Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Some Cultures Don't Mix, Particularly The Colourful Religious Varieties

2005 July 17, Sunday, 11:14

Ostracised... Nice Day To Wake Up To...

More and more Dire warnings, credit is bursting the banks and others are moving in with Interest Free For 4 Years deals, and bundling all their debts into long term loans based on home mortgages, and the war is expanding again into Afghanistan, and then there's the globalisation of unemployment cept for un-unionised slave labour exporters, and mothers work to stay afloat, and the ethnic communities are  seething bed of hatreds for their children being ostracised... Nice day to wake up to...

Some Cultures Don't Mix, Particularly The Colourful Religious Varieties

So the Suicide Bombers were home grown multicultural experiments proving that some cultures don't mix, particularly the colourful religious varieties, so we are hearing the TV debates descending into history about How did we ever let these people in? How come we expected them to integrate and be like us? Instead they hate us and are becoming the urban terrorists within our midst...

Giving The Racist Warnings In Australia

Wasn't there prolific warnings way back when, like we had Ron Casey on the radio and a host of others giving the racist warnings in Australia and there was Conservative MP Enoch Powell who provoked old England with his anti-immigration 'Rivers of Blood' speech, and worst is, they were right, and on TV this morning it's all "What do we do now?" and talk of weeding out the extremists, but they keep growing, and asking the religious stirrers to stop stirring? And so forth, and how we can't send them back, and how it's inevitable anyway, and how globalisation means it will all spread quicker, well the horses have bolted alright...

Here We Were, An Isolated Island Far Away From It All

And then there's this talk of making them speak English! I think we've had that done already, there's the Irish, Welsh and every other Empire debacle through history... So they have to conduct their vilification speeches in English, so we can whisk them away to Guantanomo Bay! What a wonderful world we have created and here we were, an isolated island far away from it all, and this stupid conservative Government along with Right Wing Labor, have involved us in the bluddy religious wars far away, and as well have imported it into Australia, well thanks a lot...




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