2006 October 3, Tuesday, 19:07
The Nightly News Has Turned Into Something To Avoid
Picking up on my themes, but I just can't get back to commenting, I have passed the point of no return or something, I just don't wanna know any more bad news, it's a bog, the nightly news has turned into something to avoid, I used to love it and the political argy bargy, now there isn't any, and the main ingredient is war and violence and bashings and everything they've been teaching their next generations to do in the movies and kids shows... So the nightly news has just got dropped in the sewer, and then there's no intelligent commentators employed either, just show ponies doing some act... And there's all these grrrls who don't understand anyway, and when they do they have to be on the band wagon to keep the job, it�s abysmal...
Going Through A Few News Screens
So I been looking at the internet and going through a few news screens like Google customised for some Australian content, and then Yahoo7 which has more pictures sometimes, and then the ABC but it seems a bit barren... And you notice all the stories are plagiarised off one another, some feeds on Google all look the same and they're all over the world...
What I Avoid On TV... I Have A Huge Avoidance List Now
The other thing is what I avoid on TV... I have a huge avoidance list now, like all the war gets the flick, anything with 3rd world people holding guns gets the flick, anything with kids and microphones stuck in their gobs gets the flick, all those Idols and the rap crap, any of those black kids sticking their fingers out, they all get the flick, so the soapies have always got the flick so there's bugga all else...
What Do I Watch And Lissen To
Let's see what do I watch and lissen to, well Roy and HG are back cause I can hear them on the iPod... The iPod is now a huge resource that I can't quite keep up with, I have so many subscriptions, and lissen all night, so I miss a lot and then I play it all day with earphones so the iPod takes precedence when playing music and watching unflicked TV...
The Private TV World Is Dumb Downing
I feel resentful that all the sport has been privatised and Fox has the monopoly, I think that is criminal and all sport should be carried on a Govt channel or 10 more free to air or so, there should be an 80-20 ratio to having Public TV Services as against private TV rip offs... And besides the private TV world is dumb downing and the Public TV Service should be regulated for better brain washing, more balanced, cause now the ABC has been invaded with pests from the right wing, like I heard that creepy ABC appointee Allbitchyness do her crazy bit for another absolute creep, Mark? I forget, he's such a right wing creepy dork, though, you hear it in their twisted sick sense of spew humour, they get the flick too, once you get to know you're enemy anyway...
How The A-Teams Spy And Sabotage And Conspire
And the right have infiltrated everything, seems the theme this week has been how the A-Teams spy and sabotage and conspire and do all the nasties that right wing regimes do, but now it's the corporates doing it, on the payroll, sick... They did it to the Greens movement against the paper mills and some other branch stacking type crap, well, look at the USA, infiltrated by crazy xtians, look at the trouble the Yanks are causing, just amazing...
It Will Take A Dedicated Ideal Like Al Gore And The Global Heating
Although I heard some comment where this terrible swing to the right, cruel on your own world, has to come to a bitter end soon, and the world will get back some decency, I spose it will take a dedicated ideal like Al Gore is broadcasting, and the Inconvenient Global Heating bombshell to spark a revolt, some community effort instead of all this dead head competition and Economic Growth Cancer� the economic rationalists put about ... Individualism has such a self-centred greed, and no concern for the common good of society, it is Un-Australian to the hilt...�
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