Thursday, February 10, 2005

They Really Aren't Nice And Forgiving And Sharing People At All, They Are Exclusive And Be One Or Be Damned

Then these born agains start skiting about how they are changing the map of the world as well, they have all their undermining influences spreading like weeds all down through Central America into South America, and they showed this empty Catholic Church bewailing the loss of donors, while these charismatic promisers get full congregations to be brain washed on wishy washy dos and don'ts... As well they have these red necked preachers who blame everything on the excluded like one twit says: Gay? You ain't Gay, youse a sodomite... So they really aren't nice and forgiving and sharing people at all, they are exclusive and Be One Or Be Damned and if you want a job then you better be one of us, or else... Charming...

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