence And Growth - Ted Trainer

"The most disturbing problem of all is our failure, our refusal to even recognise that the pursuit of affluence and growth is a terrible mistake."

The Fundamental Cause Of The Big Global Problems Threatening Us Now Is Simply Over-Consumption.

The rate at which we in rich countries are using up resources is grossly unsustainable. It’s far beyond levels that can be kept up for long or that could be spread to all people. What is not clearly understood is the magnitude of the over-shoot. The reductions required are so big that they cannot be achieved within a consumer-capitalist society. Huge and extremely radical change in systems and culture are necessary.

Several lines of argument lead to this conclusion, but I’ll note only three.

Resources Are Already Alarmingly Scarce

Some resources are already alarmingly scarce, including water, land, fish and especially petroleum. Some geologists think oil supply will peak within a decade. If all the world’s people today were to consume resources at the per capita rate we in rich countries do, annual supply would have to be more than six times as great as at present, and if the 9 billion we will have on earth soon were to do so, it would have to be about ten times as great.

Per Capita Area Of Productive Land Needed To Get By

Secondly, the per capita area of productive land needed to supply one Australian with food, water, settlements and energy is about seven to eight hectares. The US figure is close to 12 hectares. But the average per capita area of productive land available on the planet is only about 1.3 hectares. When the world’s population reaches 9 billion the per capita area of productive land available will be only .9 hectares. In other words, in a world where resources were shared equally we would have to get by on about 13% of the average Australian footprint.

Already Seeing Disturbing Climatic Effects

Third, the greenhouse problem is the most powerful and alarming illustration of the overshoot. The atmospheric scientists are telling us that if we are to stop the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from reaching twice the pre-industrial level, we have to cut global carbon emissions and thus fossil fuel use by 60% in the short term, and more later. If we did that and shared the remaining energy among 9 billion people, each Australian would have to get by on about 5% of the fossil fuel now used. And that target, a doubling of atmospheric CO2, is much too high. We’re now 30% above pre-industrial levels and already seeing disturbing climatic effects.

Enormous Reductions In Rich World Resource Use

These lines of argument show we must face up to enormous reductions in rich world resource use if we’re to solve the big global problems. This is not possible in a society that’s committed to the affluent lifestyles that require high energy and resource use. We in countries like Australia should reduce per capita resource use and environmental impact, to something like one-tenth of their present levels.

Our Supreme, Sacred, Never-Questioned Goal Is Economic Growth

Now all that only makes clear that the present situation is grossly unsustainable. But that’s not the most important problem. This society is fundamentally and fiercely obsessed with raising levels of production and consumption all the time, as fast as possible, and without any limit. In other words, our supreme, sacred, never-questioned goal is economic growth. We’re already at impossible levels of production and consumption but our top priority is to go on increasing them all the time.

9 Billion People Expected On Earth

If we in Australia average 3% growth to 2070 and by then the 9 billion people expected on earth have all risen to the living standards we would have then, total world economic output each year would be 60 times as great as it is now. Yet the present level is grossly unsustainable.

Moving From Consumer-Capitalist Society

Many respond here by saying that Yes, the problems are very serious but No, we don’t have to think about moving from consumer-capitalist society because more effort and better technology could solve the problems. It only takes a few seconds to show that this tech-fix position is wrong. The overshoot is far too big.

Technical-Fix Optimists

Technical-fix optimists like Amory Lovins claim we could cut the resource and ecological costs per unit of economic output to half or one quarter. But if global output rose to 60 times what it is now, even a Factor Four reduction by 2070 would leave global resource and environmental costs 15 times as great as they are now, and they are unsustainable now.

Scarce Things Go To Those Who Can Pay Most For Them

The foregoing comment has only been about sustainability and our society is built on a second deeply flawed foundation. We have an extremely unjust global economy. It’s a market economy and that means scarce things go to those who can pay most for them, that is, to the rich and not to the poor. So the rich countries gobble up most of the world’s resource production.

What’s Developed Is What’s Most Profitable Not What’s Most Needed

Even more important, in a market economy what’s developed is what’s most profitable not what’s most needed. So the development that takes place in the Third World is development of what will maximise the profits of corporations. Look at any Third World country and you see a lot of development but most of it puts their resources into producing to stock our rich world supermarkets and very little goes into the industries that produce the basic necessities the majority of poor people need. Conventional development is therefore well described as a process of plunder.

If We Had To Get By On Our Fair Share

Our living standards in countries like Australia could not be anywhere near as high as they are if these unjust processes did not occur and we had to get by on our fair share of the world’s resources.

‘Development’ For The Third World Is Totally Impossible

If one is to understand the nature of the problems facing us, one must focus on these concepts of gross unsustainability and injustice. For instance, they show that the conventional concept of ‘development’ for the Third World is totally impossible; there are nowhere near enough resources for all of them to rise to anything like our rich world ways and standards. Yet that’s the taken-for-granted goal of development.

Radical Social Change To Frugal Living Standards

Similarly few green people seem to recognise that the environment problem cannot be solved without dramatic reduction in the level of producing and consuming going on, and therefore without radical social change to frugal living standards and a zero-growth economy. Yet our peak environmental agencies do not focus on the absurdity of the quest for economic growth.

If We Insist On Remaining Affluent

And how many within the Peace movement realise that if we refuse to dramatically cut rich world demand for resources, and everyone strives to rise to our living standards, then there will inevitably be increasingly fierce competition for the dwindling resources. If we insist on remaining affluent, then we had better remain heavily armed. We can’t expect to go on getting far more than our fair share of the world’s resources unless we’re prepared to use force to invade oil fields and prop up compliant dictators.

The Only Way Out Of The Mess We’re In

What then is the answer? If the question is how can we run a sustainable and just consumer-capitalist society, the point is that there isn’t any answer. We cannot achieve a sustainable and just society unless we face up to huge and radical transition to what some identify as The Simpler Way, that is to a society based on non-affluent but adequate living standards, high levels of self-sufficiency, in small scale localised economies with little trade and no growth, to basically co-operative and participatory communities, to an economy that’s not driven by market forces and profit, and most difficult of all, a society that’s not motivated by competition, individualism, and acquisitiveness. Many have argued that this general vision is the only way out of the mess we’re in.

Our Failure, Our Refusal To Even Recognise That The Pursuit Of Affluence And Growth Is A Terrible Mistake

So which of these problems is our biggest one? None of them. The most disturbing problem of all is our failure, our refusal to even recognise that the pursuit of affluence and growth is a terrible mistake.

There Is Almost No Official Or Public Recognition

Despite our vast educational systems, information technologies and media networks, despite having hordes of academics and experts, there is almost no official or public recognition that the quest for affluence and growth is the basic cause of our alarming global predicament. There is no recognition of any need to move to The Simpler Way. These themes are almost never mentioned in the media, educational curricula, or government pronouncements.

A Profound Case Of Denial And Delusion

We are dealing here with a fascinating and powerful ideological phenomenon, a failure, indeed a refusal, to even think about the possibility that we are sitting on the railway tracks and there is a train fast approaching. It would be difficult to imagine a more profound case of denial and delusion. Some of the forces at work are understandable, such as the fact that profit driven media are not going to raise such issues but will work hard to seduce people into preoccupation with trivia, sport, celebrities and mindless consuming. But how do you explain why so very few academics and intellectuals concern themselves with these themes while many of them work at providing the economy with the technocrats, the managers, and the mentality that it needs.

An Ideology, Which Casts The Consumer Capitalist Way As The Only Conceivable Way

Obviously the corporate class is most culpable. Their very existence depends on maintaining the conviction that we need not even think about reducing consumption. The economists are high on the list too, teaching and practising an ideology, which casts the consumer capitalist way as the only conceivable way. But why do the educators so diligently teach that worldview. Why do the curriculum makers, and the ABC program makers, and journalists and the intellectual ranks so studiously avoid any reference to limits or the possibility that affluence and growth are suicidal goals or the possibility that survival requires urgent transition to some kind of Simpler Way? How can it be that almost all of our most intelligent and educated people devote themselves to pursuits which never challenge over-consumption and have nothing to do with the sustainability crisis now threatening the survival of all of us.

We Cannot Even Recognise That We Are Committed To Fatally Mistaken Goals

Toynbee analysed the fate of civilisations in terms of their capacity to respond to challenges. What then are our prospects, given that we cannot even recognise that we are committed to fatally mistaken goals.

The Blinding Curse Of Affluence

If the thing threatening our survival was a comet headed for earth, or a global flu epidemic, or another Hitler, there would instantly be focused attention and energetic and massive effort to deal with it. But what’s threatening us is the very thing that is cherished in consumer society above all else, greater material wealth. We suffer from the blinding curse of affluence. The situation was summed up elegantly by that insightful analyst, George W. Bush, when he said recently ‘The American way of life is not negotiable’.

We Could Quickly And Easily Move To Sustainable And Just Ways, If We Wanted To

The greatest tragedy is that we could quickly and easily move to sustainable and just ways, if we wanted to. Essentially that would involve people in suburbs and towns getting together to organise local economies with small farms and firms using local resources and labour, to produce to meet local needs. There would be many voluntary working bees and committees and town meetings. Some things would be free, such as fruit from trees planted on the commons. For the detail see The Simpler Way website.

Communities Are Trying To Demonstrate The Alternative Ways

This could be a far more satisfying way of life. Consider being able to live well on two days work for money a week, without any threat of unemployment, or insecurity in old age, in a supportive community. These are the kinds of conditions that thousands of people enjoy in eco-villages around the world. Many of these communities are trying to demonstrate the alternative ways to which the mainstream can move.

A Time Of Rapidly Intensifying Problems

I believe we are now entering a time of rapidly intensifying problems which will impact heavily on the complacency within the rich countries. The coming peak of petroleum supply might concentrate minds wonderfully, but I think the probability of us achieving the transition is very low.

Whether Your Region Manages To Build Local Economies

Your chances in the next few decades will depend very much on whether your region manages to build local economies, and whether the people living there are willing to shift to frugal, co-operative and self-sufficient ways.

Ted Trainer

There that's what Dr Ted Trainer had to say on the rare instance of having a media reply against the onslaught of Holy Market Globalism: A Profound Case Of Denial And Delusion taken for granted by the flock...


They Ought To Get Their Blinkers Off About Pioneering Heroes

2005 November 29, Tuesday, 10:30

They Ought To Get Their Blinkers Off About Pioneering Heroes

Doing history on the ABC666 about forgotten biographies, and Michael McKernan? got the mindset working about pioneering heroes getting away with murder of the environment, like he's lauding someone who invented the stump jump plough, so these land clearing dopes could provide the future Australia with erosion, deserts, dry land salinity and wildlife destruction, these people were the Easter Islanders of the colony, same stupid bluddy minded idiots who couldn't bear to adopt the nature that was already there, although they plundered and stole a land from the Abos which had already been fire devastated 50,000 years ago and since, but for christ's sake they ought to get their blinkers off about pioneering heroes, they were stupid bluddy minded vandals, that's the real history of Australia...


Make The Mobile Phones Ring For 1 Minute By L.A.W.

2005 November 23, Wednesday, 16:35

Make The Mobile Phones Ring For 1 Minute By L.A.W…

There's been hand wringing about road kills, accidents in the ACT are such an indictment, and it's getting worse, well the cause must be those Mobile Phones and I tell you one thing they could do to immediately reduce the road toll, that is Make the Mobile Phones ring for 1 minute by LAW… Cause I reckon people are rummaging about trying to answer the things too fast, and bang, whereas in one minute they could pull over and stop safely to answer the bluddy phone… Besides when you're stuck anywhere and the thing rings it gives you time to answer and saves having to reach message banks all he time, and then to call them back… AH, that's better haven't had a rant for ages, hours even… Besides what's the rush? It's just redneck blather…

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Best Candidate For Privatisation

The Ex-Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Have Found The Q Fever Serum Isn't Profitable

I hear the privatised version of the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories have found the Q Fever serum isn't profitable so let them be sick, I hope and pray to their god that the Australian So-Called Liberal Party all get Q Fever from sniffing animals, amen... Gees what a packet they could make from Bird Flu...

The Best Candidate For Privatisation Should Have Been Religions

Let's see, what should be re-nationalised and run with Government responsibility, well there's the CSIRO, the CSL, the CBA, the GIO, Telstra, and Optus should be banned cause they hang our citizens by the neck with religious laws banning things, and so it goes on, the biggest flops in recent history have been Privatisation, Eco-Rationalism, Individual AWAs, Union Amalgamation for that matter, and the dunderheaded redneck talkback on private radio, and the ABC for that matter... The best candidate for privatisation should have been religions, and the religious subsidies should be transferred over to unions, those tax free laws should only ever be for Unions, churches should go begging... And the things that were privatised, nationalise the lot of them, and make all those Private Schools go Public.... Ah, would give even suicide bombers something to live for...

Overwhelmed With Pressure And Stress...

2005 November 22, Tuesday, 10:46

Overwhelmed With Pressure And Stress...

A new study of workers shows more than half feel overwhelmed with pressure and stress... That would be the bottom half I spose, whereas I feel dreadful for not having been out in the parks and lakes and shops and pubs and clubs, and even now you have to start avoiding xmas already, bluddy jerks... Overwhelmed with apathy really, what ever happened to caring?

He Died For A Cause He Did Not Support, Oh Dear

2005 November 19, Saturday, 12:12

Heard This Apologist For Farmers Whinge The Other Day, Like Why Blame Us?

So the drought has broken, wasn't that one the inflictions from their god, like they used to be hurled around like curses, and imagined to be some thought process, hmmm, that's exactly what it was, but in their own stupid heads... And any lessons Learned? Nope, not by the slaves, too busy, hard workers, still consuming to death the poor planet... Heard this apologist for farmers whinge the other day, like why blame us? We're just carrying on in the tradition, the real question is how to get them to stop and be happy... And pull their heads in about farming, how to get the world of nature back? Well that should keep them busy, and on the Public Service Payroll I reckon...

He Died For A Cause He Did Not Support, Oh Dear

Yes, when things feel good apathy seeps in and drowns ya, but I don’t care...  He died for a cause he did not support, oh dear, there's a lesson in that for all of us, I can draw parallels... But don't they get smaller in the distance? It's so difficult to keep things in perspective with the Little Short-Sighted Magoo as Prime Minister…

Anglican Archbishop Jensen, What A Scream

2005 November 19, Saturday, 11:41

Anglican Archbishop Jensen, What A Scream

Had to laugh, this Anglican Archbishop Jensen, what a scream, maybe it was just the mood I was in but this tickled me, in taking his stance to waffle on something further he undoes his churchy scenario, I can just imagine how those other xtian churchy gits feel, specially the top one in England, the ones who don’t believe in any god anyway, but still insist on lying to the befuddled so here's what the Anglican's get told:

Has All This Fervent Prayer For The End Of The World Amounted To Anything? Here Is A Demonstrable And Monumental Failure… writes Peter Jensen.

DO YOU want this world to end, and a new one to begin? Rather surprisingly, the Australian Parliament begins proceedings with such a prayer. It goes something like this: "Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation."

Here are some of the most famous words in history, known and said daily by many millions of people. And yet, do Jesus' followers realise they are praying, among other things, for the end of the world?

Let's look more closely at it. There is the intimate opening, "Father", typical of Jesus, but untypical of the religion of his day. There is its brevity - just five requests. And there is the absence of religious palaver - no monumental or mystical flattery of God, just five short "asks".

And what are we asking? Only for an apocalyptic cataclysm. Jesus is assuming you are very dissatisfied with the present state of affairs; that you can see the immense harm that human evil is doing to the world and in the world; that you want justice to be done at last; that you long for the present world order to cease and a new age to be ushered in; that you want to be there when it happens, even though you contribute to the evil; that you want the present world political system to give way to the kingdom of God; that you want the meek to inherit the Earth.

We are saying, "Bring it on". I know we also pray for mundane things like daily bread. Even this is not as straightforward as it seems. An odd word is used here; it possibly means not our "daily bread", but something more like "tomorrow's bread" - let us eat today the bread which we will consume in the coming kingdom.

But if the Lord's Prayer has this ominous, apocalyptic edge to it, why do we continue to use it? More to the point, has all this fervent prayer for the end of the world amounted to anything? Here is a demonstrable and monumental failure. How can we in all seriousness continue to pray for the end of the world? Why bother with Jesus?

Why should Jesus, a first-century failed prophet, be of any interest to us at all?

I have been asking, has Jesus Christ a future? It is hard enough now to wonder why he had such a great past. And yet, that is not fair. Jesus is better than that. After all, even an unbelieving H.G. Wells said: "Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history." For this there must be a reason.


The answer is Stupidity

Proud Of The Real Australians

2005 November 15, Tuesday, 11:22

Proud Of The Real Australians

So proud of the real Australians who turned out to protests all over the country against the Little Rotten Rodent's Coalition against the Industrial Relations rip off, so now it's heading for a rip up, a much better option... The hide of the Little Scab's Coalition to take away the Worker's terms and conditions and destroy hundreds of years of working class struggle by Aussie Granddads and Grandmas of the kids coming through, to destroy the next generation's lives, it's a huge crime and I just hope that that Collection Of Right Wing Conservative Economic Rationalists get their comeuppance, it would be well deserved, such an atrocious bunch of greedy scabs end up on that heartless side of politics, they just wont look after anyone else, it's all themselves and no one else, if only we could deport them to where their cheap labour work forces live, be good to see them share in the poverty they create, justice for us all in Australia first...

It All Looks Black To Me

2005 November 8, Tuesday, 09:09

The Legacy Of Empires, The Colonialism Comes Back To Bite, It All Looks Black To Me

Now George Dubya-Dubya-III  and his primitives have put a match to the flames in Paris, and the often predicted racial riots have erupted, a nudge from xtian America into the Muslim world and look at the implications, what are they going to build into, will we see the right wing racial crackdown with the repatriation of French born foreigners off to somewhere else, another Guantanomo Bay somewhere, in Darkest Africa perhaps, it's the legacy of empires, the colonialism comes back to bite, it all looks black to me...

Immigration Becomes Fuel To The Economists Nightmare Of Never Ending Growth

When politics bows to the people who want cheap labour imported and immigration becomes fuel to the economists nightmare of never ending growth, this is what you get, slaves don't like being slaves sunless they're looked after, at least slaves had a value, but free slaves fighting for no jobs aren't happy chappies...

The Trubbles, Not Only Religious But There's The Racial Hatred And Shunning And Exclusion And Intolerance

Just what are the options for the French to take in order to stop the Trubbles, not only religious but there's the racial hatred and shunning and exclusion and intolerance, and then there's the nothing to lose ingredient, the hopelessness... First thing for France is to stop imports and make everything for themselves and create jobs in manufacturing which is what all modern countries should do, having someone else take your jobs away cause business men want cheap labour is the curse of it all, you must never import when the home-grown labour market is out of work, it's anathema...

The Police With New Powers Have Conducted 2 Am Raids On The Muslim Threat

At the same time as the Twelfth Night of the French Immigration riots, here in Australia the Police with new powers have conducted 2 am raids on the Muslim Threat, so a few handfuls of suspicious characters who think bad thoughts have been hauled in to be questioned, whatever questioning means nowadays, but then they tortured Guy Fawkes into telling of his fellow plotters, but I thought we had civilised the law since then, now it's all turning back time by the Scary Rednecks in the Coalition... Turns out the story has been published and these clowns seem indeed to be on the path to bombing something, like they were interviewed sussing out the Lucas Heights Reactor, same cowboy mindset as the Yanks, but not welcome here in Australia... So it's indeterminate solitary detention, but who knows for sure...

It Seems Jobs Is The Best Way To Redistribute Wealth

So globalisation is also at the base of the fires, I reckon whenever home-grown can displace imports, then the tariffs ought to be slapped on the imports, it seems Jobs is the best way to redistribute wealth, and tax cuts for the rich ought to be despised...  Once you've full employment then other agendas can be conjured up, besides why don’t the French create an internal domestic army of workers to reinvigorate the environment and do a bit of replanting and clean up and repair what mankind has done to nature, that should keep them busy...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Seems The Thing That Intelligent Design Proves Is How Dopey Anyone Is Who Believes Crap Like That

Seems The Thing That Intelligent Design Proves Is How Dopey Anyone Is Who Believes Crap Like That

A Shandy of sewage water might taste better than the scummy politics from the Little Unintelligent Disaster... I have faith that UD is perhaps a more truthful ID for what ever could be attributed to Intelligent Design, in his particular case, the proof is in the records covered up in his Rotten Government, I'm sure that's scientifically provable, but who'd want to test it anyway, we all know already... Seems the thing that Intelligent Design proves is how dopey anyone is who believes crap like that, and how dopey anyone who sends their kids to King's School is with an idiot headmaster, I really do believe in that... Seems they want their kids to be just like them, PCID, perfectly complete idiotic dopes... Or noddies, I used to call them once, another shake your head moment...

Labour Should Be Standing For Human Rights, And Due Process, And Trial By Jury

Labour Should Be Standing For Human Rights, And Due Process, And Trial By Jury

Scuse me??? Labour should be standing for Human Rights, and due process, and trial by jury and just about every other protection of the public that these right wing wankers have cemented up, just pour in another load of quick setting crap to close off any justice and rights of the individual, I know there are people in that So-Called Liberal Party of miscreants who surely would not support what the Little Twit is doing, why don't they chuck him out, it's appropriate and about time... He needs to be shoved out the door, maybe get a job filling guzzlers up with his brother's paint thinners or whatever it is they're putting in the petrol at nobody's request...

Another Cry Wolf About A Threat

2005 November 2, Wednesday, 16:09

The Little Well-Known Liar Has Popped Up With Another Cry Wolf About A Threat

The Little Well-Known Liar has popped up with another Cry Wolf about a threat, and so we have to pass laws to counteract it??? Scuse me, they say they have a threat and then say we want the laws changed, probably with all those facets of fading freedoms they want, the human rights side has been ripped up with the proposed changes... Could it be they've discovered someone tunnelling under Sydney? And suddenly there's Big Me-Too-Kim collapsing again by saying he's going to pass whatever the Neo-Con Govt wants, same as the other Labor Right-Wing Premiers, cept for our local hero John Stanhope, a Real Labor Leader...

Monday, October 31, 2005

Spin A Load Of Baloney, And Then Lock Up People Who Compla

The Future Will Not Be Containing Many Of The Things We Grew Up With

And then there's climate change upon us and the series of hurricanes wiping out lives all over, there are lots of places which are now unliveable and lost to civilisation as well, more and more of the Earth destroyed and useless, and more and more people to migrate, and find the last vestiges of marginal land to drive into more deserts... Not to mention the loss of diversity of other life forms and the extinction of species... The future will not be containing many of the things we grew up with, that's for those who've grown up... I know we've already lost a football field full of animals which would have a species lost in every square metre... So many fast food meals gone forever...

The Only Original Life Left Are In Cemeteries

I heard this morning that the land between Sydney and Melbourne is mostly deforested 99% of the way, it's true, I've driven it so many times and look in dreadful awe at the destruction, just a few isolated dying one tree islands with no replacements, no nothing, the only original life left are in cemeteries, and you rarely see any farming, and the weed and erosion channels are all over... What a travesty for human life on earth, the whole of Australia is now well down the road to Easter Island status, and the same mindset is in the Neo-Coalition government...

Spin A Load Of Baloney, And Then Lock Up People Who Complain

And so the petty politics going on now with bluddy stupid things like Intelligent Design being a science, and this crazy beat up war on the Third World Poor called terrorists, which now is being passed in parliaments, to just have people disappear off the streets or railway stations, like a story I just read about a bloke in England being put through police state rigors cause he looked suspicious, as well as these laws about freedom of speech, and the possibility of anyone talking about how bad these Neo-Coalition Governments are, the freedoms which were established overs years of struggle being swept away by Redneck Knee Jerks scared of their own shadows, which is literally true... They demonise their lower class victims, and attack them for resources, and trick, and spin a load of baloney, and then lock up people who complain to keep them out the way, and torture them to boot... Charming types... Not that I'm complaining...

That Business Of Merging Unions Together Is Not Right

A Huge Conspiratorial Coalition Of Business And Politics To Just Keep On Consuming

So faced with the mortality of the Planet Earth being attacked on all fronts by human interventionists, it's just hugely disappointing seeing the World being devoured and ruined by the Easter Islander brained Neo-Coalitionists... I see them as the political party of the consumer suppliers, there's a huge conspiratorial coalition of business and politics to just keep on consuming, with never ending growth factors in a blast furnace fired economy, in which the perpetrators huddle up in gated communities, and drink bottled water, have private schools, private security, private health care, and privatised transport, with all the bells and whistles of exorbitant consumption... Even the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories to whom we could have relied on to respond to the Bird Flu have been privatised and out of public responsibility, and will be driven by a profit motive I guess, tragic, same as the bank and insurance and the airline and the mining and deforestation issues...

That Business Of Merging Unions Together Is Not Right

For instance, the coalition between the Unions destroying the forests, the same union for private mining, the CFMEU, making deals with the Little Liars government, in bed together... And for that matter what the hell are these Unions which represent deforestation and mining doing in a coalition with each other anyway, that business of merging unions together is not right, never was, all sorts of conflict of interests and neglect of the little issues which hurt... Like there's a huge brown coal poisonous Power Industry which has to be closed down, phased out and replaced as soon as possible, but wait, wait, wait till the coal is sold, like, wait til we sell the last tree, wait till we catch the last fish, wait till we till the last soil, wait till the bell tolls for thee...

Leaving Inspiration To The Birds, Who Are Getting The Flu To Boot

2005 October 31, Monday, 11:54

Leaving Inspiration To The Birds, Who Are Getting The Flu To Boot

Inundated into quietness, and I've been reading the book Collapse of Civilisations by Jared Diamond and it's lessons from history that are all ignored, such big issues which get pushed back under trivialities played out in shallow media, so being bombarded with bad news takes it's toll, and the billions of words spewed out, like this, in a billion blogs which never get read anyway, and then all the emails into the ALP Soapbox which I skim read religiously, it's just a spiral down into leaving Inspiration to the birds, who are getting the flu to boot...

Social Problems Which Turn Political, To Pit Greenies Against Redneck Deregulators

The parallels for today's world with the lost civilisations is as plain as The Desert Plagues in the Garden of Eden, I have read about the Easter Islanders, the wrecked ecology they left behind as testament to their warring hatreds and religious stupidity, going on to the woes of Montana, a once monument to the beautiful and bountiful American continent which is now poisoned and eroded and invaded by pests such as human land developers and Gated Communities, it's a crime, and the social problems which turn political to pit Greenies against Redneck Deregulators, it's a shake your head scenario...

How The Brilliance Of Human Inventiveness In Food Production Turns Nature Against Them

And then the Farming, how the brilliance of human inventiveness in food production turns nature against them, the erosion gullies, the water table problems, salt, the rampant deforestation which features right up there as the raw material for the subsequent demise of civilisations, and there it is on the news every week now, another landslide, another burial of some small city, washaways and destruction, just enormous damage from nature when it unleashes the forces on human consumption techniques, I saw a huge slice of mountain rock appearing after that earthquake across Asia, which looks so familiar in the deforested Bible Belt of Xtianity...

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Charade That's Being Played Out As Justice

2005 October 19, Wednesday, 11:44

The Charade That's Being Played Out As Justice

The trial of Saddam has been kicked along with charges that date back some 20 odd years, even when he was the puppet for the West! The Law has taken such a battering of late, and justice seems a distant history, I can remember reading the accounts of the Nuremburg trials and the arguments for justice and process, but these torture camps and detention centres and imprisonment without charge or a trial or lawyers, it's abysmal the charade that's being played out as justice, and the whistleblowers get trashed... What happened to the people we once were? Seems a whole generation has taken their eyes off the ball and let things slip...

After A Suicide Bombing, Who Did It

2005 October 11, Tuesday, 19:11

After A Suicide Bombing There's A Big Investigation As To Who Did It?

I keep noticing in the news that after a suicide bombing there's a big investigation as to who did it? And then they never find out why he did it, just a photo of his head, but then who is he, why did this individual hate us so much as to die for it? But we all know who did it, it was the Moslems or something, Islamic or something from some other fundie faction, there's a whole lot of breakaways, but they did it anyway, now we all know, but why did they do it? The motive? Hmmm was it Ummmm insulting, or jealousy, or just plain old religious bigotry and age old mumbo jumbo, or is it just oil, energy being so expensive these days, owning the power... Or to have foreign armies from the USA's Coalition blowing them up every day? Seems to me they fighting to the death for their own principles which the West tags as criminal behaviour against the invaders? Why doesn't the media start calling a horse a horse? Oh they shoot horses don't they... Is it just playing cowboys still? With deputy dogs to boot?

The Most Brilliant Person She Knows

2005 October 11, Tuesday, 12:33

In Her Judgment George Dubya-Dubya-III Was The Most Brilliant Person She Knows

Some things have a classic clang or irony when the High Court of the USA gets it's latest nominee, a law clerk type from George Dubya-Dubya-III's office, one of his cohorts you could say, and here she is being shoved onto the high court to bolster the fundamentalists I'd guess, and then comes out with that: In her judgment George Dubya-Dubya-III was the most brilliant person she knows, what a mind she must have to be dealing with the Law, that's LAW, she is bereft of qualifications cept be being known by George, what a recommendation, the USA is now surely the laughing stock of the World... But it's not funny...

It's Enough To Make Ya Paranoid

2005 October 9, Sunday, 19:04

It's Enough To Make Ya Paranoid, All These Impending Disasters

Jesus H christ it's enough to make ya paranoid, all these impending disasters, I was trying to think up the list:


The Biggest Threat? The threat to Mankind is Mankind itself

The rise of neo Nazis Conservative Religious Rightwing Bigots

Nature's revolt in the weather from Global Warming Climate Change

Fossil fuel Energy from coal and oil and carbon emissions

Current U.S. Government

The Free Trade Crash to burst the bubble

The xtian right wing USA infecting culture

The return of torture, arbitrary detention and attack on civil rights

The control and corruption of the media and monopolies

The Avian flu, or Ebola virus

The Rise of China and cheap non-unionised labour

Ancient religions in the Clash of Culture

The States of Israel and Palestine

Countries such as Iran and Syria

Nuclear, chemical and biological war

Tsunamis, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

The Killer Asteroid and another Mass Extinction


"What's The Worst Threat To Mankind"

I am sure there's more I just don't really wanna think about it... Why don't they have an online poll for the whole world, and then regions, and they have a "What's the worst threat to Mankind" and then you can vote for a topic, cause the topics would have to be chosen to include every conceivable threat, so cripes that would be say 6 billion? So you'd have to summarise them into some catchphrase to explain it all... In how many words? Well I reckon about how many it takes to make a headline, you have to be succinct...

John Doyle's Andrew Ollie Lecture

2005 October 8, Saturday, 21:00

John Doyle's Andrew Ollie Lecture

Oh god, I just listened to John Doyle's Andrew Ollie lecture... He puts it so well the bugger, I been saying all that in as many words if some less, and he goes on that ABC show and blasts the whole media world apart, god he's a clever bugger and even managed to through in the Universe and string theory and what the hell are we doing with it, so good, that speech is a classic I spose... and I have it on my iPod to lissen to again... What a blessing the iPod is...