2005 July 26, Tuesday, 10:11
Living In Cotton Wool With Picket Fences Until They Introduced Immigration And Multiculturalism
It's so disgusting the way things are going in Australia, there's racial war developing, well not racial, more cultural, the clash of cultures, where we've got that damned religion Islam, with no voting and no democracy, and ridiculous old rules, with a strict disciplinarian approach, up against the stupidity of Xtianity with all it's crap, and the public have been poisoned with the media of Murdock and the mob mayhem whipped up on talk back radio by redneck jocks, so there's this list developing of things from history, burn their books, close their mosques, deport their troublemakers, treat them like second class citizens and renege on their citizenships, and a whole swag of other hatreds written in blood though the ages, and now here it is in Australia, where once we were White Australia, and then egalitarian after the xtian Catholic and Protestant wars died down, and then living in cotton wool with picket fences until they introduced immigration and multiculturalism, well it's a complete failure...
Trying To Rescue The Cultural Clash Situation In Canberra
Had the Chief Minister, John Stanhope, one of the last decent people of politics out there today trying to rescue the Cultural Clash situation in Canberra, he was taking the part of the Moslems who were feeling the persecution and hatred from ordinary Australians, the average Aussies who kick back on hearing and seeing the intolerance of human nature turned towards demonising another culture, it's always been there through history, eventually, even after some of the those rosy moments we had with Multi Culturalism, once the Neo-cons got in wanting globalisation and competition and market forces and capitalism gone mad, the cutbacks of freedoms the demonising of cultures to get their resources, the phoney wars on drugs and regimes and fundamentalists, till now we're reduced to the levels of social unrest we couldn't dream of before it all started...
The True Evil Comes Via Rupert... The Demon Is The Demoniser...
The demonising of the leaders of the Globalisation Resistance too is just hot air, we've had some Moslem speakers saying Osama et al are fighting against the West's globalising occupation of the Arab lands, and so some of the Moslem supporters see him as the jesus christ figure same as the xtians had, there's the same parallel history of fighting their suppressors, cept Osama turns over buildings not just money tables, anyway the Little Liar goes about demonising everyone who explains Osama's motives, preferring to say he uses violence against the West in the war, while all the COW does is use Armies, Navies, Air Forces and combat troops in their streets, where they've ticked off thousands of deaths which don't count... It's such a huge hypocrisy, the simple facts are that US led gunmen are terrorising and occupying Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine and every other trouble spot where there's oil involved, whilst ignoring genocides and brutal slave trade regimes, like Burma and Zimbabwe, so the whole world war at the moment is the most unfair trumped up set of hypocrisies that could be imagined, and its all blandishment from the Murdock Press, who just heaped sickening praises on the COW and rules the world's thoughts with his undemocratic powers, I think the true evil comes via Rupert... The demon is the demoniser...
An Excuse To Wipe Away Democratic Rights, Rules And Conventions
As well, the trumped up wars are used as an excuse to wipe away democratic rights, rules and conventions going back to the kings and popes of Europe, civil rights are disappearing, and the religious police are to be peering into peoples bags!!! What is going on??? We have a Neo-Taliban regime put into place in our own cities...
Globalisation, Going About Conquering And Stealing And Plundering
Seems to me we have something historic behind it all, it's empire building, you see it in all humanity, some little king wants to enhance his own image by accumulating adherents, by persuasion of thought, by threat, by manipulation, and the little kings use anything they can, so it is with globalisation, the same empire building, taking on self righteousness and going about conquering and stealing and plundering, globalisation is just another word for the same old thing, and now America has swallowed the poisonous pill, putting itself forward as a saviour for all these countries they want to take over and rule and rip off, that's what is really happening, and they dress it up in all sorts of garbage ideas like being xtian, well Xtianity is the very last thing to do any good anywhere, it's just the invisible clothes of the cruel king...
His Particularly Peculiar Moslem Cult's Version Of Cultural Change He Wants To Bring To Australia
Another spectacle recently is this young arab bloke they have on NeinMSN as apologist for the retaliation attacks, but then launches off into his particularly peculiar Moslem Cult's version of Cultural Change he wants to bring to Australia, like male domination, church domination and some crap called sharia law or something ridiculous, as if to live out of some age old fundamentalist raves would be a good way to go for Australia... Well if he can make me boil, I can imagine what that fundie Moslem talk does for the rest of Scratch The Surface Racist Australia... And he doesn't like bikinis and music and dancing, Duh!!! Shouldn't they be questions on the citizenship application???
To Be A Whistle Blower Means You Suicide Bomb Your Own Career
No wonder there's a flare up of intolerance and hatred, those sort of ideas just wont wash in Australia, at least what Australia was when it was a proper democracy with proper distances between dumb religion and the Government and the Public Services and the Law and the Police, not this glob of job survival based on political supports or shutting up or turning your back... There are still some decent men coming out of the woodwork despairing at how the politics has permeated down the governing structures till you are only allowed to say what they want you to say, that's an English thing, we never had it when things were good, but now its the vogue again... So to be a whistle blower means you suicide bomb your own career...
Well Bring Back The Callithumpians Is What I Say...
Once there was the question on your job application which asked Religion? And you'd find segregation within an organisation based on religion, a Catholic Receiving Dock, a Protestant Accounts department, and people learned to keep their religious traps shut, and the Callithumpians became the religion of preference, until that religious question disappeared sometime? But now it's back, you can bet that ID Card thingo will have all the little boxes ticked for which you can be discriminated against, and religion will be the killer... Well Bring back the Callithumpians is what I say...
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