Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Full Of Dictators

Seems the Iraqi parliament is full of dictators... There seems such primitive peoples running the world, like in Iraq now there's the first parliament being set up and the wheeling and dealing, like they will for that dumb Pope job too soon... And in Africa you see these primitive leaders shooting their mouths off from the barrel of a gun, makes you wistful and nostalgic for the old Australian Parliaments before they got regimented and corrupted by that invidious power...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Profit Driven Religious Businesses

Non-Taxpaying Profit Driven Religious Businesses Run Private Schools, Private Hospitals And Private Employment Agencies

So the Big Non-Taxpaying Profit Driven Religious Businesses run extortionist Private Schools and extortionist Private Hospitals and then those disreputable private employment agencies to discriminate against the un-xtians, it's diabolical, particularly when we could have had Public Services providing all the services at cost, no profits at all... What a horrible feeling that the religious sector is ripping us off, their paedophilic hands in our pockets, yuck... Must be where they get all the money to pay those creepy barristers to defend the sex molesters they keep in protection... Beats me why anyone would put their kids into that cesspit of religious rape and carnal knowledge, and then not to be told how much they get subsidised by taxpayers... Hoodwinked, that's the costello word for the day btw...

Where's The Money Going To? Secretly?

Where's The Money Going To? Secretly?

Suck Ray Blue, Sacre Bleu, ohmigottinhimmel, would you believe it? Seems an Investigative Reporter (redundantinmonopolis) from the BRW, of all places has come up with a hit list of the big non-taxpaying, secretive, unreportable religious businesses and charities... Seems there's an estimated 80 billion unreported big religious business sector who don't pay tax, and also pick up Government grants running some 10% of the Aussie economy... Where's Malcolm Turnbull, he could make mince meat of them... And we don't know anything, we are kept in the dark ages, we don't know what the salary packages are, whether the admin costs go to 90 cents in the dollar or not, charities? Fringe Benefits taxes? Where's the money going to? Secretly as well, non-transparently behind the church walls? What do they do, they collect money, pay no tax and don't have to report on what happens to it, nice business for a snow business, when the whole thing is built on lies from the very start... And who's on top? The Tykes... The Catholics look down on the Anglicans who only come in at 24th as the big spenders... Buddy can you spare a dime...



We Are Having A Pollution Winter Coinciding With A Greenhouse Summer Meltdown

We Are Having A Pollution Winter Coinciding With A Greenhouse Summer Meltdown

The latest news on the Armageddon out of here is a newly discovered Dimming Factor, where the pollution haze has a dramatic effect on the evaporation rate where these sooty clouds sweep around the world, so these dirty clouds soak up a lot of smaller droplets and reflect back sunlight before it reaches the water surface, they reckon it's photons which knock off water molecules into the air as evaporation, so these clouds become reflective and reduce rainfall and temperatures of the surface, so the greenhouse effects we've been measuring are being countered by this Dimming effect, and so we aren't getting the full greenhouse melting... One of the effects was measured after the World Trade Towers collapsed and planes stopped flying for about three days or so, the lack of plane trails over the USA shading out the sunlight allowed the greenhouse effect to raise the temperature dramatically during that window, so there's a new frightening factor to take into account, the more we clean the air the more the planet heats up, what wank, we are having a pollution winter coinciding with a greenhouse summer meltdown...



The Short Poppy Syndrome

The Short Poppy Syndrome

What we're suffering from is the short poppy syndrome, where all these small brained little people are prancing about in the Little Neo-Conservatives Circus and there just isn't any real criticisms, that tall poppy syndrome as Michael McKernan says just doesn't really exist, seems most Australians are glass eyed Messiah seeking star gazers and just grovel about being trampled on, they're a weird mob, sheepish and dumb downed, they even voted for the Queen in the Republican Referendum, absolute grovellers they are, although Queen Mary will be up there with Queen Camilla soon...



That Poor Bugger Daniel Has Found Out That Thankfully He's Not The Bastard Son

That Poor Bugger Daniel Has Found Out That Thankfully He's Not The Bastard Son

Thank christ that bastard isn't his father, that poor bugger Daniel has found out that thankfully he's not the bastard son given up by that cruel creep who's running the Health Services into the ground, fancy finding out that paternity as expressed as a probability says the mother must've been having affairs with at least someone else, and so there's opinion that 10% of kids don't really know who their father is, the testing DNA racket is extremely popular, $600 a pop, and there's this dirty water where men have been pinged for paternity payments on someone else's kids, and then there's these weepy media people feeling sorry for that Abbot creep, where are they coming from, there's this dream world they live in, I have never felt so lacking in respect for the Aussie media being like it is now...



Sunday, March 20, 2005

Both Major Political Parties In Australia Have These Diabolical Criticisms Where Do You Turn?

Both Major Political Parties In Australia Have These Diabolical Criticisms Where Do You Turn?

Another diabolical item was reading an expose of the internal Labor Party how the factions are not divided on issues anymore but on personality cults, family dynasties and jobs for the boys and grrrls, and how the leadership contenders wander about blind eyed to it all... That's diabolical ain't it? And then another disposition on the tragic activities of the So-Called Liberal Party how blinded by Neo-Conservative plans to take over the world and kill off everything they have on their hate lists like unions and young mothers and students and the helpless, what a bitchy pack they are... So when both major political parties in Australia have these diabolical criticisms where do you turn? To the Greenies of course...



Anti-Wind-Farm People

Anti-Wind-Farm People

What is it with these anti-wind-farm people? Short-sightedness would be a good solution... Those lovely, clean, aerodynamic, smart, well-engineered wind turbines are to be welcomed, and a saviour to the planet are something to revere, and they whinge about them, there's an almighty scream from the neighbours, where these land grubbers live on cleared and degraded land, denuded of plants and animals, part of the very cause of our weather problems and then have the hide to complain it spoils their view, well sympathy-wise they get none...




Smuggling A Harmless Drug Into Indonesia!!! Duh?

Smuggling A Harmless Drug Into Indonesia!!! Duh?

And there's another strange neglect of that girl, Schapelle Corby, on trial for smuggling a harmless drug Into Indonesia!!! Duh? Into Indonesia, why would you smuggle a big bag of grass into Indonesia, when there's a story about shipping drugs about by baggage handlers within Australia, who slipped that big bag of dope into the girl's boogie board bag by mistake and it went onto Bali instead of Brisbane, meanwhile the Aussie Feds wont act on it... Some sort of Police Protection of some racket, demarcation or something? While the girl gets executed, and she's an Aussie girl and should be protected by the Government, but they wash their hands of these Aussies in difficulties, just like Guantanomo Bay, what a pack of shirkers they are...



Those Who Can Afford To Avoid Get Away With Billions And Leave The Needy In The Lurch

Those Who Can Afford To Avoid Get Away With Billions And Leave The Needy In The Lurch

And then there's a Ginger Group, the absurd right who want to wipe out taxes, reduce government, go primitive back to pre-history somewhere, lead by that nasty pompous little pimple of a person Sophie Preposterous or something, she is the epitome of why Australia should never of had an immigration program... The Ginger group has been sprouting absurd ideas about tax cuts, while Malcolm Turnbull pulled the rabbit out of the hat with his bid to excise tax avoidance before handing the savings on to the needy, he has a point, how those who can afford to avoid get away with billions and leave the needy in the lurch, like there's so many anomalies on the low end, where a few dollars earned means losing more of your income, but Malcolm should be able to articulate it once he becomes Prime Minister, the sooner the better...




Ruining Years Of The Rule Of Law

Ruining Years Of The Rule Of Law

It's diabolical what's going on all over the world, we have the diabolical USA off it's brain completely, the Iraq thing is a complete bollocks of an idea, there's a whole right wing swing to the Neo Cons that is ruining years of the Rule of Law, they just chuck out the baby with the bathwater every other day... And they continue on unchallenged cause the media has been gelded, there was a show called OutFoxed which reveals the censorship prevailing, it's diabolical, and done from the Corporate boardrooms, whereas in Russia it's back to State censorship and denial and murder, seems that without a real enemy to be wary of, these constructed shadows like Terrorism are an excuse to wipe away civil liberties, human rights, and the legal traditions built up over centuries, to open slather authoritarianism... it's diabolically disgusting, and even to have the hide to attack the student unions in the universities, what a joke the Little Bigoted Twit's ideas are...



Universities Have Traditionally Kept The Compulsory Union Fee In Place

Universities Have Traditionally Kept The Compulsory Union Fee In Place

Gees they make ya sick, this ideological hatred of anything to assist the little people, the workers, the hopeless, and now the students, the Neo Cons want to deny them the advantages of unionism, the Universities have traditionally kept the compulsory union fee in place and allowed the student unions to gain some political experience and provide services for students right across the board... But these dunderheaded Neo Cons in the Australian Government want to ban the compulsory factor, I reckon compulsory unionism and compulsory voting are prime necessities in combating the Neo Con takeover and the drudgery they insist on... I just hope there's a backlash for them... And it's their way of shutting the students up politically, it's another freedom going into oblivion with the roll back of democracy...

Where's The Choice? What A Load Of Crap

This compulsory thing suits them when it comes to levying taxes like council rates and the like, and GST on every bluddy thing rather than differentiating on necessities and luxuries, and they make sure no one can join their Unions like the Doctors and Lawyers and Professional Associations where it's all compulsory but when it comes to the little people, oh no, where's the choice? What a load of crap... That Minister of Education is such a little turncoat as well, he crawled up in the world with all the assistance once granted to the young and now stabs them in the back, he's a goner with the public... He'll never make the shortlist for going anywhere else cept down...




Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Malcolm Turnbull Pulls On The Jersey And Comes Up With Some Other Ideas?

Malcolm Turnbull Pulls On The Jersey And Comes Up With Some Other Ideas?

Enter stage left, and Malcolm Turnbull pulls on the jersey and comes up with some other ideas, from his leadership team? A new challenger with a small exposition about tax has made the Treasurer look like a slinky little doggy with that silly smirking moosh, he's a bit of a floppy Labrador I reckon... And so the graceful Malcolm Turnbull, the twinkle eyed trillionaire, and those good looks, sweeps in dramatically to pull the rug out from under the baton pass to poor silly Peter-Peter, who was bleating on about his Words For The Day again I think, I never lissen anymore, and that's only when he's not doing vaudeville, god he's so funny, that was a beaut about Elizabeth Taylor, I loved how dismissive arrogant and insulting it was... But Malcolm has the goods, just waltzes in and says something good and just about tax avoiders being made to pay up and close down those trusts, and half the party spewed I bet, but will know where the electorate will go choosing any other leader, so Malcolm it will be I reckon... It's a little on the way Paul Keating took the Labor side in a different direction, so will Malcolm I think, we could do worse... And the first thing Labor said was that Malcolm was right...



All The USA Has To Do To Stop The War On Terrorism

All The USA Has To Do To Stop The War On Terrorism

 All the USA has to do to stop the war on Terrorism is to ignore the hate in the shadows, set a good example, pull their troops out, help poor countries rather rip every bluddy thing off, and make some decent movies and TV shows with some intelligent moral values, and put an effort into cleaning up the pollution problems and invest in science and technology to get off the fossil fuel addiction and wake up to themselves and stop giving awards to the Terminator and make good clean ideas pay off, which means getting rid of all those interest groups off the gravy train... America has poisoned itself from the inside with Fundamentalists and Corporation Corruption, and needs Scientists and Facts and Truth back from the bleachers... Centrestage, I want the Greenies of the Year Awards Night...



Just Look At The USA Administration And You See The White Taliban

Just Look At The USA Administration And You See The White Taliban

I think it's wrong to be like America now, they're idiots, they used to represent something good, made people envious and they set a good example once, but now they're crazy with religion and they've been attacked from the inside with these childishly primitive ideas from fundamentalist xtians, there's a bandwaggon in America where big money and influence is riding on these Fundamentalist Preachers who have some really scary strategies to impose on the whole world, like they have big ideas about a Christian style crusade to take over the world and to be rid of the non-conformists, they're on a conversion crusade to wipe out Islam and they call it Bringing Democracy and lie their stupid heads off, just look at the USA administration and you see the White Taliban, Black and White for that matter, they always have a lot of symbolism garbage to push about...



Monday, March 14, 2005

The Education System Should Be A Storehouse Of How To Do Everything For Ourselves

The Education System Should Be A Storehouse Of How To Do Everything For Ourselves

So when you need a plumber a mechanic a carpenter a tradesman, or want to run a metals industry say, and need electricians and engineers and accountants, these Neo Cons get someone cheap from overseas? Never for their own jobs though,  that comes when the takeover bids come in and they buy off... All the skilled jobs should be kept here in Australia for Australians and have all the education and skills training kept alive and be able to be picked up when the need arises, the education system should be a storehouse of how to do everything for ourselves, and the teachers always there for the next generations...



We Had It Made Here Before This Crazy Globalisation And Competition And Survival Of The Fittest Crap

We Had It Made Here Before This Crazy Globalisation And Competition And Survival Of The Fittest Crap

I hear Big Kim is doing the Electoral Walk to lissen to the people, well I want him to Protect Us From The Rest Of The World, I don't wanna have to compete with the Rest Of The Bluddy World, I just like it here in Australia where we can look after ourselves, why do we have to lower ourselves to be like the rest of the world, we had it made here before this crazy globalisation and competition and survival of the fittest crap was being tossed about...



Create More Of The Hopeless Families With Cheap Imports And Job Exports, It's Abysmal Really

Create More Of The Hopeless Families With Cheap Imports And Job Exports, It's Abysmal Really

And they found three groups of men, they want babies and have them and lose interest, they have babies and nothing changes for them and their jobs, or they just don't want kids and have them and become neglectful, the rogue dads, so what a bugger it's all turned out with this type of Neo Con Govt, they don't give a bugger cept for bottom lines, claim they wont let tax money be wasted on the dysfunctional, and create more of the hopeless families with cheap imports and job exports, it's abysmal really, there's a huge part of society that's gone dipsy, and their kids are brought up on FoxTV and haven't got a clue, wouldn't know what a union was or how to vote, and just drop further out... Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing...



Talk-Back About A Women's Survey And Their Lack Of Kids, Husbands And Lifestyle Dreams

Talk-Back About A Women's Survey And Their Lack Of Kids, Husbands And Lifestyle Dreams

The other thing was last night, no sleep, drinking and eating don't mix, I know, so I heard this Talk-Back about a women's survey and their lack of kids, husbands and lifestyle dreams, so this survey had them blanking out and not wanting sex and stuff, sad really, they went to work for freedom and careers, and got jobs instead, and had to work, and long hours with tight schedules, and have this privatised child care horror to deal with, and don't like it, and are pressured, and the single ones don't want that life for themselves, and the men have dried up, the trades have been killed off, apprentices are antiquated, now they subsidise Hungry Jacks instead, which is no job for a man...


Almost As Diabolical As Stacking The High Court

We Had The ABC Board Stacked

Oh yes, almost as diabolical as stacking the High Court we had the ABC Board stacked with a couple of the worst political appointments ever, in the same genre as that Jonathon Shires twit, there's that complete prig David Flint going on as well as one of the complaining Neo-Con red-necks whose forever giving Conservatives the bad name they so definitely deserve, ummm, Janet Albrechtsen??? I'd never heard of her till all the attention was drawn, she's set up like a wardrobe malfunction at a football match now...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Waiting For The Conservative Majority To Rule

We're in one of those suspended wars waiting for the Conservative Majority to rule from July on, so lately the sport's been taking potshots at the Rotten Neo-Con Government of the Little Hanger On... The economic indicators are telling us so much, which can be taken a hundred ways, and there's a thousand interpretive economists predicting whatever their predilections prompt, interest rates go up so the banks get more interest? Duh?

Money Slides Out And Everything Manufactured Slides In... The Cargo Cult Is Still Ravenous

The Balance of trade is a sloping playing field where paper money slides out and everything manufactured slides in... The cargo cult is still ravenous, seems like the quiet before the storm somehow...

Every Other Label You Can Use To Put People Down

Another social unrest site erupts in the socially deprived, left out, ignored and Demonised Suburbs of the poor, sorry bludgers, ummm, dole bludgers, no, ummm, failures of the non-compliant, the ones who wont jump through hoops, no just every other label you can use to put people down, well they've been rioting for the news cameras to teach everyone else bad behaviour, even with disputable reasons... It's more like, Well whaddya expect???