Tuesday, August 30, 2005

They Ought To Make All The Public School Scarves Into Bikinis

2005 August 29, Monday, 16:24

The Resignation Of The Brash Brogden

Lissening in on ABC666 for the resignation of the Brash Brogden, I didn't like him and then I tolerated him and now he's been kicked out of the So-Called Libs I like him even more, cause he's come under fire from the Young So-Called Libs who have two factions, the Rottweilers and Wet Blankets, and they say it was poor Brogo's lot to be considered a lefty and had a history of backing injection rooms for one thing, see there's the crazy religious law banning drugs coming into play, making bad things happen, banning is always a risky business...

They Ought To Make All The Public School Scarves Into Bikinis

Cause Black Bronny popped up with Banning The Scarf, and so did that even worse example of the female, Soppy Polopulous, Urrrrrrrrghhh... And so I was enjoined to agree, I reckon they ought to make all the public school scarves into bikinis... But there's all sorts of sides being taken up, particularly for the top job, like Malcolm MalContempt TurnOverBull has a tax cut for the very rich, which the Little MailOrder Leader likes, but poor Dog CostAhellOfAlot, has said it’s a tax cut for millionaires and is bad, so the eggs cracking all over... Little Humpty Dumpty is splattering all over the place...

Economist = Preacher = Astrologer = Fortune Teller = Pollster = Wife = Witch Doctor = Spin Doctor = Bookie

And the real hero sticking to good Principles is the Greens, with Dr BrownStudy saying that tax cut money should go to Public Services like Health and Education... So!!! Meanwhile we are hearing from all the Economist = Preacher = Astrologer = Fortune Teller = Pollster = Wife = Witch Doctor = Spin Doctor = Bookie , saying that we will never having a crash and the BooHooom will go forever, to all the Profits of Dooooom saying it's already crashed last December and spending is drying up, like the oil is, and so the real estate scan is showing a lot of houses being thrown onto the Holy Market bonfire... Anyone got a match? Oh yes, the Developers do, and the Migration Department seems to like stoking up the fire, and it burns, burns, burns, that's a Johnny CaaHaaa$H song,



Stop Immigration Completely For The Next Fifty Years, And Then Have A Referendum, It's A Dud

2005 August 30, Tuesday, 14:28

Stop Immigration Completely For The Next Fifty Years, And Then Have A Referendum, It's A Dud

Screaming, screaming and it's at the ABC666 playing all this crap about the veil, or the scarf, or the hijab, or whatever it is, why do Australians have to learn about them for christ's sake, they should be learning about us... We are getting all these apologists for some other religious garbage or another all the bluddy time, I wanna hear about our Aussie Wimmen and Blokes World not some crazy foreign sect with stupid rules that don't belong here and we don't wanna hear or know or be bothered with... It's none of our business, it's up to the migrants to make up their own stupid minds up about whether they wanna be Australians or not, meanwhile they ought to stop immigration completely for the next fifty years, and then have a referendum before they ever let it happen again, it's a dud...


Friday, August 26, 2005

Stick This As A Bookmark In Their Crazy Fundamentalist Books

2005 August 26, Friday, 12:10

Stick This As A Bookmark In Their Crazy Fundamentalist Books

Oh and talk about foot in mouth, we've had ludicrous and bizarre dalliance this time with Simpson's Donkey being held up as being Aussie values, turns out he was an illegal pommy immigrant and loaded up with inconsistencies, anyway the Aussie values to be put on Immigrants getting in here ought to start off with how our Parliaments make the laws, the only laws, and not some other set of primitive authoritarian garbage you get in scriptures and bibles and korans and the like, they can leave those in the dustbins they come from... The only lesson to be drawn from the those lands is how they're now deserts and perpetually at war over some sort of god's real estate agency, and the other values for being granted Aussie citizenship are being in favour of bikinis and music and grog, Bloke's World values, and public school uniforms for an egalitarian education free from religion... Stick this as a bookmark in their crazy fundamentalist books...



The Brave Story Of The Officer Under The Captain Of The Voyager

2005 August 26, Friday, 11:51

The Brave Story Of The Officer Under The Captain Of The Voyager

The situations one can find oneself in if one's fate had taken a path to hell, cause I just heard the brave story of the Officer under the Captain of the Voyager and his predicament of having the epitome of the bad boss, his revealing story came up against the intransigence of the Navy who zipped up against him and virtually drove him mad for doing the right thing, and what a coincidence, he was down in Khancoban, when the news of the destroyer Voyager being steered drunkenly under the nose of the aircraft carrier Melbourne, and all those poor young sailors sacrificed to mad authority... So the Whistle-Blower Bashing has been so entrenched and nowadays is definitively back in vogue with the blame shifting Little Finger Pointing's wedging of just about everyone, like how could anyone like him? Cept for cross-one-eyed gullible idiot Aussies and George Bush???



The List Of Fascist Identifiers...

2005 August 26, Friday, 11:20

The List Of Fascist Identifiers...

I like these definitions that hit at simplifying the Prominent Points about the things that are dangerous to us, so you can recognise them when you see them happening in your own backyard, and here's one which describes the Little Twit's Neo-Con Government they have elected three times in Australia, showing how Australians are such blind fools to fall for this pack of tricksters... It's the list of Fascist Identifiers... And thanks to Con for finding these little bombs to throw up...

See How Familiar They Sound.

In an essay coyly titled “Fascism Anyone?,” Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, identifies social and political agendas common to fascist regimes. His comparisons of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet yielded this list of 14 “identifying characteristics of fascism.” (The following article is from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 23, Number 2. Read it at http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/fi/britt_23_2.htm) See how familiar they sound.

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military

Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

5. Rampant Sexism

The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

6. Controlled Mass Media

Sometimes the media are directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media are indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security

Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is Protected

The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed

Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

14. Fraudulent Elections

Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.


This list will be familiar to students of political science. But it should be familiar to students of religion as well, for much of it mirrors the social and political agenda of religious fundamentalisms worldwide. It is both accurate and helpful for us to understand fundamentalism as religious fascism, and fascism as political fundamentalism.





Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Quick Fix To Globalism, The Bird Flu Epidemic

2005 August 24, Wednesday, 08:32

A Quick Fix To Globalism, The Bird Flu Epidemic

Woke to the story developing about the Bird Flu Epidemic that is feared to spread once the virus crosses the species barrier into humans, and if ever a quick fix to Globalism could happen this would be it, the isolation tactic would be invoked, like the Quarantine for the Black Death, but this time they talk of closing all ports and airports and putting up the walls, well we could have done it if the Protection of Australia hadn't been ripped up by the Neo-Cons, because we aren't self-sufficient but bound into imports to even get food on the table, but now there are predictions that not just millions but billions could die if this epidemic got under way, it's a pessimistic scary scenario, but is taken seriously and already the actions to kill off domestic birds and the watch on migratory birds, well it don't look too good, and there isn't any vaccine, so what do ya do?

You Can All Die On The Cheap

One thing, we all really know deep down that no intervention by gods and spirits will work, so don't wear out your knees, better just get into some non-contamination gear, gloves and masks and filters? They had all those cloth masks back when the Pneumonic Plague hit in 1919? Ah, Multiculturalism Disease brought to you by Globalisation of the World, You Can All Die On The Cheap, put that in the Neo-Con illegal advertising campaigns...

Global Climate Change Is Melting The Almost Mythical North West Passage

 A lot more on the bizarre side is where Global Climate Change is melting the almost mythical North West Passage over the North Pole and opening up possibilities for oil and minerals exploration, and the exploitation brigade to get their mythical dirty little hands on, cept this time you've the convergent of some of the major continents and Canada and Russia and claims and threats and warnings already thrown into the ring by the USA, so the wonders of the world of High Tech Heat will be fighting over that, and will the United Nations get to a vote? Oh dear, the collapse of World Trade and the passage opens up, a cruel god ain't it, but nature will have it's way rather...


Harry Evans The Clerk Of The Senate, Displaying A Rugged Public Servant Example

2005 August 22, Monday, 22:37

The Conventions Of Frank And Fearless And Faithless Advice

The Little Maggoo lapdog got a titbit tossed from the George Dubya-Dubya-III  Monster Mongrel, and said it was for public services, what a hopeless joke that is, the only thing they ought to pin on his chest is a target, for muck of course... This is the Little Scunge who fired the Public Service and installed all the Noddies around their rotten Gov to destroy the Conventions of frank and fearless and faithless advice, and so we got all the cover ups, and the implementation of nasty administration, that's a Constitutional crime or oughta be...

Harry Evans The Clerk Of The Senate, Displaying A Rugged Public Servant Example

And then there's the wonderful Harry Evans the Clerk of the Senate, displaying a rugged Public Servant example, where he's challenged the Little Sleaze's spending on balls in the air over wiping out Industrial Relations in advertising campaigns, for legislation which isn't even on the table, so the High Court will be deciding in their stacked lopsided single person appointment model, what the legalities are, and stiff cheese for the confidence in the Law...

2/3 Majority Of All Parliamentarians

The High Court should be appointed by 2/3 majority of all Parliamentarians, and so should all Government appointments to positions of authority, like the G-G, lest we get the pack of Noddies that Harry Evans stands so far apart from... And also don't forget the Australian Father of the Year who the Little Smirk appointed to rip-off the Australian Public on the Telstra Board, to represent the Public's interests, Ha ha, ha, god what a hopeless joke, so funny when he apologises while his tax avoidance schemes and insider trading get swept under the So-called Liberal Party's carpet, must be awful under there if it's this bad on top...

Typical Rottenness This Little Sludge's Government Wallows In

And look at the assassination of the ABC Public Broadcaster, remember that complete idiot they appointed to stuff it up? He was so like them, Jonathon High-Wires or something, he was their real Lu-Lu... And then there was the Paedophile Protector as Governor General, yep, jobs for their boys... All the while the real heroes who blew the whistle on these Neo-Con cretins got the shaft, typical rottenness this Little Sludge's government wallows in...



Student Compulsory Union Fees

2005 August 22, Monday, 10:58

Look At This Flap Over Student Compulsory Union Fees For University Campus Facilities

Going halfway doesn't work well in situations like sex and love I spose cause half way wouldn't be enough... But look at this flap over student compulsory union fees for university campus facilities, that fight goes back in history and should have been a battle the unions never lost, universal unionism would have been so much better than individual contract rip-offs, but it still lingers on in the best traditions for uni students, and the fervour is still there to keep it...

To Deny All The Benefits That Paying Union Fees Provides

But why can't the idiot Neo Con Gov let it lie? Why wade back thru the muck to deny all the benefits that paying union fees provides, it gives you an extra strength, a vote and the power of collective action, that's the ideological problem the Neo-cons have, they want the world to be where the rich pay the poor as little as possible, they want to reduce wages to the lowest common denominator like Asian wages paid to the un-unionised, the lowest anyway, they call it world's best practice, and smirk all the way to their privatised rip-off banks...




My Political Thesis Had Followed That Middle Of The Road Split Between Private And Public

2005 August 22, Monday, 10:58

Something In The Air, Or Something In The Drink

Anyway it musty have been something in the air, or something in the drink, but there was one of those great meaningful moments that lasted and lasted, so satisfying, it was the revelation theory at work, that when you're impassioned with new ideas they feel like they come from inspiration without, but they are really announced from within your own head, and there's so much trouble with people who've said it was a divine revelation from a very private conversation with you know what/who? But it isn't, it's that pleasure from thinking of things that fit in with the jigsaw of understanding the universe better, So!

My Political Thesis Had Followed That Middle Of The Road Split Between Private And Public

I was thinking how my political thesis had followed that middle of the road split between Private and Public, the going halfway proposition and then I took it on further, like to be sane is really half way between madness and certainty, and being in the middle is a better proposition to deal with the unexpected... So! You can be half beautiful and half ugly, half left, half right, half stupid, half smart, half old, half young... So! Makes you think there's a halfway point, the point of no return, you go any further and there's no turning back, that commitment, well half committed really... So while the Planet is dying of Mankind, just where is the half way point! We've been pushed way past it I reckon... So! Finding the midpoint is a very special place, and going halfway would be a good thing when there are extremes... Like what we've got with this Globalisation thing, as if half the people of the world want it when really it's only a tiny few and less if the misled knew...

If The Planet Was Run On Seeking The Halfway Points For All The Arguments

So if this world running on  Winner Takes All philosophy of Global Capitalism then the Planet is doomed, but if the planet was run on Seeking The Halfway Points for all the Arguments then we could sort things out, going down the middle of the road would be the best of both worlds, you'd get the Public Services run on honourable dealings for the principles of public good rather than for money and profits, and you'd get that jungle competition for producing the consumer goods, the private products we can buy where competition for quality could be the reason to buy, or consume, seems so much more appropriate...


Monday, August 22, 2005

Good To Hear John Ralston Saul, Like A Seer In The Night

2005 August 19, Friday, 20:28

Good To Hear John Ralston Saul, Like A Seer In The Night

Was so good to hear John Ralston Saul the other night and some snippets since, he's like someone holding a clear view up of all the crap going on, he has a way of speaking clearly, with clarity, and shows you all those images of things that you see as well, so he's like a window washer for me, cause what he sees I see, and I think a lot of sane people would have to see as well, it's a curse to be blessed with sanity, it's such a loathsome toll on you, you can't just let things go thru to the keeper, you have to play every bluddy ball, what a bog it is... Anyway, he came, he showed us, and is probably gone, like a seer in the night...

The Popeyed Ideas Of Competition For Money

I loved the way John Ralston Saul brought all the Neo-Con irrational crap into the argument, he was saying as how Globalism was already self-destructing, having awoken the sleeping giants of hatred in the human race, listing nationalism, and racism along with all it's adherents, and then brought in the gods being adopted all over as well, so all the Globalised bits of the world are suffering from exporting their jobs and importing cheap unhappiness, it seems there are other things involved in good government rather than the popeyed ideas of competition for money...

The Snake Swallowing Up It’s Own Tail

So, that's it, the message is that human jealousies and hatreds and racism have already been whipped up by the competition of Globalisation, that the Globalised World has descended into primitive nationalistic ghettos and religious idiocy, so much for the United Nations style ideas of protecting, and sharing, and the playing fields devoid of large capitalist corps swallowing all the competition up, and using the most repressive worker regimes, and I spose, wiping out a lot of their own consumers, it's like the snake swallowing up it’s own tail... When's the last time we've stood up against Monopoly and Oligopoly and stood up for Public Services??? When will we vote for a Government who will look after us rather than the US...

Public Services And Private Products, It's Really Relaxed And Comfortable For Your Kids Too

And John Ralston Saul's good on that image about the big corporate board people being just risk free self padding bureaucrats who specialise in reducing competition, they buy off all the competitors, it's a farce... And then they start coming up with all these rules for their own jungle, regulate this and that and put aside a fund cause the big corps wont do what you want... What a wank of a system, it should have stayed where the Public owned and operated the Public Services, the infrastructure and things you can toll, and restrict capitalism to producing products, the bells and whistles, they can compete themselves to death manufacturing, and never let to corner the market... That’s all you need, Public Services and Private Products, it's a winner, it's really relaxed and comfortable for your kids too...



Like A Breath Of Fresh Air, Up Popped A New Labor Contender

2005 August 19, Friday, 01:37

Dopey Australian Public Have Really Swallowed The Dummy, The Funny Dummy

The rest of the news has been abysmal, the stealing of the Public Telecommunications has been hitting the news... Telstra is being ripped to shreds and the predators are all in for a feed... What a debacle, it's amusing really, funny, like a comedian had a hand in the till I spose, how these ideologues want to push some dopey plan through, based on dopey shallow simplistic Neo-Con idiocy, and they run into reality in the knowledge that privatised Public Services aren't Services at all, but just another opportunity to get their right wing filthy hands into the Public's pockets, and trumpet how many billions they've pick-pocketed in the next profit announcements, for which they expect cheer squads, they oughta be put in goal where the Neo-Con appointed Telstra Board Member belongs... Fancy appointing a crook, just like them, onto Telstra's Board to protect our Public Interests, and he lines his own pockets in a long litany of offences, but is it a scandal??? Dopey Australian Public have really swallowed the dummy, the funny dummy...

Like A Breath Of Fresh Air, Up Popped A New Labor Contender

But then tonight, like a breath of fresh air, up popped a new Labor contender saying as how he wanted to bring the voice of the workers and unions into the Labor caucus so that means knocking off some Labor Deadwood Members with new fresh working people's Members, and then there will be the well spoken message from the workers threatened with losing wages and conditions and hard won rights, so the Little Wedger has caused an eruption from below, maybe it's an excellent thing... I hope so... Looked like a nice intelligent honest bloke with everything going for him to be Prime Minister... Good...



So Much For God The Real Estate Agent

2005 August 19, Friday, 00:37

Why Aren't All Wars Like That? Cause You Can't Win Is Why

Over on the Mediterranean shores, in a god's/ Allah's/ Yahweh's/ Mother Mary's/ and actually non-sectarian property bequeathed by the United Nations, etc, country, Oh Yeah, That's What You Say, Blah, Blah, Bang... There's all this hand to hand combat going on, in the mosque /church /synagogue /casino /madhouse or some such, they're dragging all these religious nutters out, and they all grab on bare handed, like why aren't all wars like that? Cause you can't win is why, the stronger hands win...

So Much For God The Real Estate Agent

Senseless really, but then religious people are... These ones chose not to use weapons, or were they told, just free will I, or wont I, or what? The thing to look for is the intervention of an all powerful god, goodness there doesn't seem to be any, nothing lissening, heaven is always off the air, cept CNN, BBC and me...  Just where does all that praying and gibberish get them, dragged outside physically is what, just shows how the science of physics wins over primitive religious stupidity... So much for god the Real Estate Agent...



Never Learn Nothing Do They

2005 August 16, Tuesday, 21:06

Never Learn Nothing Do They

Surrounded with sets of values coming in from all this media bath, they are showing colour film of all the World Wars and you see the floating bloated bodies, the little girls shivering and over-traumatised, the weapons blasting living things apart, I haven't lissened, just watched the horror, seems un-sanitised, the real shocking carnage and blood and lifeless bodies in all sorts of grotesque dying deformity, it's gruesome, maybe they should show this stuff to turn people off war, I dunno, they like it... And juxtaposed are the peace treaty ceremonies and the joy for peace, never learn nothing do they...



Wednesday, August 10, 2005

T'Would Be A Wonderful Time For The Little Ratbag To Depart The Scene

2005 August 9, Tuesday, 18:44

T'Would Be A Wonderful Time For The Little Ratbag To Depart The Scene

Well the significant thing in politics is that the Senate Majority sees the Coalition Creeps fighting, and squabbling, and threatening and splitting, it's wonderful, they're such a bunch of droobs, Neo-Cons are now being held up as the instigators of all the trubbles, they are responsible for their ridiculous ideological idiocy bringing the fear and tension... It's such a world away from being relaxed and comfortable, they have people scared to death of shadowy terrorists, and insecure and worried and frightened about losing their rights at work, so it's been really good news hearing all the dissent, and to see the Little Belligerent Bigot giving off all those fidgety signs, the twitching, and darting eyes, and that dreadful forced grimace of a smile, it's as if his inner evils are personifying his exterior, he really did look demonic as he ranted away in Parliament today, foaming at the mouth isn't pretty, was very revealing to see, the Little Liar isn't relaxed and comfortable at all, in fact he's bluddy awful... T'Would be a wonderful time for the Little Ratbag to depart the scene actuooooly, but then anytime would...





We Now Have The Family Moving In On NSW Government

2005 August 4, Thursday, 08:35

When It's To Do With The Cops The CCTV's Seem To Have Internal Malfunctions

Ain't it funny how pictures slip away, like when it's a foreign looking suicide bomber the cameras work! But when it's to do with the cops the CCTV's seem to have internal malfunctions, pretty much like what happens when the hard drives pass through a magnetic field, or a hammer falls on them, or a screwdriver somehow intrudes into their inner workings... And then there's no pictures, and only happens in those rare instances when the police are doing a pursuit and the fugitive's car runs over a girl and speeds off, that's when these cameras just don't come up with the images, so god sticks his big finger into the works, that's probably what happened, but then why did god allow crooks to be born and live and breed?

We Now Have The Family Moving In On NSW Government

Speaking of crooks, we now have the Family moving in on NSW Government, the big push is shoving the old guard out, and the Mafia moves on in, representing the Real Estate Developers the new Premier Pizza wipes out the developers tax the same day, couldn't be any quicker and then the rest of the Government have to realise the Do it or Die types from the immigration system are moving into NSW Government House... They wont be alone, they have the Lebanese Godfather and already the Italian Stallion... Watch out for horses heads in the bed... Wasn't it better with the Convicts and the Warders, the Irish and the English, the Tykes and everyone else, I prefer the Callithumpians by miles, daylight second...





I Hear This Cognitive Scientist Guy Claxton Waxing Lyrical About The SubConscious Brain

2005 August 2, Tuesday, 11:40

It All Started With PodCasting Where I Entered The New World Of Information That You Seek

One and another very pleasant experiences, the good feelings of having a revelation and knowing it fits in and satisfies the senses of knowing something is right, at least feels right, but really is right, cause it has a jigsaw piece slipping into place, that's how evolution built brains with knowledge I reckon... It all started with PodCasting where I entered the new world of information that you seek, and that which can be absorbed in your own time and space...

I Subscribed To Our ABC's PodCasting And One Of The Feeds Is It's All In The Mind

So I subscribed to Our ABC's Podcasting and one of the feeds is It's All In The Mind, and I heard some great stuff on Old-timers and Brain Scanning used as a lie detector for truth, and how invasive it's all getting, and then they scanned orgasms and revealed some unknowns, well perhaps, but it's going down that road...

I Hear This Cognitive Scientist Guy Claxton Waxing Lyrical About The SubConscious Brain

And then I hear this Cognitive Scientist Guy Claxton waxing lyrical about the subconscious brain...

An intimate history of the unconscious

Our minds are wayward beasts... Many of the quirks of our conscious experience go unexplained... Could our conscious mind be but the tip of an iceberg, underpinned by the seething underbelly of the unconscious? Freud famously thought so... The ancients appealed to gods, the gremlins and the underworld to explain our strange ways... Cognitive scientist Guy Claxton has unearthed the unconscious throughout history... Despite the exciting triumphs of neuroscience, he argues that mystical metaphors of the hidden mind still have their place...


We Don't Have Roots Into The Earth, We Are Unattached, There Are No Antennae

So I dropped into the imaginative mode too, and I put some things together, like I had realised once how alone we are as Planet Earth, which was so special and so far away from any contact with other living consciousness of the Universe, so the fate of all of us is to be ended with life on earth's fate in some cosmic catastrophe, and then you also have to realise how alone we are as a living single individual entity, we don't have roots into the earth, we are unattached, there are no antennae to pick up external conscious thoughts, there are no gods, we need the air and the water and the food, and I guess we need understanding of how to live in a society, but we are significantly unattached to anything but our genetic history, and once you're dead you're dead completely, lest you had kids living on with your donation of your living DNA...

The Brain With Sight, Hearing, And Feelings And A Consciousness To Tie Them Together

The evolution of our typical animal life included the creation of the awareness of exterior events and how the animals gradually developed senses to decipher what it all was... Like sound vibrations gave birth to the hearing and ears, and light photons excited nerves and resulted in sight and eyes and the brain developed an insight screen to consciously observe and respond to what was seen and heard, like an interior screen and sound lounge, so from this globulus molecular mass of tiny cells developed the brain with sight, hearing, and feelings and a consciousness to tie them together in order to live successfully... You notice when people look at you in conversation but then their eyes look away at nothing while they use their internal sight screen to bring up visual memories, it's amazing... But from where? Aha, the subconscious has it all, there must be a fantastic memory storage and recall system, but what else?

So Easy To Dream Up Satisfactory Explanations And Deify Things

So now the brain was supplied with choices to make of how to deal with information, thoughts had to comprehend all this incoming information, and had to account for it logically, and sensibly, and dependably, and safely, in order to replicate offspring with similar capabilities and survive... So eventually with Man we know the questions were being asked, Who, What, Why, How, When, and answers that satisfied were adopted, so when an idea sprang to mind it could be explained in many ways, they dreamed up explanations to suit, like a dead ancestor had entered your head, or some spirit of nature had spoken, or some god from outside your experience had invaded your mind, it was so easy to dream up satisfactory explanations and deify things... And with young human brains, these explanations are stored on nerve connections and can stay and be reinforced with repetition... So an education is the primary method of wiring up a brain, the language goes in, the morals go in, the religion goes in, and that's where the problems start... Nowadays it's the media that wires up the young brains, and it does a terrifying job...




DillSong, Sings Like A Scam

2005 August 1, Monday, 20:05

DillSong, Sings Like A Scam

DillSong has assets of $100m and has annual turnover of $50m... Not for profit, and no income tax, acts as a corporate entity... Nice... 300 staff, colleges, music sales, private enterprise, collections and Gov grants with tax breaks... Some people get upset, oh really, wife's composing royalties filling up the bank after 50 million sales on a worldwide scale, Darlene, helping themselves to other peoples money... Material wealth is so good, you can do so much, it's mana from heaven, and all he's got to show for it is a Harley Davidson and a Mickey Mouse watch, and he can sell you the road up to Baulkham Hills... DillSong sings like a scam...

They Haven't Put Returns In, And The Office Of Fair Trading Is Looking At Them

His motor bike and watch are his gods gifts, Hmmmm, they're so rich, worked so hard, miraculously blessed, not sorry to be rich, teaches others to be rich, You too can be rich, it's god swill... Good wages though, own their own book sales, and speaking fees, and song writing royalties, and they haven't put returns in, and the office of fair trading is looking at them, and how come you can accumulate $100 million with all those poor people going broke???





So With Globalisation And Global Climate Change, The Future Is In The Perhaps Basket

2005 August 1, Monday, 19:23

So With Globalisation And Global Climate Change, The Future Is In The Perhaps Basket

And last week we hear that George Dubya-Dubya-III decides that yes climate change is the result of humanising the planet, and straight away the Little Deputy Dog agreed, it's like they have a join at the base of the skull, probably more like at the base of the spine where their mouths are... So with Globalisation and Global Climate Change, and the future is in the perhaps basket, and these clowns have deliberately held back on doing anything wise in order to placate their fossil fuel burning sponsors, the donations for which nothing is to be done, the donations done because Ummmm, well because Ummmm, they're our friends? They're nice? We're stupid? Why do we give those Neo-Cons so much money? It escapes me? Anyway, no comment, just fill up the tank...




The World Has Been Denied The United Nations To Deal With Problems

2005 August 1, Monday, 14:47

The World Has Been Denied The United Nations To Deal With Problems

One of the observations one can make these days, one can, if you was posh, or what I reckon is, that the world has been denied the United Nations to deal with problems, to discuss and vote and make policies for the benefit of all of us, wasn't that the idea of it? To talk about the problems and make collective plans to deal with them, instead of that, we have idiots elected like Bush to cock things up all over the place... And Bush has stuck this Famous Bully Diplomat of his choosing into the UN to stuff them up even more, so the sabotage of the UN by the USA is a deadset crime, I just hope there is something dreadful to come for Bush and his Admin people, they are the evil... If only their god did exist to take them out in their own cruel ways... They had so many painful religious deaths through history surely their god could apply them serially, it would be a marvellous miracle, hopefully seen on Fox et al...

Look Where The Right Wing Has Taken Us, Back To The Brink

The United Nations should have a scoreboard showing who has occupation forces in other people's countries, and who has freedom, and who has unions, and who has the happiest lifestyles, and who has freedom of speech, and so they could keep score based on independent observations rather than lissening to idiots like George Dubya-Dubya-III  give his crazy spin on things, the world is so corrupt now, just one generation away from WW II and lessons learned and look where the right wing has taken us, back to the brink... It would be so much more acceptable to have UN Blue Beret troops to use force on regimes of terror than to have these USA Xtian Crusades repeating their Indian War style takeover attacks on other people's countries, the USA ought to be shunned and no one should buy anything off them, they're just too corrupt and to make it worse they dress it up in self-righteousness and use demonising to censor their perceived enemies, and then bitch when the war comes to their towns, and the towns of their suck hole allies...





The Essence Of The Difference Between The Right And The Left

2005 August 1, Monday, 10:47

The Essence Of The Difference Between The Right And The Left

The Telstra dispute has within it the essence of the difference between the right and the left, the right reckons bugger the rest, while the left thinks you should try to be fairer and share the benefits around and the share of the burdens, but the right just thinks of itself, and if they privatise and sell Telstra, then the right wing will have control of it and wont give a stuff about anyone else but themselves, saying everyone else can go to hell, we're alright jack... That's the trouble with them being in government... So the Country Party national sheep people have to look them in the eye and tell the right wing that they can't be trusted with money, and would never look after them, and have to face up to the fact that the right wing just want Telstra for themselves to rip off the rest of the country by hardly having to do anything, just put up charges for a few electrons running along their wires, fancy letting them get their hands on the Golden Goose, it's a crime... Telstra is Public Infrastructure and should be owned and operated at cost by the democratic Government of the people...