Saturday, July 09, 2005

Explosions In London

2005 July 7, Thursday, 20:16

There Are These Series Of Explosions In London

Oh dear, just putting the boot into the Poms and then there are these series of explosions in London, dear old London, now there's confused reports of death and injuries, like an attack on the Public Transports, trains and buses, underground trains and a double decker bus, so what the hell good is that going to do for any cause is beyond me, what will the voting aspirations be after being blown apart is beyond me, I can't see the point, unless it is arranged for the Occupation of Iraq, like England led the War on Terror fake up, and seems to still want to be a globaliser, so maybe that's the compulsion behind it all, retaliation... I know the Poms must be hated for being in Iraq so willingly... From the viewpoint of the Arabs it's retaliation for centuries of interference I spose...

An Inevitability And Acceptance Of Being Made Targets By The Global Leaders

These bombs came when the G8 has been drawing attention to London as well, the Scottish golf course Gleneagles turned into a hodgepodge for anarchists versus the police, another useless indulgence in anarchist violence, and just after Lord God Sir Bob Geldorf had been doing the Live 8 concerts and getting huge TV coverage, so after all the glitz and well meant causes, now we have the spotlight swung onto the retaliation with terror, some sort of response expected, what a debacle... It all seems so surreal though, a calmness pervades the people, an inevitability and acceptance of being made targets by the Global Leaders, and even the injured have a resigned look about them... Like how can they be angry when they have Tony B Liar ask for it! Duh!...

From Farce To The Blasts...

So poor old London copped such an awakening, back on the main stage but not the way they wanted... I thought they'd cop it in the Olympics, but here it is the very next day after the announcement for 2012... As well the bombing news broke in on the Australia versus England one day cricket match with the new rules, from farce to the blasts...

It's No Real Shock When The Empire Comes Back And Bites Them

Given the history it's no real shock when the Empire comes back and bites them, the same old empire, the consequences can all be drawn back to the world domination of the old empire, from the Romans and onto the English and onto the Americas, the same old white man's world and invading everyone else and taking over and domination and rip offs, and when eventually they bite back, the fight-back is demonised and called attack, when really it's retaliation, what do they expect? A friendly Olympics? and a peaceful G8 conference? I don't think so... Meanwhile back at the cricket... Nope, there's more ratings on the BBC and CNN feeds...




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