Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Student Compulsory Union Fees

2005 August 22, Monday, 10:58

Look At This Flap Over Student Compulsory Union Fees For University Campus Facilities

Going halfway doesn't work well in situations like sex and love I spose cause half way wouldn't be enough... But look at this flap over student compulsory union fees for university campus facilities, that fight goes back in history and should have been a battle the unions never lost, universal unionism would have been so much better than individual contract rip-offs, but it still lingers on in the best traditions for uni students, and the fervour is still there to keep it...

To Deny All The Benefits That Paying Union Fees Provides

But why can't the idiot Neo Con Gov let it lie? Why wade back thru the muck to deny all the benefits that paying union fees provides, it gives you an extra strength, a vote and the power of collective action, that's the ideological problem the Neo-cons have, they want the world to be where the rich pay the poor as little as possible, they want to reduce wages to the lowest common denominator like Asian wages paid to the un-unionised, the lowest anyway, they call it world's best practice, and smirk all the way to their privatised rip-off banks...




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