Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rednecks Are Such A Wank, Obsessed With Paper Tigers And Head Kicking

Because the ABC TV and Radio were pissing me off with being so biased anti-left-wing, I’ve been dropping in on Private Radio, what a shocker, they have these jocks deliver tirades in every breath about everything they hate, so terribly biased and then have the hide to complain ad infinitum about the ABC being left-wing, when it’s gone just the opposite, those rednecks are such a wank, obsessed with paper tigers and head kicking... And they troll through all the anti-social agendas, the courts are too lenient, the drug wars, the unmarried mothers, the public schools, the ABC, the boat people, the unions, the Labor Party, the shrug to climate change, parroting the Boss’s words, the anti-social welfare drum to beat endlessly, just one complaint after another, and then break out in stupid nationalistic pride about nothing significant like another Boat People Day...

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