Friday, October 27, 2006

Paint Them Black, In Bikinis, And Send Them Back, To The Talibanis

2006 October 27, Friday, 08:06

Paint Them Black, In Bikinis, And Send Them Back, To The Talibanis

So that's what it is, the Muslims cover their cat's meat with the Habib, it must keep some of the flies off, then what is so attractive about it? They're keeping their covered meat at home in a bedroom, to entice what, the house flies, I dunno, must be some logic to it, oh no, don't expect any logic, it's rape out of context then, it's in the unchangeable enticement rules you don't get to vote on, it goes back to pre-refrigeration, and that's where that Habib rubbish should be back to, the primitive days, the days of dark age religious dimwits who use their archaic rules to discriminate and suck up to male dominance over women, gees they're a sick lot of thugs those muslim fundies, Paint Them Black, In Bikinis, And Send Them Back, To The Talibanis, they got their own apartheid in their bedrooms, like I said all those scarfs ought to be made into bikinis, although I don't know how attractive that would be... We can't have people like a Muslim Mufti teaching hatred and injustice and discriminating apartheid to Aussie Battlers, unless they wanna put a wall up around Lakemba mosque, that would be a better solution, have another Beirut right in the middle of Sydney, thanks a lot Immigration Department...

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Private Media Lives Out Of Our Pockets

2006 October 26, Thursday, 12:46

The Private Media Lives Out Of Our Pockets

Gees I'm sick of these right wing whingers about bias on Our ABC and they always trot out the usual garbage about the money involved, seeing as it is funded by real taxpayers, those that can't avoid anyway... These redneck people are fundamentalists against a long list of issues, and oppose everything in their usual modus operandi of: Stamp it out, Weed it out, Wipe it out, Lock em up, Ban them, Censor it, and Declare War on it... So now we have another swipe at Our ABC in the name of perceived bias, while the redneck shock jock private media gets no mention for the extremists among them who incite race riots and live on enormous salaries and, scuse me, Where does the money come from??? The Private Media lives out of Our Pockets, all that excessive advertising garbage comes on top of the prices for all other consumers...

Every Time We Buy Anything, There It Always Is The Advertising Slug

We have to fork out an advertising loading on every other thing we buy, and it all ends up in Right Wing Redneck pockets, and is slung about in huge payments to the Shock Jocks, so it's us poor battlers who are funding the Private Media every time we buy anything, there it always is The Advertising Slug... So when we hear these Complaints about Bias on the ABC just remember these Redneck Whingers are living out of your pockets on their advertising drivel loaded onto every purchase, they are gouging out profits to pay off their loud mouth Private Shock Jocks every day, and then they skite about multi billion dollar profits from our privatised banks and Public Assets, so hands off Our ABC and go clean up the Private Media and how about some more competition, like why should there be only three major media owners, and what are the Private Media regulators doing, swanning about??? Thing is they can't stand competition, they avoid it like the plague, they hate to compete with Our ABC, they wouldn't compete with Our Commonwealth Bank, they are a pack a measly mouthed jokes, and ought to pull their heads in, and let freedom of speech and democracy take it's course... Go take a spin...

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Light On The UN, Yes There Goes A Good Idea We Should Have Followed Instead Of Globalisation

2006 October 24, Tuesday, 15:16

Light On The UN, Yes There Goes A Good Idea We Should Have Followed Instead Of Globalisation

Back from another trip through heaven, down the drains, drifting along to iPod stuff and the ABC where there was a moment when it turned out to be United Nations Day there was this retrospective on how nice it would have been to have a United Nations Planet where we all got on with fixing up things, but instead we've got this greed is great world... And some visionary had written in a letter, a beautiful Letter of the Light on the United Nations Hill, to put the whole peaceful UN story so well, it was all nostalgic, and then bleeping call back radio, there was the perfect redneck on the boil, to postulate how biased the whole program was, and he was really flag waving, and being pathetically thankful to be allowed some air time to balance to the bias, but his bias was way way way out there, so as to be a bigger weighty moment on the seesaw of balance... Instead of a United Nations umbrella of care and meaning, this redneck wanted to be hard, hard at work to stamp out them varmints, weed em out, get rid of em, obliterate the buggas and be hard and tough, so we had a bit of balance right there... Like this Bias Boss they have installed on the ABC to vet what's said has become a laughing stock, the ridicule is so right, and that little rodent bloke, Sidney Indispute, popping up with Now you lissen to me, struts about giving instructions of what they will allow, no tolerance, such crap, so I can just see that little wretch Sidney Indispute in a Nazi uniform and the broken whip and whacking his own little leather thigh threateningly, or sticking it up some old woman's chin, he just makes that cartoon image so perfect... Yes, wistfully, the United Nations, there goes a good idea we should have followed instead of globalisation by the USA's corporate dictatorship...

The Populations Of China And India Are So Massive And Biased Against Us, Even The USA Has Reached 300 Million

The scary thing about the UN, is that One Man One Vote idea too, like the populations of China and India are so massive and biased against us, even the USA has reached 300 million, we are terribly outnumbered, so those USA voters are in possession of the world's fate, the future is in their hands, and the Chinese and India too have a huge say, the current system just depends on letting men in suits run things for their own purposes, and not everyone else's, but a world assembly of Democratic Governments is still a possibility, and with Climate Change it has a real world impetus...

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That Censorship Department In Our ABC Will Be The Butt Of Running Ridicule

2006 October 20, Friday, 15:25

That Censorship Department In Our ABC Will Be The Butt Of Running Ridicule

Looks like that censorship department in Our ABC will be the butt of running ridicule, so the Gerard Mouse and other Right Wing Wankers will be laughed off their stupid kangaroo court stage I suspect, so we should have some fun at the right wing losers expense, cause the right wing is in a big flap right now, cause George Dubya-Dubya-III is in the crosshairs, and about time...

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A Political Uniform That Gives Aloof Superiority, And Gets The Opposite

2006 October 20, Friday, 15:10

Some Dark Reffo Ran Into My Tow-Bar

But then some dark reffo ran into my tow-bar after we were both stopped, like I had looked in the rear vision and saw this car with same rear vision, and then whack, he hit the tow-bar and then did all that finger waving sorry stuff, like Asian Indians do, but I had no graciousness, just disgusted pent-up road rage, I have lost all my racial tolerance it seems, I just can't stand seeing all these people around who will never join in or be welcomed anymore, immigration is a dead duck, it stinks...

A Political Uniform That Gives Aloof Superiority, And Gets The Opposite

I heard how in England the scarf masks are really getting a caning, people in the streets are abusive and do physical and verbal violence, and a masked teacher lost a discrimination suit, and some other teacher had problems when all the masked girls were dressed alike, didn't know who was speaking to her, and had to make them reveal to do tests, so stupid, and those rules the muslims have for the women are so based on male insecurities, they will never be allowed in the West... Then the Habib is considered to be a political uniform as well, and also that it gives this aloof superiority type thing, and generates the opposite, so it will never be allowed in the social graces of the shopping centres... And then look at the Taliban beating women up who weren't wearing the veil, what a bunch of fundie wankers...

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After All, Where Does All That Profit Come From? It Comes Out Of The Public's Pockets

2006 October 19, Thursday, 08:17

After All, Where Does All That Profit Come From? It Comes Out Of The Public's Pockets

Cripes, it's to hell with the world we knew, the education has gone religious gah gah, the banks have gone to the rip off merchants, the airlines have gone with the apprentices and safety, the insurance has gone up the spout, the medical care has evaporated, manufacturing has gone over to the rice paddies, and now the media has gone into a feeding frenzy of dumb downing sharks, and we hear of the Faceless Private Fundies buying up the mining, and the big boom is blown away overseas somewhere, so Australia has been sold out and the private profiteers are rolling in the Public's money, after all, where does all that profit come from? It comes out of the public's pockets... Ding goes the cash drawer, so where will the money be spent? On the vastly expanding community needy or on Look At Me Bells and Whistles...

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The Latest Outrage Is The Censorship Of Our ABC

2006 October 17, Tuesday, 14:46

The Latest Outrage Is The Censorship Of Our ABC

The latest outrage is the censorship of Our ABC, here they go doing the death cuts on Our ABC Public Broadcasting, and the crusaders have that tiny mousey bloke being the big man from the Sydney Institute of Redneck Right Wingers, how pathetic, they get all twisted by the mildest criticism, but historically it rates big time, like whenever the Government goes about silencing dissent, or what the poor little things see as dissent from their twisted little perspectives, and then they wrap it up in crap weasels words, so that's what they done, and wont have it that the rest of the private media should also be hamstrung in a similar way... How about equal time on redneck radio? No way, or having joint hosts alongside Alan Jones and John Laws, hahahaha scuse me?

The Media Laws Have Been Changed To Bolster The Big Boys

Anyway the media laws have been changed to bolster the Big Boys, and then Packer announces some financing deal with these private fundies to unload Channel Nein, so the shake up is on the way, and we will once again have to wait for the Country Party to threaten damning the Coalition, it's all gone too far, and the Labor Party is flim flaming away, I dunno, the Nuclear Energy flag is being waved by the Little Plutonium Bomb every chance now, but Malcolm Turnbull is getting so much airtime with being the Water Man, so the drought is changing politics, the Rites Of Spring were interrupted by pre-season bush fires, and the sight of dried dams fills the screens of a night, all very appropriate...

How The Republican Right Wingers Used The Religious And Laughed Behind Their Backs

And in America, there's a book come out from another insider about how the Republican right wingers used the religious and laughed behind their backs and called them insulting names, all very hypocritical and designed so, and the idiot xtians aren't too goddamned pleased...

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Duty And Care In The Welfare Of Society And You Can Have Competitive Jungle In The Marketplace

2006 October 11, Wednesday, 06:57

Duty And Care In The Welfare Of Society And You Can Have Competitive Jungle In The Marketplace

The way these evil Neo-Conservative Forces in Australia have ripped off the people has been diabolical, they have got their hands on nearly all the Publicly Owned Assets and are now doing the $20m con job on advertising the buying up Telstra for peanuts, so the mug battlers who were scared stupid enough to elect these cretins will be all the worse off, it's the mirror image of Communism where everything was controlled by a few untouchable bureaucrats, now it will all be owned by a few idle rich, and the general public will be squeezed to do all the work for bugga all, and the rich will suck off all the profits and live the life of luxury, so the outcome for ordinary people is just the same, these two megalomaniac systems, capitalism and communism both end up with a very few owning and operating everything, and it's an evil wrong, and should be put back in balance where the Public and Private ownership should be balanced off in a 50-50 situation, a mixed economy where the Public own and operate the Public Services, and the Private Sector produces private products only... Public Services and Private Products is the obvious solution to these thugs who want everything... The very competition is where the Private Sector competes with the Public Sector, and this Mixed Economy runs on the fundamental strengths, you can have duty and care in the Welfare of Society and you can have competitive jungle in the Holy Marketplace, the best of both worlds...

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Did Jesus Ever Crack A Joke?

2006 October 8, Sunday, 14:52

Did Jesus Ever Crack A Joke?

One thing stuck out like sore thumb recently was how the pilots of the World Trade Tower Targets were seen on old videos smiling, even laughing, and it struck me how these people never crack a joke, like did Jesus ever crack a joke, something insightful and humorous? And look at the way they use laughter, like there's those religious creeps like Dreary Cleary on Sunday Nights on the ABC who always manage a snigger style laugh at anyone who starts making sense in an atheist way, they laugh them off, you can always tell when someone's getting the bum rush off the shows, and the other creepy religious laugh is that black ironic poop that HillSongs puts out, he gets this smiling viper type of delivery where he makes out happiness for the purchase thereof, just pay up with a smile, like Have a good day crap... So did any of those scriptures ever have a joke? I know the Book of Kell's had humour in the margins, that the scribes thought no one would spot... Hmmm, funny isn't it...

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The Deaths Of Heroes Running Through The Media

2006 October 8, Sunday, 09:11

The Deaths Of Heroes Running Through The Media

There's been the deaths of heroes running through the media, quite amazing how some idols hit a nerve, like the crocodile feeder and then the racing car driver who dies real quick, the animal bloke though had one of the most bizarre deaths by sting ray, but the public adulation is just boggling, why anyone puts any importance on these heroes is beyond me, a bit like that air-head Princess Diana, like what a beat up she was, a panel beating job in the end, oh dear, anyway the simple minds out there in TV land seem to get soaked up in worship for the most delirious reasons...

I Like People Who Have Good Philosophies

I like people who have good philosophies more than doing the catwalks, and do the "Look At Me" thing, nowadays with face pulling, gesticulations, over-reactions, and hand signs, it's like a regression to the more uncivilized animal kingdom, but then again, there are all these studies in science describing just how sentient the animal world is with bird brains, having conversations and all the talk and planning, and good memories, so now the animal world makes a large proportion of the human race appear so dumb downed in comparison... Well, look how some people confess to liking the Coalition of the Willing Wankers, how could they? And why on earth do we have to lissen to sports interviews, why can't we hear Publicly Educated Professors being interviewed, rather than what people think who run fast for instance, or punch each others heads, or drive cars fast, or wrestle poor animals... And why for chrissakes are they forever interviewing idiots about their spirituality, their search, and all their crazy delusions, the masses of lazy minds who wont study Science, they are the problem... Complete Nongs living in ratbaggery, there's so much of it on the ABC for some evil right wing reason...

Another Dumb Cult Split Off From Some Other Dumb Churchy Cult

That idiot from the Sydney Institute? Or somewhere, always popping up on the ABC as apologist for the right wing, he was there on Friday night on Lateline, and was doing some labelling in the politics, and mentioned Calvinists? Duh? What the hell are all these infighting exclusive groupings doing, they have each other pigeon holed and written off, and stereotyped, like those factions that undermine democracy... So I looked up Calvinists and it's just another dumb cult split off from some other dumb churchy cult, but they have a reputation for simplistic cruelty and bossiness, I couldn't get through the "What is Calvinism" load of garbage the search engines came up with, but it's a good example of how the madness of religiosity removes any form of commonsense...

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The Evil Privatisation Of Telstra

2006 October 7, Saturday, 09:31

The Evil Privatisation Of Telstra

Now the evil privatisation of Telstra has reached diabolical depths, the idiotological drive to steal away the assets which belong to the Public is being pushed through in suspicious circumstance, as if the Telstra Board of appointees have deliberately stirred up fights with the regulators and the price is depressed, so from having Telstra owned by the Public, it is now to be owned by a few rich people getting it on the cheap, who want to do with it what they want, and bugga the rest of the Public, and it's much cheaper now that the media has had a kick around with it, like dogs and a rag doll, poor Telstra, the Golden Goose for the Public Coffers is now going into the hands of evil Privateers who will rip off the real Owners and do what the privatised banks did, it's a crime... They should be punished, the Privatised Assets of the Public should be re-Nationalised and come back into Public Ownership and control, and the people who advocate privatisation ought to be sent to Baxter for deportation to Iraq or somewhere just as nice...

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The Raving Rednecks Want To Take Over The Curriculum

2006 October 6, Friday, 11:38

The Raving Rednecks Want To Take Over The Curriculum

Heard how Education Of The Masses was on the agenda, and the Raving Rednecks want to take over the curriculum, god they're a pack of good for nothings, there's nothing worse than those redneck idiots imagining anyone in the their right mind would want to be like them, but they insist on imposing themselves on people, and through education it is the worst, that is the track that fundies follow to brainwash themselves with...

Government Should Provide Taxpaid Public Schools For Everyone

The government should provide Taxpaid Public Schools for everyone, and let these god baggage brats pay their own indoctrination money for their separatist religious schools, like the Madras schools that the Islamic fundies employ to brainwash their ferals, and look at the rich private schools bragging today how they have multi million dollar surpluses on their private books, injected with multi-million dollar subsidies from the Redneck Government, who should be separate from any involvement with religions, and the Public Schools should specialise in Science and piss off all that bluddy troublesome religious ratbaggery, look at who people you end up with, Tony Abbott, what a xtian creep to have making the law...

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No Matter What You Do In Life Or Achieve Or Build, It's All Pointless

2006 October 5, Thursday, 21:10

No Matter What You Do In Life Or Achieve Or Build, It's All Pointless

I have half heard some StarStuff today, it should have been there from the start of this new PodCast era, and one of those ultimate themes came up the eventual demise of the Universe, or even the sun's collapse, and then just far sooner, quickly really, the Giant Red Sun engulfing the Earth, but the demise finally would be the Milky Way Galaxy going down the Black Drain and into the Big Black Pearl, but then there's the other Theory of Ultimate Dimming Out of the Universe, or more likely the Big Collapse and Rebirth, but the thing is, no matter what you do in life or achieve or build, it's all pointless, cause it will all evaporate or be crushed or go eternally cold, so all those xtian creeps with their private school education ideas will also be so consumed in the end, ha, a just dessert... Hee Hee Heee... All that hard work for nought, what an AWA that is...

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The Idea Of Sacrificing Every Other Thing For A Growth Economy

2006 October 4, Wednesday, 12:08

The Idea Of Sacrificing Every Other Thing For A Growth Economy

There's another Economic Meme going around, the idea of sacrificing every other thing for a Growth Economy, you have to grow, you have to immigrate and grow on their new demands and to hell with the consequences, the environment and the good of society is chucked out with the baby care, and the religion of the Holy Market preys on galloping consumption of the planet, and no one gives a hoot, so the consumerism and growth, we all know, will finish off with the Easter Island Effect, and still, it is a hallowed dogma from economics, the non-science, Economics: the replacement for astrologers and priests, fortune tellers and snake oil salesmen, not to mention the redneck right wing xtian dickheads...

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The Nightly News Has Turned Into Something To Avoid

2006 October 3, Tuesday, 19:07

The Nightly News Has Turned Into Something To Avoid

Picking up on my themes, but I just can't get back to commenting, I have passed the point of no return or something, I just don't wanna know any more bad news, it's a bog, the nightly news has turned into something to avoid, I used to love it and the political argy bargy, now there isn't any, and the main ingredient is war and violence and bashings and everything they've been teaching their next generations to do in the movies and kids shows... So the nightly news has just got dropped in the sewer, and then there's no intelligent commentators employed either, just show ponies doing some act... And there's all these grrrls who don't understand anyway, and when they do they have to be on the band wagon to keep the job, it�s abysmal...

Going Through A Few News Screens

So I been looking at the internet and going through a few news screens like Google customised for some Australian content, and then Yahoo7 which has more pictures sometimes, and then the ABC but it seems a bit barren... And you notice all the stories are plagiarised off one another, some feeds on Google all look the same and they're all over the world...

What I Avoid On TV... I Have A Huge Avoidance List Now

The other thing is what I avoid on TV... I have a huge avoidance list now, like all the war gets the flick, anything with 3rd world people holding guns gets the flick, anything with kids and microphones stuck in their gobs gets the flick, all those Idols and the rap crap, any of those black kids sticking their fingers out, they all get the flick, so the soapies have always got the flick so there's bugga all else...

What Do I Watch And Lissen To

Let's see what do I watch and lissen to, well Roy and HG are back cause I can hear them on the iPod... The iPod is now a huge resource that I can't quite keep up with, I have so many subscriptions, and lissen all night, so I miss a lot and then I play it all day with earphones so the iPod takes precedence when playing music and watching unflicked TV...

The Private TV World Is Dumb Downing

I feel resentful that all the sport has been privatised and Fox has the monopoly, I think that is criminal and all sport should be carried on a Govt channel or 10 more free to air or so, there should be an 80-20 ratio to having Public TV Services as against private TV rip offs... And besides the private TV world is dumb downing and the Public TV Service should be regulated for better brain washing, more balanced, cause now the ABC has been invaded with pests from the right wing, like I heard that creepy ABC appointee Allbitchyness do her crazy bit for another absolute creep, Mark? I forget, he's such a right wing creepy dork, though, you hear it in their twisted sick sense of spew humour, they get the flick too, once you get to know you're enemy anyway...

How The A-Teams Spy And Sabotage And Conspire

And the right have infiltrated everything, seems the theme this week has been how the A-Teams spy and sabotage and conspire and do all the nasties that right wing regimes do, but now it's the corporates doing it, on the payroll, sick... They did it to the Greens movement against the paper mills and some other branch stacking type crap, well, look at the USA, infiltrated by crazy xtians, look at the trouble the Yanks are causing, just amazing...

It Will Take A Dedicated Ideal Like Al Gore And The Global Heating

Although I heard some comment where this terrible swing to the right, cruel on your own world, has to come to a bitter end soon, and the world will get back some decency, I spose it will take a dedicated ideal like Al Gore is broadcasting, and the Inconvenient Global Heating bombshell to spark a revolt, some community effort instead of all this dead head competition and Economic Growth Cancerthe economic rationalists put about ... Individualism has such a self-centred greed, and no concern for the common good of society, it is Un-Australian to the hilt...

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Theme Of Late Has Been 1956

2006 October 2, Monday, 10:56

An Irony How The Globalised Heating Is Allowing These Windows On The Wonderful Weather Conditions

Another beautiful day for the End Of The World weather, such an irony how the Globalised Heating is allowing these windows, on the wonderful conditions, this lovely little planet can provide... Such a pity it's all on the slide...

Pod Listening, Hearing So Much History, Science, And Social Comment, And The Theme Of Late Has Been 1956

Meanwhile I been pod lissening, hearing so much history, science, and social comment, it's the only place now for the news barrage, and the theme of late has been 1956 and life in those days, the fifties began with no television, no washing machines, the wood or gas for the lucky ones heated copper to boil the clothes and sheets, the gas or chip heater in the bathroom, the dunny and pan out back, there was no jobs for married women, there was religious divisiveness in the schools and the footie and the workplace, it was a different world and immigration hadn't started up in the big way that changed Australia, there were things to belong to, there wasn't much Evil Individualism at all it seems, conformity and behaviour expectations way above what is passed today, and then there was public transport to get around, the private car was a rare event... Those were the days when we should have lissened to the sustainability arguments instead of runaway consumption and waste... The changes had all brought evils, maybe more regulation should have been the way...

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September 2006

2006 September 12, Tuesday, 02:27

Saw Al Gore On TV, He's The Only Hope Really

Saw Al Gore on TV, he's the only hope really, yet he wont say he's running, I think he's waiting to be swept into the nomination somehow, by demand type thing, it's a scary scenario, and people don't wanna know and the redneck idiots will be doing the BBQ wank over it... Still he's our only hope...

2006 September 12, Tuesday, 08:59

I Automatically Detest Mark Strain, Such A Smart Arse Redneck Crackpot

I automatically detest Mark Strain, such a smart arse redneck crackpot, and then the ABC white ant Janet Allbitchson or some such nazi made some ludicrous comment crap about their holy market claptrap, gees they're a bunch of dangerous loonies on the redneck right wing, and so heartless and stupid, they have autism and big mouths, that weird psycho brain problem...

2006 September 13, Wednesday, 18:51

Putting The Real War On The Front Page For An Instant

After seeing Al Gore do the best thing ever in politics by putting the real war on the front page for an instant, well they showed a video of a lake somewhere, the permafrost had melted away recently, and the lake had bubbles of the greenhouse gas methane erupting back into the atmosphere after being locked away in the last ice age I spose, it was scary seeing this natural reaction, a feedback system, caused by greenhouse, and causing greenhouse, the runaway effect, so many days, many times a day too, I think about the end of the nature we knew, the shortest time, just a blink of the eye in geological times...

The Human Race Has Privatised Itself To Death, Owning Everything

The human race has privatised itself to death, owning everything, and it dies of neglect, gets ripped apart and torn to shreds and burnt, the bared earth surface, a most rare area in the Universe has been humanised, and nature has been killed, the dominion over nature given by an evil god of greed, such a pity, the living planet, so awesome and fragile and due for respect...

That Idiot Xtian Road Blocked Head, It's Weird

And then you hear the utter nincompoop drivel from the fundie xtian idiot, I dunno who, he writes for The Herald and appears on ABC TV on Sundays, Andrew blockhead Blunt or something, I read his piece on Al Gore and the Inconvenient Truth, and that Andrew did the most perfect piece of stupid monkey brained drivel, like he is so fundie and cement headed, he has that idiot xtian road blocked head, it's weird, and seems that he has a good appearance again, yet he talks complete rubbish, how on earth he is ever allowed to have an opinion on anything, if he looked as stupid as the things he says he would never get a run, but cause he looks like a capitalist xtian greedy pig he gets away with it...

2006 September 18, Monday, 18:54

Doing The Darling River, It's Just A Dead Drain Really

And tonight they showed John Doyle and Tim Flannery doing the Darling River, it's just a dead drain really, and it's not so funny a bit forced, but they are doing it, everyone blames the one's upstream all the way down... But I thought it would be an expose of the human toll on the poor rivers, but instead it's a sort of Matey thingo, about how Aussie they all are, How'ya goin' mate, alright?

The Temperatures For The Early Spring Have Been The Highest Ever Recorded

The temperatures for the early Spring have been the highest ever recorded type thing, coming in from all over the place, so we are in for it, heat and drought and what to do about it...

2006 September 28, Thursday, 16:33

It Looks Almost Hopeful That This Fundie Mob Of Freaks Will Be Dumped

I spose I have to start writing again cause it looks almost hopeful that this fundie mob of freaks will be dumped, I know it has to be a Govt dumped rather than a conversion for the mood of the mob, like when Whitlam got in, and then even more than campaign music, there is always that perception you have to give to be accepted, as soon as the you buck the noddyism, for some people, it means being ostracised, and excluded, and the scabs wont tolerate them, look at the lovely Dixie Chicks, that beautiful face saying she was ashamed to have George Dubya-Dubya-IIIas President ,coming from her home State Texas, and she copped the xtian Taliban in the USA banning the Dixie Chicks from the airwaves, McCarthyism back in vogue...

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August 2006

2006 August 2, Wednesday, 09:42

Deregulated Credit Creation, Allowing These Huge Bubbles Of Debt To Be Imposed

Interest rates have been increased again, so the people with current mortgages on huge debts have to fork out money to pay to the banks, who keep it for their rich shareholders, Duh? Why can't the future borrowing be squeezed by a Reserve Bank requiring the banks to put all that creative credit into accounts with the reserve bank and keep it out of circulation thereby slowing down the economy, like they used to, instead they have deregulated credit creation and allowing these huge bubbles of debt to be imposed and then slap the poor battlers with interest rate rises, it's a joke... The old ways were best, and were set up with the Statutory Reserve Deposits and the Ratios of Deposits to Loans which controlled banks from this credit creation crap, where the banks do what they like and then collect a golden harvest with higher interest and foreclosures, where they clean up on bankruptcies...

Bank Deposits Were Government Guaranteed, And No One Was Stampeded

As well, the bank deposits were Government Guaranteed, and no one was stampeded when the banks looked shaky, like the Great Depression of the 1930's was a lesson once learned and now torn up by the toady treasurer... They just don't teach history, as if the English weren't told about all the attacks they have launched on the Middle East for hundreds of years, and the last time the English Empire imposed some sort of Protectorate over the Middle East, and drew up all those borders to fight over, and be continually interfering, why wasn't that history thrown at Tony B Liar? He just carried on in the worst traditions and look at the mess again... Go through history to learn the lessons, not stupid biblical scriptures written by Real Estate Religious bigots...

2006 August 2, Wednesday, 19:12

How To Get Religious Tax Money

My podcasts have taken me through lots of topics, the weird facts on religious take up, seems no difference, and the religious marketing polls picked up all negative signs from bible god do and don'ts, but runs with Jeeeesus he's a man, you do what Jeeeesus would do, so that's their new catchcry to get all the tax money... One thing I remember was how to get religious tax money you only have to say you're a religion, you don�t have to do anything for it, like charity, that's the HillSongs way, big business and no disclosure, opaqueness of jeeeesus stuff, just become rich on song sales and hollow xtian promises...

2006 August 10, Thursday, 01:14

A Spate Of History On The Jews

There's been a spate of history on the Jews, this litany of conspiracy theories follows them around, it's huge, the biggest in history I guess, and unresolved, it's very bad, made all the worst by idiots like Bush and the white men in xtian suits... I just can't watch it any more, they also showed some muslim women being hanged for chastity, what a crime...

Don't You Worry About That, I'll Have Condi Take Care Of It

There have been a heap of George Dubya-Dubya-IIIpreaches at the media, like Castro style, he raves on with stupid concoctions of freedom and democracy and then has Condi answer anything significant, like he said to Tony B Liar at the Pork Barbeque, Don't you worry about that, I'll have Condi take care of it... Cripes... It's so much like a bad movie, but so real...

The Kids Usually Wake Up After A Year Or Two

There's a bit of a trend for Science to bite back at the Fundies, a few good books have come out, like Daniel someone has Breaking the Spell, where he says that America becoming a theocracy and must not continue, and the gathering to applaud Richard Dawkins and the Selfish Gene was a call to arms for science to decode the religious guff flying about... And an Aussie, Elizabeth someone, wrote an essay on just how much influence the religious right really has, and not so much as they like to think evidently, but she characterised the hoodwinking going on with the Family Fist guy in the Senate, Fielding? And how the HillSongs does the bright lights and music and crap promises, but the kids usually wake up after a year or two...

2006 August 17, Thursday, 12:46

Getting Inundated With Data From Google

What will I do, am I bored, I just keep getting inundated with data from Google and such, podcasts in my ears, all this news to read, videos to watch and so forth, I can't keep up with it, let alone fill up the internet with more stuff people ignore, oh dear....

2006 August 22, Tuesday, 01:48

Don't Give A Bugger About The Real Owner, The General Public

The world has got worse, the politics are for business, the Little Stinker came out today and said that he would look after the shareholders interests, like for Telstra, don't give a bugger about the real owner, the General Public, no, he has to look after the evil rich shareholders, well I couldn't give a fig for the shareholders, it's the public should come first, all those privatised properties of the Public's should be de-privatised and made Government responsibilities, and the government should look after us first before any shareholders getting premium treatment...

2006 August 31, Thursday, 07:42

The Dot Comas, Are Being Let Fall Into The Consumerism Trap

We used to worry about the nuclear cold war, the thought that any day could be the last, then the nuclear winter, and the icing up, but now it's a different bad world, the consumption eaters of the future, all the dire predictions are mounting up and finally being accepted, too late though, the portents are frightening, the future generation just about to become recognised, the Dot Comas, are being let fall into the consumerism trap, no good thoughts about community, then there's the growth economics, all the vogue, no thought of conservation, the only thing that is getting some action is lack of water, we have old cities on dry rivers that are desperate...

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

July 2006

2006 July 2, Sunday, 02:44

E Timor Is A Debacle With Religion There Again

I couldn't say what politics is doing, can't bear to watch what passes for the nightly news on TV, it's ghastly, I know that E Timor is a debacle with religion there again, seems the muslim PM has ideas about public schools and anti privatisation, so the heat has been turned up, and now the xtians are getting Aussie army help to overcome the Muslims for a while, it's religion again, should be banned...

Religion Frog Marched Into Govt Service

Same as in Australia, there's religion frog marched into Govt service to apply these punishments to the weakest, they have to kick people off the dole when they break dumb rules of the rich, imposing some xtian strictness and meanness and terror into the lives of those less able to succeed, it's abysmal, they are so cruel and heartless and despicable...

The Wars On Everything Go On

The wars on everything go on, drugs, oil, religious hatreds, while Galloping Globalism roars on, it's all hopeless, the consumption is going through the roof... So is mine, Buggrit...

I Have Not Much Pride In My Country

They're closing schools and building jails, that Rodriguez song said that... They don't build no schools anymore, all they build is Prison, Prison... And here it is, the world has gone mean and dirty and shallow, I have not much pride in my country, patriotism is very cheap and it's praise the lord and pass the ammunition... Corruption is rampant, even the Capitol is being buggered by developers, there's this hatred from the Feds to kick Canberra, they have sway with planning and the privatised airport is a cancer on the city commerce, unregulated, I will never ever shop there...

I've Flown Over The Middle East

I've flown over the Middle East on Google World, it's an eroded desert landscape like from some alien lifeless planet, the Dead Sea is being killed off... I heard where once the Dead Sea was a Garden of Eden type thing... The wars are all over that poor damaged part of the planet, and the borders make no rhyme or reason, there's a line drawn right down the middle of the Jordon river, water is crucial, and soon there will be water wars, if not already... I heard where the water supply in Iraq is only on at odd hours of the night now, the search for water is a huge job every day, just to survive... Bah...

Seems The ABC Has Been So Badly Riddled With Conservative Right Wing Worms

The radio talk was of the Demonstrations against the IR laws and the ABC radio was playing the Liberal Party Branch again, as well as demonising the AFL players going on strike, the Strike word was demonised time and again... Seems the ABC has been so badly riddled with conservative right wing worms, particularly that Louise of an afternoon drive, it's amazing how bad it's getting... And then Murdock gets some honour, what a piece of ratbaggery that is...

2006 July 2, Sunday, 12:49

There Should Be A Job Made Available To Everyone Redundant To Be Employed In The Public Service

Being perpetually on strike has become more and more real, it's so good though, but what are these uncompetitive people going to do once they've been struck off the dole for support, what do they resort to for eight weeks? Crime? Is this where the young prostitutes get recruited? Are the Corporations people going to feed them? I reckon there should be a job made available to everyone redundant to be employed in the Public Service, you get paid for attendance, trained and educated and helped and fed and kept out of trouble... Why can't they be looked after, it's because the xtian ethics in the politicians corrupt good government, the xtian bigots running things are so mean...

2006 July 10, Monday, 13:45

I Bet That The Thing Which Makes Cells Differentiate Is Music

I bet that the thing which makes cells differentiate is music, some sort of tune a cell plays makes the hum and wail and joy, the attractions and repulsions that allow molecules to join up in all the different configurations, so that up the top of the cell the tunes play all along those long chains and communicate what the things to do are... It has to be along those lines, vibrations, notes, chords, tunes, ringing out in the presence of these small molecules to join up in a dance, I bet that theory will come to be adopted... So tuning in a cell to do what you want means a back to the start replay, like putting the lazar needle back into first groove of a disc...

2006 July 10, Monday, 14:01

The Neanderthal Theory Is Less Likely But Still Possible

So the Neanderthal theory of a window of cross fertilisation is less likely, but still possible, but had to be a long time ago, I bet it's true cause you vsn dee some people have another part of them that isn't modern human, so the ancestors were once joined up with Neanderthal Tribes, even the humming and songs and first language... Mmmmmmmm... Music is the key to the mysteries, I just know it is... I was telling them at the pub how my left hand on the fiddle is like someone else's, it is so sub conscious to me, there is a musical hand being created in my brain, it plays by itself, the other night when pissed I was joking about this foreign thing, being disappointed that it wasn't really me, but it is, amazing, and it really is me...

Song And Dance Is At The Bottom Of It All

What is this thing called love? What, is this thing, called, love? What, is this thing called, love? What is this thing called, love?

So the song and dance is at the bottom of it all, so you should do more dancing, it's the force source of life really, and it permeates all the living things, there are studies of just how sentient the animal kingdom really is, there's a lot of communication going on out there in nature...

2006 July 11, Tuesday, 19:29

Flying And Peering In And Discovering And Revealing

More on feel good things, over a snow drink of Oyzo and Vodka, I just been flying over Rio and Buenos Aires and South America, the idea of flying and peering in and discovering and revealing and all day it's been Aha moments, here's the main stree,t the widest in the world, here's the beaches, and the super rich, there is so much super rich, a green golf course, that statue of jesus, some curious military installations up the west coast, the valleys of food, thing is the intelligence of this being, little old me, and the universe providing all this wonder, that intelligence sprung forth, and here it is: the intelligence of the universe peering down on the surface of this little planet like a god, like a big eye in the sky, like a giant, you gaze into gullies in the skyscrapers, there's a basilica, the destruction of nature, the erosion, the erosion is so apparent, the ages of weathering and the recent human extinctions, it's all there, and the fetishes, there's a river in Buenos Aires that has boats and boats, I think it's marinas of rich people's boats, it must be some status symbol, it even looks like some are landlocked, a lot of boats, all tied up, there's about three boats out on the water and a million tied up... I wonder what they'll do when the asteroid hits... I spose there'll be lot of boats in the next biblical flood, with no one in them...

The Fine Vibrations That Arrangements Can Play To Make Things Happen Like Magic

I've been delving into the intelligence I can find on podcasts, I love being informed of interesting things, I got caught up in the hazy ideas about Neanderthal's genes being inserted into some humans, a tribal influence I'd say, a concern for society, and music has been right in there, the fine vibrations that arrangements can play to make things happen like magic, I'm sure that's how it works, it's such a satisfying idea, cause it fits so well, so it's even more than an assumption, it's a great likelihood, it explains enzymes too, they just have to be there, singing their song and it incorporates a new molecular structure, fantastic, real magic...

Look-Alike Copycat Lives We All Have

Made meself laugh tonite it was the Kirk Douglass clone son with Zeta-Jones to woo, he's a dick, I was so pleased somehow... Look-alike copycat lives we all have... Watched Le Tour, downloading New Scientist, I am getting into lissening to all that stuff, it's great, but I just have to fast forward through: well the soft hearted, I turn off the poor, and the Wars On Everything, it is all so overwhelmingly galloping globalisation that gets my attention, a bit, in between eating cakes and fiddling...

2006 July 16, Sunday, 15:24

The Overall State Of The George Dubya-Dubya-IIIWorld Is Dismal Indeed

There's more war broken out with all those fundie Arabs and such, I just can't be bothered with them anymore, this one was to do with kidnapping some Jewish soldiers, so the Jews have bombed Lebanon, I dunno what that will gain, seems they will perform a holocaust on anyone who snubs them... The overall state of the George Dubya-Dubya-IIIworld is dismal indeed, since George gained power there has been a litany of disasters and all associated with his stupid preaching speeches, the lesson being the pot calling the kettle black type garbage every time... Anyway aren't all the Guantanomo prisoners kidnapped? No trials, judges or justice just George, well the High Court has ruled it all invalid, George overstepping the law, cause he knows f-all about it anyway, what a klutz America is to have him as their dumb downed leader, cause He speaks their language, that's what it is...

2006 July 22, Saturday, 12:04

Mainly Mental Cruelty

Oh dear, I was up till 3 am doing Le Tour, then the golf, at a links course with cruel bunkers, and an idiot American shouting out "Go in the hole", a wonderful game to watch, but it's mainly mental cruelty... Same as we get from the pollies...

The Sh*T That Was Heard Round The World

The image that went round the world at the G8 Meeting was George Dubya-Dubya-IIIchewing with his mouth open and telling Tony B Liar that chomp chomp Hezbollah chomp chomp Syria chomp chomp Sh*T... Made it all a lot clearer... Seems there's a new invasion of Lebanon to ethnically cleanse a buffer zone... They have all these so-called Australians of Middle Eastern Appearance living there and wanting to be saved, and there's a huge racial slur being either ignored by the repetitive use of Australian refugees in the news, or saying as how these reffos are on the Australian social security blanket and still living in Lebanon as well, imagine that in most Aussie homes these Lebanese are being called the same thing as George Dubya-Dubya-IIIsaid, the sh*t that was heard round the world...

2006 July 27, Thursday, 10:54

Morbid Curiosity About Ivan Milat The Killer

Morbid curiosity about Ivan Milat the killer had me watching a recap of the story and how they caught him, this time they told how cruel and remorseless he was in the long drawn out murders, and the carnage he did on the victims, he was really rotten and unable to feel for the victims, and enjoyed the power and inflicting torture and then there was this hunting instinct thing and his trophies, how he collected prizes and gave them out to his family and grrrlfriend, and when they raided his house they discovered what they called a treasure trove of evidence, where the victims belongings had been stashed, he kept all the trophies, and he wouldn't destroy the guns, he loved his guns, he was a complete serial killer... But then they said how during his trial, he went on the stand and was answering questions, lying, and at the end of a long day he made a slip saying in frustration about rubber gloves, he said "I never wore any glov....!!!" and then stopped himself, realised he'd dobbed hisself in, went quickly silent and You could have heard a pin drop, and at that moment they all knew he'd done it...

2006 July 29, Saturday, 18:41

To Support George Dubya-Dubya-IIIYou Are Considered Whacky At Best

Hmmmm, so what then, the war is going badly for the goodies, the president is now an official goofball globally, to support George Dubya-Dubya-IIIyou are considered whacky at best... The great apathy tho goes on, the uninformed keep up the hard work, heads down, just time to maybe watch Lost or Idol or camera chases, oh dear I just watched the Home Video funnies...

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June 2006

2006 June 2, Friday, 10:43

The Whole Box And Dice Of Public Assets That Have Been Stolen Away Has To Be Brought Back Into The Public Hands

A victory for rational thinking, where the Snowy Mountains Scheme has been saved from privatisation, but this is the knee of the curve for de-privatising all the public assets that have been stolen away by evil privateers... Icons like the Commonwealth Bank should be nationalised again, and the whole drawer of heritage cutlery, the knives and forks of Australia, the Government Insurance Office, the Medibank system of Universal Health Care, the Public School System should be reinvigorated by neglecting, even abolishing Private Schools, particularly religious schools, same for Private Hospitals and the National Airline and the State airlines, the whole box and dice of public assets that have been stolen away have to be brought back into the Public Hands and the Pubic Service reinvigorated, there's the Media and Science and Law also, as well I reckon they ought to nationalise the mining and bring that value into the Government for the People, all the Private Sector should be allowed to operate is the manufacturing of Private Products, but nothing should be done for profit that we really need, or has an intrinsic interest for the general public, privatisation for things we really need is anathema... All they do is rip everyone off, look at the Commonwealth Bank, and how Private Banks are detested now by the public, and the Private Banks gouge profits out of everyone's pockets, and then skite about it... Make them compete with a Government Bank run on a 2% margin...

2006 June 2, Friday, 14:46

Spent Some Time Reading The Forums

June already, I spent some time reading the forums, though it's the Atheists who are really good, except there's a love of arguing with fundies, a sort of useless waste but thoroughly invigorating for them when there is such a good feeling of being right, when undermining the poor misguided goofballs that have xtian beliefs and such other primitive superstitious drivel... And I read some other forums with music themes and discover this god awful bunch of right wing rednecks on them all somewhere, they have no shame, not much more you expect from blithering idiot dickheads... And then there's the sceptical ones, who go for the bunkum, and assert at great scientific length how mush balderdash is involved with all sorts of urban myth beliefs and rip offs and lying assertions, they're good, and funny, however, the rednecks attempt at humour is always down the gallows end...

Where Is There A Forum With A More Down The Middle Road Approach

But where is there a forum with a more Down The Middle Road approach, don't know, but thinking about religion being the most manipulative of the rip off merchants, I guess you have to have a religion to be the backbone basic construct that holds you up as an angel of good... A person who recognises ethics in making choices as against evil greed...

The Number One Concern In Your Life? It Was The Earth

So what occurred to me was a simple expression of passion, what was it that is the number one concern in your life? It certainly wasn't some stupid god superstition, it was the Earth, the home, the nest for life, the wonderful bubble of life on Earth, it so fabulous, and so critical, and is a mother to everything, so my little sentence was I Love The Earth And I Hate Everything That Hurts The Earth... That or some other words, is what I care most for in the societies on Earth, and I can't really find a society that is drawn together on such a declaration, the societies have been split, wedged, divided , and rendered powerless, cause they need a rallying point somewhere...

I Want A Religion That Gathers People Under The Banner Of Loving The Planet Wholey

So I want a religion that gathers people under the banner of Loving the Planet Wholey and hating the processes that destroy, allow anything that keeps the Earth Wholey... See Wholey just crept in, but then you should steal all the religiosity away from silly xtian cretinism and those other fundie religions and redirect that power into saving the Mother Earth...

The Gaia System Is A Fabulous Thing To Preserve, Cause It Is Our Humidicrib

Trouble is it's already been named Gaia with James Lovelock's view from space, looking in, and seeing the complicated alliance of living systems to combine together and allow life to flourish, the Gaia System is a fabulous thing to preserve, cause it is our humidicrib, we will only live while the Gaia Humidicrib is working properly, and not gasping for air, and dying for rain, and distraught at climate change, cause certainly the planet is sick from the human infection...

Those That Contribute To The Death Of The Earth Are Killing The Rest Off, So They Are The True Terrorists

So it wrong for the human animals to be off on some wild goose chase about religious wars, and fighting over money making, and wasting energy, of fruitless declarations of war on everything, and instead, redirect the energy into looking after the planet and be made to toe the line, cause those that contribute to the death of the Earth are killing the rest off, so they are the true terrorists... So you have to use the strength of religious words to demonise these traitors to our own lives...

Those That Do Damage To The Earth Are Our Mortal Enemies

Those that do damage to the Earth are our mortal enemies and they will destroy our planet, that is all our land we will ever have, and the whole estate is being killed off eventually, it is an enormous crime, the most evil crime, the most deadly crime, these people will not only kill off the living it will mean the end of species, and enormous genocide of species, humans being the one species we are responsible for...

2006 June 11, Sunday, 23:24

The Internet Forums, And The Level Of Communication Is Abysmal

My reading has taken me into the internet forums, and the level of communication is abysmal, there is all this name calling, all the time, what you call it, demonising a group, despising, hating, excluding, taking revenge, it's a naked hatred they are into the whole time, just between the right wing conservatives so called, and the hated liberals, those red necks have the throwing crap game just about sewn up, it's non ending blitz and jest reeks of fundamentalist idiocy...

2006 June 13, Tuesday, 08:44

Revelations About How Crook That US Xtian Government Is

I'm so pissed off with the war, the eternal war, and I've been lissening to iPods of history and opinion and revelations about how crook that US xtian Government is, it is so corrupt morally and ethically and has so much evil within it, it's so absurd to have let the world fall sucker to these religious dickheads...

2006 June 15, Thursday, 21:21

I Used To Love America Somehow, But Nowadays Americanism Is A Real Evil Influence

And it's massive the great problem is Americanism, they whinged about anti-Americanism, but it's the most anathema in politics now, I used to love America somehow, but nowadays Americanism is a real evil influence, they are a pack of hungry mad dogs and wave their xtian iconic crap everywhere and do evil, it's abysmal, so I just can't cop it any more, I get more anti American just watching their cowboy movies on the old TCM channel...

The Train Of Thought Derails, I Know It Was Disliking America Nowadays, They Are The Bogeymen

And ... ... I just clean forgot, one little distraction and the train of thought derails, I know it was disliking America nowadays, they are the bogeymen, they are the scary mad ones and they're religious cretins to boot, or worse they use that religious fundie thinking to Shepherd the flock, it's really scary, the mob rule by preaching hatreds, they take the cake, they really do, it's a rip off of that civilisation we once had without religious bigotry twisting minds...

2006 June 20, Tuesday, 11:18

Prof Paul Davies 60th Birthday

Should be down the Shine Dome for Prof Paul Davies 60th birthday, his new book is From Stars to Brains, wouldn't Big Bang Bang to Brains be better, he says it has a property to produce more and more intelligence, I spose you could say that...

2006 June 21, Wednesday, 08:25

So Many Wise Words From The Podcasts

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities... I hear so many wise words from the Podcasts, there really are some people out there with brains who can make sense, and it's distressing in itself, cause they seem to point out all the problems we have, they really so, but I love hearing them, so good to hear some sanity from the real world...

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May 2006

2006 May 8, Monday, 23:54

Paul Keating Made An Appearance

Hmmm, The squashed mini miners have been stuck for ages, the budget is coming out, the TV has been critical, and Paul Keating made an appearance on Late Line and was his usual convincing self, bowling all these other epithets into the corridors of fiscal whatsername... But he sold the bluddy bank, and airline, and too much, he sold us out more than what saved us I reckon, where are the jobs for our boys?

The Scaremongering Is Going On Full Swing, Another Bout Of The Jitters

So it's late, the world turns, but with days running out, there's the oil scare, the gold price, the profit of doom is saying that the US dollar is worthless, the scaremongering of collapse is going on full swing, another bout of the jitters, or what? And 4 Corners has the collapse of investors money, rip offs that go unpunished, more panic spreading... It only takes the loss of confidence to take hold in the herd, the petrol price has tightened up wallets, not so many trips out to eat out, the boss will say that business has turned down, don't come in next week, the snowball has started, fear taking hold instead of against terrorism it's against competitors, and that means everyone else nowadays, so fear will drive the downturn, roll it up from a snowball into an avalanche, I see a bad moon rising...

2006 May 9, Tuesday, 07:46

Everyone Now Knows Who The Next Labor Party Leader Is

The miners were out down in Tasmania, cept for one them, the news event was handled by the morning shows, the glamorous hosts making the most of it, and Bill Shorten got a huge coverage so everyone now knows who the next Labor Party leader is, what a way to launch his career into the public space...

Where The Camera Buggered

Beaconsfield was the site in Tassie where the camera buggered up after chucking Uooeys to get a shot of the mine, what a coincidence...

2006 May 10, Wednesday, 08:47

Interest Rates Were Raised To Stop Spending And Then The Toady Treasurer Casts Billions Around To Put Heat Back In

So the interest rates were raised to stop spending and then the Toady Treasurer casts billions around to put heat back in, it's all crazy, and no strategic vision at all, no investment, no fixing up, this pack of goons running Australia are so short-sighted, it's abysmal...

2006 May 13, Saturday, 13:36

It's 1984 Of The Far Right

I been neglecting my writing, it's past redressing, there is no stopping, no will in the public mind, they have all looked inwards, turned in and just focus on their own little worlds, individualism, there is no big picture, there is no community, cept for some silly flag waving over non issues... So there is no inspiration to fire up a rant on things, to point out those deceptions and newspeak, it's 1984 of the Far Right, funny how the worst ends of the extremes always go so far in the wrong directions, they put a genocide out on all the opposition, anyone who disagrees gets isolated and dealt with, that's their evil ethos, and they're in charge...

2006 May 19, Friday, 09:32

The Cruise Ship Is Forging Ahead, Aimlessly Towards The Death Of The Planet

The trivia trail has been meandering about, just a few sporting flashes for attention, basically the cruise ship is forging ahead, aimlessly towards the death of the planet, no one cares who can do anything, the masses are marketed into crazy consumerism while the poor nations die off in genocides and the diseases... So I can't tune in to it anymore, it passes over like a revolting cloud, the consumption goes on, I heard that nearly half the Chinese have TB!

The Last Federal Budget Had A Surplus Of Unspent Taxes

The Little Swan Song is on a farewell tour, can't say hopefully cause they have installed the Treasury Toad to be the follow on, it's abysmal, he's such a loser, like the last federal budget had a surplus of unspent taxes and instead of investing in the future he gave them back to be eaten up in consumption, the fat country, the thought of investing in Australia is just anathema to these eco rats, they are ruining everything...

2006 May 27, Saturday, 09:15

Gore Was The Man We Should Have Had As Leader

A little ray of hope came over the media platforms when Al Gore popped up doing a tutorial on our Earth and how to save it and doing some perspective on the relative values where religiosity is held up as a wank as against the true purpose of saving the planet for the future... Was that a guess at his convictions, at any rate Gore was the man we should have had as leader through the last pitiful sidetrack that George Dubya-Dubya-IIIhas taken the world down, so that we have a bloody great train wreck instead of a clean green future...

Immoral Contortions Of The George Dubya-Dubya-IIIDebacle

I hope Al Gore makes a run for the Presidency, the job which was stolen away by the immoral contortions of the George Dubya-Dubya-IIIdebacle... The presidency of the Fool, and now George is being tossed over for the sake of the Mexican low wage invasion... "I've said I'm not at the stage of my life where I'm going to say never in the rest of my life will I ever think about such a thing." Hmmm, must be Texan...

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Monday, October 09, 2006

It's Nothing You Can Pray For

2006 April 28, Friday, 09:33

Quotes Made By And About Einstein

Just read quotes made by and about Einstein and the religious stuff, he's a marvel, and he often repeats that mantra about seeking benefit and fearing punishment, the na�ve human responses based on parental control and subjugation by authority, which is the very thing that the new religion of Caring for the Earth could have at it's core...

The Nature Of The Planet Will Be Definitely Unforgiving For Humanity, It's Nothing You Can Pray For

So if you don't seek the benefit of having a livable planet you will suffer the punishment of your own death and extinction, cause that's how this infernal god of human imagination works, it scares people and then promises salvation if you do what they say... It is so cruel with punishments and intolerance, that god runs on creating fear and threatening punishments, whereas in the same way the Nature Of The Planet will be definitely unforgiving for humanity, it's nothing you can pray for, you have to adapt to the consequences of humanity being a blithering idiot for the period since clearing and farming have been in vogue... The thing is nothing gave humanity the dominion of life and death over all other creatures, that domain business over nature, it's just blind stupidity that has brought us to the point where the Nature Of The Planet is set on the course to our own destruction, so bluddy well wake up and help the planet survive, cause that's the only course where we also survive...

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Ideas To Live Better By

2006 March 30, Thursday, 10:12

Another Way To Stop These Business People From Running The World, They Are A Pain In The Butt

So there ought to be another way to stop these business people from running the world, they are a pain in the butt... The main objective anyway should be to save the planet, and protect nature from business people, then the welfare of the general population should take precedence in a cradle to grave welfare society, then the maintenance of liberty and the laws of democracy the first one is you must vote, it is compulsory, I reckon some sort of tax rebate be available for those who have proof of voting...

There's A Whole Swag Of Ideas To Live Better By, But I Can't Be Bothered

And there's a whole swag of ideas to live better by, but I can't be bothered thinking about them, and it's all to no avail, it's all so obvious, and it's tragic that people don't wanna know, so Buggrit, it's just a matter of the long slow suicide to make it last as long as possible... Suicide the painless way, die of extreme old age that's the way to go...

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