Sunday, March 20, 2005

Those Who Can Afford To Avoid Get Away With Billions And Leave The Needy In The Lurch

Those Who Can Afford To Avoid Get Away With Billions And Leave The Needy In The Lurch

And then there's a Ginger Group, the absurd right who want to wipe out taxes, reduce government, go primitive back to pre-history somewhere, lead by that nasty pompous little pimple of a person Sophie Preposterous or something, she is the epitome of why Australia should never of had an immigration program... The Ginger group has been sprouting absurd ideas about tax cuts, while Malcolm Turnbull pulled the rabbit out of the hat with his bid to excise tax avoidance before handing the savings on to the needy, he has a point, how those who can afford to avoid get away with billions and leave the needy in the lurch, like there's so many anomalies on the low end, where a few dollars earned means losing more of your income, but Malcolm should be able to articulate it once he becomes Prime Minister, the sooner the better...




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