Sunday, March 20, 2005

Ruining Years Of The Rule Of Law

Ruining Years Of The Rule Of Law

It's diabolical what's going on all over the world, we have the diabolical USA off it's brain completely, the Iraq thing is a complete bollocks of an idea, there's a whole right wing swing to the Neo Cons that is ruining years of the Rule of Law, they just chuck out the baby with the bathwater every other day... And they continue on unchallenged cause the media has been gelded, there was a show called OutFoxed which reveals the censorship prevailing, it's diabolical, and done from the Corporate boardrooms, whereas in Russia it's back to State censorship and denial and murder, seems that without a real enemy to be wary of, these constructed shadows like Terrorism are an excuse to wipe away civil liberties, human rights, and the legal traditions built up over centuries, to open slather authoritarianism... it's diabolically disgusting, and even to have the hide to attack the student unions in the universities, what a joke the Little Bigoted Twit's ideas are...



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