Monday, August 22, 2005

Like A Breath Of Fresh Air, Up Popped A New Labor Contender

2005 August 19, Friday, 01:37

Dopey Australian Public Have Really Swallowed The Dummy, The Funny Dummy

The rest of the news has been abysmal, the stealing of the Public Telecommunications has been hitting the news... Telstra is being ripped to shreds and the predators are all in for a feed... What a debacle, it's amusing really, funny, like a comedian had a hand in the till I spose, how these ideologues want to push some dopey plan through, based on dopey shallow simplistic Neo-Con idiocy, and they run into reality in the knowledge that privatised Public Services aren't Services at all, but just another opportunity to get their right wing filthy hands into the Public's pockets, and trumpet how many billions they've pick-pocketed in the next profit announcements, for which they expect cheer squads, they oughta be put in goal where the Neo-Con appointed Telstra Board Member belongs... Fancy appointing a crook, just like them, onto Telstra's Board to protect our Public Interests, and he lines his own pockets in a long litany of offences, but is it a scandal??? Dopey Australian Public have really swallowed the dummy, the funny dummy...

Like A Breath Of Fresh Air, Up Popped A New Labor Contender

But then tonight, like a breath of fresh air, up popped a new Labor contender saying as how he wanted to bring the voice of the workers and unions into the Labor caucus so that means knocking off some Labor Deadwood Members with new fresh working people's Members, and then there will be the well spoken message from the workers threatened with losing wages and conditions and hard won rights, so the Little Wedger has caused an eruption from below, maybe it's an excellent thing... I hope so... Looked like a nice intelligent honest bloke with everything going for him to be Prime Minister... Good...



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