Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Well Bring Back The Callithumpians Is What I Say...

2005 July 26, Tuesday, 10:11

Living In Cotton Wool With Picket Fences Until They Introduced Immigration And Multiculturalism

It's so disgusting the way things are going in Australia, there's racial war developing, well not racial, more cultural, the clash of cultures, where we've got that damned religion Islam, with no voting and no democracy, and ridiculous old rules, with a strict disciplinarian approach, up against the stupidity of Xtianity with all it's crap, and the public have been poisoned with the media of Murdock and the mob mayhem whipped up on talk back radio by redneck jocks, so there's this list developing of things from history, burn their books, close their mosques, deport their troublemakers, treat them like second class citizens and renege on their citizenships, and a whole swag of other hatreds written in blood though the ages, and now here it is in Australia, where once we were White Australia, and then egalitarian after the xtian Catholic and Protestant wars died down, and then living in cotton wool with picket fences until they introduced immigration and multiculturalism, well it's a complete failure...

Trying To Rescue The Cultural Clash Situation In Canberra

Had the Chief Minister, John Stanhope, one of the last decent people of politics out there today trying to rescue the Cultural Clash situation in Canberra, he was taking the part of the Moslems who were feeling the persecution and hatred from ordinary Australians, the average Aussies who kick back on hearing and seeing the intolerance of human nature turned towards demonising another culture, it's always been there through history, eventually, even after some of the those rosy moments we had with Multi Culturalism, once the Neo-cons got in wanting globalisation and competition and market forces and capitalism gone mad, the cutbacks of freedoms the demonising of cultures to get their resources, the phoney wars on drugs and regimes and fundamentalists, till now we're reduced to the levels of social unrest we couldn't dream of before it all started...

The True Evil Comes Via Rupert... The Demon Is The Demoniser...

The demonising of the leaders of the Globalisation Resistance too is just hot air, we've had some Moslem speakers saying Osama et al are fighting against the West's globalising occupation of the Arab lands, and so some of the Moslem supporters see him as the jesus christ figure same as the xtians had, there's the same parallel history of fighting their suppressors, cept Osama turns over buildings not just money tables, anyway the Little Liar goes about demonising everyone who explains Osama's motives, preferring to say he uses violence against the West in the war, while all the COW does is use Armies, Navies, Air Forces and combat troops in their streets, where they've ticked off thousands of deaths which don't count... It's such a huge hypocrisy, the simple facts are that US led gunmen are terrorising and occupying Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine and every other trouble spot where there's oil involved, whilst ignoring genocides and brutal slave trade regimes, like Burma and Zimbabwe, so the whole world war at the moment is the most unfair trumped up set of hypocrisies that could be imagined, and it’s all blandishment from the Murdock Press, who just heaped sickening praises on the COW and rules the world's thoughts with his undemocratic powers, I think the true evil comes via Rupert... The demon is the demoniser...

An Excuse To Wipe Away Democratic Rights, Rules And Conventions

As well, the trumped up wars are used as an excuse to wipe away democratic rights, rules and conventions going back to the kings and popes of Europe, civil rights are disappearing, and the religious police are to be peering into peoples bags!!! What is going on??? We have a Neo-Taliban regime put into place in our own cities...

Globalisation, Going About Conquering And Stealing And Plundering

Seems to me we have something historic behind it all, it's empire building, you see it in all humanity, some little king wants to enhance his own image by accumulating adherents, by persuasion of thought, by threat, by manipulation, and the little kings use anything they can, so it is with globalisation, the same empire building, taking on self righteousness and going about conquering and stealing and plundering, globalisation is just another word for the same old thing, and now America has swallowed the poisonous pill, putting itself forward as a saviour for all these countries they want to take over and rule and rip off, that's what is really happening, and they dress it up in all sorts of garbage ideas like being xtian, well Xtianity is the very last thing to do any good anywhere, it's just the invisible clothes of the cruel king...

His Particularly Peculiar Moslem Cult's Version Of Cultural Change He Wants To Bring To Australia

Another spectacle recently is this young arab bloke they have on NeinMSN as apologist for the retaliation attacks, but then launches off into his particularly peculiar Moslem Cult's version of Cultural Change he wants to bring to Australia, like male domination, church domination and some crap called sharia law or something ridiculous, as if to live out of some age old fundamentalist raves would be a good way to go for Australia... Well if he can make me boil, I can imagine what that fundie Moslem talk does for the rest of Scratch The Surface Racist Australia... And he doesn't like bikinis and music and dancing, Duh!!! Shouldn't they be questions on the citizenship application???

To Be A Whistle Blower Means You Suicide Bomb Your Own Career

No wonder there's a flare up of intolerance and hatred, those sort of ideas just wont wash in Australia, at least what Australia was when it was a proper democracy with proper distances between dumb religion and the Government and the Public Services and the Law and the Police, not this glob of job survival based on political supports or shutting up or turning your back... There are still some decent men coming out of the woodwork despairing at how the politics has permeated down the governing structures till you are only allowed to say what they want you to say, that's an English thing, we never had it when things were good, but now it’s the vogue again... So to be a whistle blower means you suicide bomb your own career...

Well Bring Back The Callithumpians Is What I Say...

Once there was the question on your job application which asked Religion? And you'd find segregation within an organisation based on religion, a Catholic Receiving Dock, a Protestant Accounts department, and people learned to keep their religious traps shut, and the Callithumpians became the religion of preference, until that religious question disappeared sometime? But now it's back, you can bet that ID Card thingo will have all the little boxes ticked for which you can be discriminated against, and religion will be the killer... Well Bring back the Callithumpians is what I say...


A Moslem Sect Spokesperson To Air His Views On The Way Things Should Be

2005 July 25, Monday, 02:08

Best Not Run To Catch A Train

Well, best not run to catch a train or you'll be: chased by three strangers, yelled at, tackled, held down, no questions asked, just shot five times in the head, nope seven times and once in the shoulder, more thorough, and was he on the train he wanted to catch? So it's all a bit suss... But comforting to know that the Little Plagiarist will copy all the madness legislation from the COW, the Coalition of the Willing cowards, and soon we'll have it here in Australia, if not so already anyway... It's all a big secret isn't it? The powers are being pumped up again so they have the sword of the King to wield it anywhere for whatever reason....

A Moslem Sect Spokesperson To Air His Views On The Way Things Should Be

I was absolutely disgusted to hear some excuse for a Moslem sect spokesperson to air his views on the way things should be, it was a spew from his religious dumb viewpoint, he wanted to do away with laws made by democratic men, to be replaced by laws written by flimsy gods using flimsy men to do it so-called prophets, and the flimsy words to be interpreted by people like him, and he wanted males only to be in control, and he wanted to remove freedoms, and he wanted his sects to be able to compete for land and living space, and when his religious law was running a country it meant everyone had to live under it regardless of their own wants and needs, and this Moslem clot was broadcast on the ABC Public Radio, like he was a complete imbecile and there was no argument, I spose the Creepy Cleary thought he was being manipulative again enough for this fundie dunderhead to sink his own ship, or ark, or whatever the case may be...

You Can't Have Moslems Living In Democracy, It's Like Having Communists Living In Capitalism

How they let these mental cases be heard on Public Radio is beyond me, I started off lissening in quiet calm and happy with life, and after hearing this Moslem idiot I felt like screaming... Well I did actually... Y'know one thing this Moslem Fundie said which struck home about their inbuilt revolutionary zeal, was something along the lines of You can't have Moslems living in Democracy, it's like having Communists living in Capitalism...




So The West Has To Get Out Of The East?

2005 July 23, Saturday, 17:36

So The West Has To Get Out Of The East?

Try as you might the news just stays abysmally bad, having this crop of Neo Con wankers running things is inevitably the pits, but the things they say to demonise their enemies are so rightly turned back in their own faces, it's them who are doing the violence with their armies in other people's lands, and it's bluddy obvious, and a bloke did a study of the motives of the so-called terrorists, and it's amazingly secular, and primarily the pith is the occupation of their lands, as it always was I spose... So the West has to get out of the East?

It Was From Asians That Americans Stole America

And lets get to calling the Red Indians in cowboy movies as Asians, it was from Asians that Americans stole America, so they'd best pull their heads in... Like we were wondering what the hell the USA has been doing in Asia, how come a Korean War? Why is it still on? The Vietnam War? Why have US Armies been occupying all these other countries? And now the USA is making big bang noises about North Korea and Taiwan, what's it to do with them? They've already stolen the entire American continent, when will they ever have enough?

A Quick Judge And Jury On The Flight Execution, And No Questions Asked

Now we get this Multiple Bullets In The Head Tactic to stop a suspect, while he's held down though, seems logical enough, a person with explosives strapped to them shouldn't be shot in the possible explosive, setting it off in the murderous process, nice and neat then, blow their brains out... Just a quick judge and jury on the flight execution, and no questions asked... Has some sort of resonance through history, seems the Little Squeak has announced that our laws of the last two centuries are no good for the twenty first century, so he's going back to the 17th century so we can have the revolution all over again, that's pre-Fifties Picket Fences by a long way...

Men And Jobs

The SMH carried an Adele Horin story on men and jobs, it's damning against the world of today ideals, the society is changing intro a very ugly scene and the future looks bleaker, with the resulting kids and their inherited attitudes as well... I read it and can see the longer term results, and can see the ugliness in human nature that the right wing idealism generates, there has never been a peaceful ending of right wing idealism, the left wing swings just fade away but right wing swings always end up in violence and a revolutionary change of direction... The only way to get rid of them is to suffer some god-awful collapse and then have a left wing save to pick up the pieces...

Men out of work - why families are falling apart

By Adele Horin
July 23, 2005

Australia's children are victims of the new economy that has turned increasing numbers of men into casual or part-time workers, a leading economist has warned.

Sue Richardson, professor of economics at Flinders University, said the nation's low unemployment rate hid a "disastrous" trend to semi-employment among many men, not seen since the 1930s.

Of the 1.5 million extra jobs created between 1992 and 2004, only 12 per cent were permanent full-time jobs taken by men. Another 24 per cent were described as full-time for men, but were actually contract, labour hire, or casual jobs without conditions such as annual leave or sick pay.

Professor Richardson said increased levels of casual work among men and a culture of long hours at work were big factors in the country's historically low fertility rate, low marriage rate and the rise in sole-parent families. They also undermined the well-being of children. "We need to change course to avoid a lot of despair and misery. The labour market is making it extremely difficult for men and women to choose to become parents."

Professor Richardson, co-editor of a forthcoming book, No Time To Lose: The Well-being of Children, made her warning in a speech to the Australian Social Policy Conference at the University of NSW yesterday.

At the beginning of the 1990s, about half the jobs held by men were permanent full-time positions. The change, she said, was a "disaster; it is not a successful labour market. It's bad for men, and it's bad for children. You can't keep a family on a part-time job."

Because increasing numbers of men lacked the security of full-time permanent jobs, they did not marry, and had no or few children. Those who did marry were prone to separation, partly because of the stress brought on by an insecure labour market. "The labour market has been extremely hostile to men, particularly men who don't have any post-school education," she said.

"Men who can't get a full-time or secure job are not attractive marriage prospects."

The proportion of men with full-time jobs had fallen dramatically since 1976, with single men faring worse than married men. Of men with low education levels, 20 per cent had no job at all.

Trends in work hours were also hostile to family life, Professor Richardson said. Many of the new jobs created required either fewer than 15 hours a week, or more than 50: "You can't be a good parent either in the low-hour or long-hour jobs - you've either got not enough money or not enough time."

Women had snared 60 per cent of the new jobs created since 1992, with 22 per cent of those full-time permanent positions.

"This can work for children if men are providing more of the caring," she said. "But while women have changed a lot, men have changed only a little. And the workplace … has become increasingly hostile to the needs of parents and children."

The Media Ownership Rules Are To Be Ripped Up

These stories very rarely get an airing in the private media, there is a real problem with the media not telling us what they should, it's because of the media ownership, and it's only going to get worse, they reckon Free To Air TV is going into decline and so the media ownership rules are to be ripped up and we'll have the Murdock's Fox poisoning our minds instead of Kerry... Gees what progress, thanks to the Little Neo-Con it'll be, I listen to god along with George and Tony and we all tell youse... Get used to it... Well I say Get Used To It Or Get Unionised...

Your Normal Religious Rat-Baggery Style Of Bluddy Religious Ignorance By Rejected Immigrants

2005 July 22, Friday, 11:49

Your Normal Religious Rat-Baggery Style Of Bluddy Religious Ignorance By Rejected Immigrants

The London Bombings II where the explosions fizzled, came on again in the middle of the bluddy cricket, just when the Little Wicked Wicket was visiting Tony B Liar, just like the Little Blithering Idiot was there when the Twin Towers concertinaed on the inmates, wonder why he ever gets invited anywhere... But this bombing was a fizzer, the same modus operandi though, three trains and a bus, and two weeks to the day, seems a different scheme to that of the Osama type of war, more like your normal religious rat-baggery style of bluddy religious ignorance by the rejected immigrants who are never tolerated, whereas Osama has a real Clash Of Civilisations justification in his dreams... I heard that Osama gives huge dissertations to his disciples which aren't translated for our ears by the Freedom Of The Press people we have looking after our ideas...


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Little Insurgent Has Been Frolicking About In The USA

2005 July 19, Tuesday, 18:05

The Little Insurgent Has Been Frolicking About In The USA

Talking of spewing and throwing up, the Little Insurgent has been frolicking about in the Mentally Ill USA, posing on church pews with George Dubya-Dubya-III and his CatWoman, and sniffing rear enders with the Bush's Bully Boys, like Bumsfield and that other wrestler Armbitrager, hmmm there at least two wrestlers? There was this chundering over one another with epithets of extensive truth warp, particularly Rupert who vomited out his glowing praise for the Little Toy Poodle saying as how Australia was lucky to have such a good well behaved doggie, who does what he's told, and licks up titbits from the hands of their fierce god, that feed him his demonising lines...

Don't Yell Ali Ali Barba When The Thing Goes Off In Your Face

2005 July 18, Monday, 14:39

Don't Yell Ali Ali Barba When The Thing Goes Off In Your Face

So the suicide bombers didn't mean it, what a wank, they were duped! Oho, so the jokes on them, Here take this bomb and set the timer, but it was a trick from god, their god had it better, Buy all day parking, get return tickets and take all your ID and wallets and don't yell Ali Ali Barba when the thing goes off in your face, oh dear... So their god telling them to do this reckoned it was best that they die, not talking about which particular god they were listening to, lest the cops caught up with them for setting up kids to kill, the Interpreters of gods, the priests, astrologers,  economists and Rupert's Journalists on Fox, the ones who lissen to god and then tell you, seems there's a bad link in the chain there, but the missing links have survived while the true believers get blown to bits, there that's the best sort of religion, just have faith... Next! That's a real Workplace Ailkilleida Agreement...





Some Cultures Don't Mix, Particularly The Colourful Religious Varieties

2005 July 17, Sunday, 11:14

Ostracised... Nice Day To Wake Up To...

More and more Dire warnings, credit is bursting the banks and others are moving in with Interest Free For 4 Years deals, and bundling all their debts into long term loans based on home mortgages, and the war is expanding again into Afghanistan, and then there's the globalisation of unemployment cept for un-unionised slave labour exporters, and mothers work to stay afloat, and the ethnic communities are  seething bed of hatreds for their children being ostracised... Nice day to wake up to...

Some Cultures Don't Mix, Particularly The Colourful Religious Varieties

So the Suicide Bombers were home grown multicultural experiments proving that some cultures don't mix, particularly the colourful religious varieties, so we are hearing the TV debates descending into history about How did we ever let these people in? How come we expected them to integrate and be like us? Instead they hate us and are becoming the urban terrorists within our midst...

Giving The Racist Warnings In Australia

Wasn't there prolific warnings way back when, like we had Ron Casey on the radio and a host of others giving the racist warnings in Australia and there was Conservative MP Enoch Powell who provoked old England with his anti-immigration 'Rivers of Blood' speech, and worst is, they were right, and on TV this morning it's all "What do we do now?" and talk of weeding out the extremists, but they keep growing, and asking the religious stirrers to stop stirring? And so forth, and how we can't send them back, and how it's inevitable anyway, and how globalisation means it will all spread quicker, well the horses have bolted alright...

Here We Were, An Isolated Island Far Away From It All

And then there's this talk of making them speak English! I think we've had that done already, there's the Irish, Welsh and every other Empire debacle through history... So they have to conduct their vilification speeches in English, so we can whisk them away to Guantanomo Bay! What a wonderful world we have created and here we were, an isolated island far away from it all, and this stupid conservative Government along with Right Wing Labor, have involved us in the bluddy religious wars far away, and as well have imported it into Australia, well thanks a lot...




Praying For Someone Appears To Have No Effect!!!

2005 July 16, Saturday, 20:25

Praying For Someone Appears To Have No Effect!!!
Duh! What A Surprise!

Praying for someone who is ill and preparing to undergo a risky medical procedure appears to have no effect on the patient's future health.

That is the finding of one of the largest scientific investigations of the power of prayer conducted to date. Scientists said the study, published yesterday in The Lancet, will undoubtedly renew debate over whether prayer has a measurable effect on illness and even whether it is a suitable subject of scientific inquiry.

Researchers at Duke University in North Carolina recruited nearly 750 people undergoing heart-related procedures. Religious groups of different denominations were randomly assigned to pray for the health of half the volunteers. The other half received no organised prayers.

Researchers found that the prayers, offered by representatives of Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist faiths, had no effect on whether patients experienced post-procedure complications such as heart attack, death or readmission to the hospital.

The researchers did find that another non-traditional intervention, MIT therapy, which involves playing music and administering therapeutic touch at the bedside, did have a slight beneficial health effect.

Volunteers who received MIT therapy had less emotional distress before their procedures and slightly lower mortality rates six months after admission.

Recent research on prayer has been highly controversial. Most studies have focused on intercessory prayer - petitions made directly on behalf of someone else - as opposed to patients praying for themselves.

While some studies have found measurable clinical effects, critics say they are often riddled with statistical flaws.

Some prayer studies are difficult to interpret. For example, when researchers at the University of New Mexico looked at the effect of prayer on recovering alcoholics, they found that patients who knew they were being prayed for actually wound up drinking significantly more at the end of the six-month study.

"Nobody disputes that religious practices bring comfort to people in times of illness," said Richard Sloan, a professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University in New York and a frequent critic of prayer research.

"The question is, can medicine add anything to that? It trivialises the religious experience to think you can subject it to the measurement of science."

In a standard clinical trial of a new drug, for example, researchers monitor how much medicine a volunteer receives.

"But how do you define a 'dose' of prayer?" Professor Sloan said.

The Washington Post






Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Peace Plan?

2005 July 9, Saturday, 12:42

When Will Someone Come Up With A Peace Plan?

I watched some of the reactions and responses from the Global Leaders, a chorus line of hatchet men for big business... They all came out with stupid blandishments about always being on guard always fighting always be scared always live in fear always spend up big on vague securities, and then I heard that creep Allstone saying as how you have to realise that you can be killed any minute and how mortal he is and then it makes him rev up the crack down, what a wanker... When will someone come up with a peace plan? When will the war be over? When will the downtrodden relent on their hatreds for the Globalisation and retire to decent safe and happy lives? When will I be loved, where's the Everly Bros when you need them...




Is Anyone Asking Why

2005 July 8, Friday, 16:23

All Very Well To Feel Sorry For London, But Is Anyone Asking Why

Cripes it's sickening, all very well to feel sorry for London and the deaths and injuries, but is anyone asking why??? Like what about the deaths and injuries every day inflected by these Occupation Forces overseas in the far flung outposts of the Empire like Iraq, the word "Terrorists" is always applied to the inhabitants of occupied lands, lately though insurgents gets used in their countries... Now we have upgraded to terrorists when they fight back in the aggressors countries like the USA and England, no matter how disgusting it might seem to have a bomb go off on public transport, but what about bunker busters being dropped form the sky over say your city??? It's so ridiculous for all these people crying tears for the aggressors in all this, the retaliation by the suicide bombers and fighters for their own homelands get given short shrift by the media all over, it's a wank, the Empire is doing the war waging, these bombers are fighting back with meagre weapons and hopelessness, just cause a few businessmen want to own the whole bluddy world and back up these sham puppet governments, for christ's sake get out of the Arab world, go home yank, pull your head in Tony B Liar, he's all bull***t...

Buy The Bluddy Oil, Why Go To All The Trubble Of Stealing It?

So while the Willing are ensconced in ripping off Iraq with billion dollar armies from all those caught up in the American Dream Machine, there are at least, or were, only four bomb carriers in London, and some nineteen Saudis who brought down the World Trade Towers, so the lopsided forces brought down on Iraq and Afghanistan and Chechnya, and all the other Globalised oil grabs, makes you wonder why the America's Willing, just don't buy the bluddy oil in the first place, why go to all the trubble of stealing it? Look at the Saudis, they Sell It Or Else, seems to work... Till it runs out and the climate makes Earth uninhabitable, whoops sorry Little Mr Magoo can't see that far...




Saturday, July 09, 2005

Explosions In London

2005 July 7, Thursday, 20:16

There Are These Series Of Explosions In London

Oh dear, just putting the boot into the Poms and then there are these series of explosions in London, dear old London, now there's confused reports of death and injuries, like an attack on the Public Transports, trains and buses, underground trains and a double decker bus, so what the hell good is that going to do for any cause is beyond me, what will the voting aspirations be after being blown apart is beyond me, I can't see the point, unless it is arranged for the Occupation of Iraq, like England led the War on Terror fake up, and seems to still want to be a globaliser, so maybe that's the compulsion behind it all, retaliation... I know the Poms must be hated for being in Iraq so willingly... From the viewpoint of the Arabs it's retaliation for centuries of interference I spose...

An Inevitability And Acceptance Of Being Made Targets By The Global Leaders

These bombs came when the G8 has been drawing attention to London as well, the Scottish golf course Gleneagles turned into a hodgepodge for anarchists versus the police, another useless indulgence in anarchist violence, and just after Lord God Sir Bob Geldorf had been doing the Live 8 concerts and getting huge TV coverage, so after all the glitz and well meant causes, now we have the spotlight swung onto the retaliation with terror, some sort of response expected, what a debacle... It all seems so surreal though, a calmness pervades the people, an inevitability and acceptance of being made targets by the Global Leaders, and even the injured have a resigned look about them... Like how can they be angry when they have Tony B Liar ask for it! Duh!...

From Farce To The Blasts...

So poor old London copped such an awakening, back on the main stage but not the way they wanted... I thought they'd cop it in the Olympics, but here it is the very next day after the announcement for 2012... As well the bombing news broke in on the Australia versus England one day cricket match with the new rules, from farce to the blasts...

It's No Real Shock When The Empire Comes Back And Bites Them

Given the history it's no real shock when the Empire comes back and bites them, the same old empire, the consequences can all be drawn back to the world domination of the old empire, from the Romans and onto the English and onto the Americas, the same old white man's world and invading everyone else and taking over and domination and rip offs, and when eventually they bite back, the fight-back is demonised and called attack, when really it's retaliation, what do they expect? A friendly Olympics? and a peaceful G8 conference? I don't think so... Meanwhile back at the cricket... Nope, there's more ratings on the BBC and CNN feeds...




The Tour de France

2005 July 7, Thursday, 18:57

Visions Of The French Countryside And Towns And Chateaus

The Tour de France has these TV pictures beaming in the most spectacular visions of the French countryside and towns and chateaus, they still have so much forest it seems, whereas Australia looks like a dried out golf course, France still has forests and trees, and avenues of trees, it's so pretty in comparison, and then there's these old towns and huge chateaus, the Tour winds past and the choppers follow from above and the cameras are everywhere, c'est magnifique, and then the Olympics goes to rotten old England, well the curse be upon them, I spose it will be a terrourussts delight...

The Poms Distasteful Re-Enactments Of Trafalgar And Reminding The World Of All Their Other Vulgarities

The Poms have been getting up everyone's noses again with their distasteful re-enactments of Trafalgar and reminding the world of all their other vulgarities in the Empire, so when the cameras butted in on Jacques Chirac joking about the lack of taste in the English and the dearth of English restaurants as a genre, and the preponderance of slave quality food, he was spot on, so all we can do is watch the English suffer an Olympics of disastrous proportions, hopefully complete with all the corruptions that money can buy...




The Workforce Will Be Competing For $40 A Month

2005 July 7, Thursday, 18:46

It Will Turn Out The Exact Opposite, Till The Workforce Will Be Competing For $40 A Month, Like China

This IR pack of lies the Little Non Core Promise is talking up, is one of the worst examples of the Neo-Cons crap artistry... You can guarantee that none of what the Little Liar says is true, and it's the exact opposite, where they say one thing it will turn out the exact opposite, till the workforce will be competing for $40 a month like China, and the media get sucked in as well, the aim of the Neo-Cons is to cut wages and conditions, that means hourly rates, slashed, no overtime, no holidays, no leave loadings, no penalty rates, no bargaining powers, no unions, no nothing, just cast your fate to the whims of the employers, the bosses will have open slather, all the talk of people retaining their awards will disappear for every new worker signed up on contracts, it's a complete rip off, and if the public buy what the Little Take It Or Leave It says well they deserve him...




DillSong, The Church For The Dumb And Young And Precocious

2005 July 7, Thursday, 07:36

Those Illegal Laws Enacted To Put The Australian Police State In Place

At last here I am on the futon and can say whatever I like, cept for ASIO, Hi to all the security assessors, bring back Andrew Wilke... I spose there's the behind the scenes fear stirred up by the Little Sneak about freedom of speech, so these paranoid wankers they've hired as spooks get to sift through the thoughts of citizens to bring forth their bullying and threats, and use those illegal laws enacted to put the Australian Police State in place, I never thought Australia would ever descend into such a rotten right wing debacle of a nation as it is now, although they did have all that commo paranoia way back then, they're never satisfied till they're jumping at shadows and pointing their smelly fingers at someone... Please keep it foremost in the paranoid mind that it's the Xtians bashing the Muslims with oil, it's the Geo-Political Globalisers that are causing all the trubble, as usual...

Buddy Anarchists Give The Demos Such A Bad Name And A Terrible Look

Just watching the anarchists bashing any old thing, and the police, in Scotland for the G8 Conference, makes you wish the Secret Police had a better method, perhaps a karaoke soapbox competition, with these mindless anarchists who prefer riot style violence to politics, at least they're not chucking bombs and firing rifles... Like Lord god Sir Bob Geldorf said in his unwashed brogue, It's just bluddy idiotic to smash into the police and use sticks to break glass and damage parked cars, how's that going to help the poor starving wretches we've ripped off... Buddy anarchists give the demos such a bad name and a terrible look, as if they're any better going on like that, they should be delivering a message about politics and good government rather than destroying things....

DillSong, The Church For The Dumb And Young And Precocious

Another bad look or even worse and certainly scarier is DillSong, the church for the dumb and young and precocious... The manipulators go for the impressionable, and self-centred naïve little minds, and they twist them in right wing knots in the Promise it all style, DillSong Church, bit like the Scientology guff of selling you a personality... Where politics and religion should never mix we have Dumb Down Dogs like Costello and the So-Called Liberal Cabal getting up on stage to the madhouse shrieks of DillSong Churchy types and getting blind one eyed votes... You see these Xtian Dills at the DillSong forever waving their arms in the air and looking wild eyed into space, and pulling bewitched and contorted faces, and putting on some Look at me, Look at me show for the cameras... Like most of the blithering young people around today, another often seen trait of the Gen xyz youth, they never have anything sensible to say, just gesticulation, and pulling faces, and carrying on like the dills on Big Brother and the music videos they ape...

The Australian Constitutional Law About Dividing Church And State Gets Broken

So DillSong cashes in on the kids they catch, and picks up $800,000 handouts of Corrupt Government spending on religious promotions, and the Australian Constitutional Law about Dividing church and state gets broken, the Little Dud's government ought to be taken to the High Court, and the money clawed back, and the government prevented from using, or even mentioning religion... Once they transgress the Division of Church and State the Governor General should step in and prevent them from sitting in the Parliament, you can't get a Ministerial Commission if you break the Constitutional Law, and then we don’t have religious nutters sitting in Parliament, and then we might get decent government...

Family Fist Party Dogma Going About With Another Set Of Xtian Dills Saying They Only Want To Have Family Laws?

And then there's this Family Fist Party dogma going about with another set of Xtian Dills saying they only want to have Family Laws? Duh??? It's just a cover for the Xtian Right Wing Cabal again... Everytime they open their mouths is to say the Family, Family, Family chant for getting their own way, what about everyone else, don’t tell me they put themselves above everyone else, surely they realise that everyone came into the world via the same methodology, a very familial relationship at some nine months beforehand, they get so precious about their own narrow minded views, and want to impose themselves over every one else, it's the most evil thing in human relationships, to maintain that some religious view or other is over and above all the rest, that's the whole point of Church Separation to keep these intolerant religious dills out of politics and parliament, at least China has it right about clamping down on religious twerps...

The Thing Is, Unions Are The Far Better Church For People Than These Xtian Dill Churches

One of the major Xtian Dill's ideological intolerance is against unions, they have this religious style hatred for unions, have them on their Hit List (very long) and take every opportunity to union bash, and so it is now with the Industrial Relations law, at least it's created the huge backlash at last... The thing is, Unions are the far better church for people than these xtian dill churches, with the Unions you get to vote, you get to have a say in the proceedings, with the DillSong Church you get to sit there, and listen, and be told, and there's no vote, you just get taken for granted and be the dill they expect you to be, and have your mind moulded, and your ideas warped with god crap, if these young people were taught about unions and the power of sticking together, and secret ballots, and voting democratically on the issues, we might get somewhere, instead they fill their heads with dizzy garbage, and false dreams, and lies about stupid religious garbage that has been causing trouble forever in human history... Someone should stand up and ask the DillSong church, Where do ya get to vote??? And shouldn't be in our elections...

Unions Ought To Be Where The Kids Get Their Intellectual Grounding

Unions ought to be where the kids get their intellectual grounding about caring for one another and sharing, and not self-centred egoism, and take responsibility for providing welfare for the community, not some unbelievable faith in weirdo ideas written up years ago, it's just manipulation by smart smarmy operators, like the preachers they come up, there's been a string of them through the years, Billy Graham and Benny Hinn and the Crystal Cathedral charlatan, they all get rich and make outrageous claims like, You can do it too! promises and rip everyone off with their collections and sales pitches... And then low life like Costello and the Lyons Forum cash in at DillSong, and try to wipe up their votes, it's a crime, a real un-constitutional crime and ought to be done away with...

That DillSong Church Is Poison To Australia

That DillSong Church is poison to Australia, brought in from xtian mad America to pollute our politics as well... They should be given forensic questioning whenever they appear, so they can sink their own ships, the more questionable paths you take them down the more ridiculous they get, particularly like, "How do you account for the terrible things that happen? The unfairness? The brutality? The horrors that befall the innocent? The evil that goes unpunished??? They are such dills to ponder such things, and then ask them of the flavour of their church, like, "How do you expect to get rich while others are so poor? Why do you expect to live such a bountiful life while nature is destroyed??? I always like them to make those heavenly promises like "When I die, will I go to heaven and live in a big white house? Yes! Yes! Hallelujah! they say, and then ask, Well who mows the lawns? And where do they get the petrol??? Then they'll accuse you of being un-xtian, and put you on their hit list with the jews and blacks and arabs and injuns and japs and krauts and abos and refos and old Europe and on and on, it's a long list, oh and muslims and the chinese don't forget...

The Dominionists, Those Who Take On That Shonky God Given Right To Rule Over The Plants And Animals And Such

And then there's the Dominionists, those who take on that shonky god given right to rule over the plants and animals and such, why do they get the right to destroy and slaughter all other forms of life, isn't that a bit self centred in the scheme of things, and then, Why do they want to snub their stupid stuck up noses at Science and the Evolution Of Life, for that utterly banal view of the creationists, how do they account for faith in baloney??? Why don't they ever have opinions in church, why sit there like dopes and be harangued, how come they don't question, disagree, or for heaven's sake ever get to vote on anything, they just get told, how dumb downed can you get???.


Friday, July 01, 2005

Get Used To It Or Get Unionised

2005 July 1, Friday, 18:05

Welcome To The World Of Individual Contract Bullying And Exploiting

Yippee, finally the Unions demonstrated and showed some muscle, the Little Workplace Disagreement has created a monster again, it's all the fault of an over balanced Senate, so the workers have finally been asked if they like it to have their wages and conditions and rights slashed, so if a worker has a legitimate complaint and wants to tell the boss, the boss just fires them on the spot, bang zap zowie, so she goes home to tell the out of work hubby she just got the bullet for being righteous, welcome to the world of individual contract bullying and exploiting and for treating people like the idiots they were to vote for the Little Bully in the first place...

Get Used To It Or Get Unionised

Get used to it or get unionised, that's what they should have plastered across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but they said something about turning Australia into a sweatshop, so their eyes will be unwired shut? I just wonder, but in reality the only time a union story can get on the private TV, or public for that matter, is when they create a whopping big demo...


The Speeches Are Hitting Home

2005 June 29, Wednesday, 11:18

As One Of The Most Pot Calling The Kettle Black Speeches This Takes The Burnt Out Yellowcake

I just watched, well half watched besides feeling like spewing, the speech given by George Dubya-Dubya-III, which must rank as one of the most vile and stupid speeches ever made, all through I could only see the reverse hypocrisy of it, where it could just as well and equally be made by his trumped up opponent, like even Osama Bin Laden got a mention, as one of the most pot calling the kettle black speeches this takes the burnt out yellowcake... He read it off the glass to the soldiers and relatives of the ungrateful dead at Fort Bragg, something of a horror movie lot, the whole scenario of Bush Bashing Terroruroistsists is just so ludicrous and even the USA rednecks are realising what a wanker they have in the Whitehouse...

The Speeches Are Hitting Home About What The Hell The USA Is Doing There

All I've seen lately, shows the slippery dip ride down, for George Dubya-Dubya-III  and his thugs in the Whitehouse, it's shameful, there's Bumsfield bumbling along about never winning and that the Iraqis will have to war on for 12 years or so, and passing the buck now... And the polls have him in the doldrums and the speeches are hitting home about what the hell the USA is doing there in the first place, and the pictures of the dead take up time as they flash up, not to mention of course all the other dead, and the scandals about funding corruptions, and the evil of the Guantanomo solution, the whole sham of the beat up anyway, so it looks like George Dubya-Dubya-III  has stumbled fumbled and lost it, basically...