Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Still Keep An Eye On Any Stupid, Overpaid, Waste Of Money, Sporting Events

Even while lissening in to live music in a pub, you can still keep an eye on any stupid, overpaid, waste of money, Sporting Events, like Twenty20 Cricket on the wide screen, which is like compressed for attention spans, and timing more for the TV genre to push it into the Globalised Marketplace... What a huge failure that is for everyone else but owners and the skilled class, some study says it's the Skilled Class that is thriving under the Globalised World but no one else is needed, cept for being customers, and for that they need jobs... Anyway unemployment is actually huge for unskilled jobs while Skilled Jobs are not being filled, I heard where Trained Nurses were mostly working for Real Estate Agents, or fled overseas...

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