Monday, August 22, 2005

Good To Hear John Ralston Saul, Like A Seer In The Night

2005 August 19, Friday, 20:28

Good To Hear John Ralston Saul, Like A Seer In The Night

Was so good to hear John Ralston Saul the other night and some snippets since, he's like someone holding a clear view up of all the crap going on, he has a way of speaking clearly, with clarity, and shows you all those images of things that you see as well, so he's like a window washer for me, cause what he sees I see, and I think a lot of sane people would have to see as well, it's a curse to be blessed with sanity, it's such a loathsome toll on you, you can't just let things go thru to the keeper, you have to play every bluddy ball, what a bog it is... Anyway, he came, he showed us, and is probably gone, like a seer in the night...

The Popeyed Ideas Of Competition For Money

I loved the way John Ralston Saul brought all the Neo-Con irrational crap into the argument, he was saying as how Globalism was already self-destructing, having awoken the sleeping giants of hatred in the human race, listing nationalism, and racism along with all it's adherents, and then brought in the gods being adopted all over as well, so all the Globalised bits of the world are suffering from exporting their jobs and importing cheap unhappiness, it seems there are other things involved in good government rather than the popeyed ideas of competition for money...

The Snake Swallowing Up It’s Own Tail

So, that's it, the message is that human jealousies and hatreds and racism have already been whipped up by the competition of Globalisation, that the Globalised World has descended into primitive nationalistic ghettos and religious idiocy, so much for the United Nations style ideas of protecting, and sharing, and the playing fields devoid of large capitalist corps swallowing all the competition up, and using the most repressive worker regimes, and I spose, wiping out a lot of their own consumers, it's like the snake swallowing up it’s own tail... When's the last time we've stood up against Monopoly and Oligopoly and stood up for Public Services??? When will we vote for a Government who will look after us rather than the US...

Public Services And Private Products, It's Really Relaxed And Comfortable For Your Kids Too

And John Ralston Saul's good on that image about the big corporate board people being just risk free self padding bureaucrats who specialise in reducing competition, they buy off all the competitors, it's a farce... And then they start coming up with all these rules for their own jungle, regulate this and that and put aside a fund cause the big corps wont do what you want... What a wank of a system, it should have stayed where the Public owned and operated the Public Services, the infrastructure and things you can toll, and restrict capitalism to producing products, the bells and whistles, they can compete themselves to death manufacturing, and never let to corner the market... That’s all you need, Public Services and Private Products, it's a winner, it's really relaxed and comfortable for your kids too...



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