Tuesday, March 15, 2005

All The USA Has To Do To Stop The War On Terrorism

All The USA Has To Do To Stop The War On Terrorism

 All the USA has to do to stop the war on Terrorism is to ignore the hate in the shadows, set a good example, pull their troops out, help poor countries rather rip every bluddy thing off, and make some decent movies and TV shows with some intelligent moral values, and put an effort into cleaning up the pollution problems and invest in science and technology to get off the fossil fuel addiction and wake up to themselves and stop giving awards to the Terminator and make good clean ideas pay off, which means getting rid of all those interest groups off the gravy train... America has poisoned itself from the inside with Fundamentalists and Corporation Corruption, and needs Scientists and Facts and Truth back from the bleachers... Centrestage, I want the Greenies of the Year Awards Night...



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