2006 August 2, Wednesday, 09:42
Deregulated Credit Creation, Allowing These Huge Bubbles Of Debt To Be Imposed
Interest rates have been increased again, so the people with current mortgages on huge debts have to fork out money to pay to the banks, who keep it for their rich shareholders, Duh? Why can't the future borrowing be squeezed by a Reserve Bank requiring the banks to put all that creative credit into accounts with the reserve bank and keep it out of circulation thereby slowing down the economy, like they used to, instead they have deregulated credit creation and allowing these huge bubbles of debt to be imposed and then slap the poor battlers with interest rate rises, it's a joke... The old ways were best, and were set up with the Statutory Reserve Deposits and the Ratios of Deposits to Loans which controlled banks from this credit creation crap, where the banks do what they like and then collect a golden harvest with higher interest and foreclosures, where they clean up on bankruptcies...
Bank Deposits Were Government Guaranteed, And No One Was Stampeded
As well, the bank deposits were Government Guaranteed, and no one was stampeded when the banks looked shaky, like the Great Depression of the 1930's was a lesson once learned and now torn up by the toady treasurer... They just don't teach history, as if the English weren't told about all the attacks they have launched on the Middle East for hundreds of years, and the last time the English Empire imposed some sort of Protectorate over the Middle East, and drew up all those borders to fight over, and be continually interfering, why wasn't that history thrown at Tony B Liar? He just carried on in the worst traditions and look at the mess again... Go through history to learn the lessons, not stupid biblical scriptures written by Real Estate Religious bigots...
2006 August 2, Wednesday, 19:12
How To Get Religious Tax Money
My podcasts have taken me through lots of topics, the weird facts on religious take up, seems no difference, and the religious marketing polls picked up all negative signs from bible god do and don'ts, but runs with Jeeeesus he's a man, you do what Jeeeesus would do, so that's their new catchcry to get all the tax money... One thing I remember was how to get religious tax money you only have to say you're a religion, you don�t have to do anything for it, like charity, that's the HillSongs way, big business and no disclosure, opaqueness of jeeeesus stuff, just become rich on song sales and hollow xtian promises...
2006 August 10, Thursday, 01:14
A Spate Of History On The Jews
There's been a spate of history on the Jews, this litany of conspiracy theories follows them around, it's huge, the biggest in history I guess, and unresolved, it's very bad, made all the worst by idiots like Bush and the white men in xtian suits... I just can't watch it any more, they also showed some muslim women being hanged for chastity, what a crime...
Don't You Worry About That, I'll Have Condi Take Care Of It
There have been a heap of George Dubya-Dubya-III� preaches at the media, like Castro style, he raves on with stupid concoctions of freedom and democracy and then has Condi answer anything significant, like he said to Tony B Liar at the Pork Barbeque, Don't you worry about that, I'll have Condi take care of it... Cripes... It's so much like a bad movie, but so real...
The Kids Usually Wake Up After A Year Or Two
There's a bit of a trend for Science to bite back at the Fundies, a few good books have come out, like Daniel someone has Breaking the Spell, where he says that America becoming a theocracy and must not continue, and the gathering to applaud Richard Dawkins and the Selfish Gene was a call to arms for science to decode the religious guff flying about... And an Aussie, Elizabeth someone, wrote an essay on just how much influence the religious right really has, and not so much as they like to think evidently, but she characterised the hoodwinking going on with the Family Fist guy in the Senate, Fielding? And how the HillSongs does the bright lights and music and crap promises, but the kids usually wake up after a year or two...
2006 August 17, Thursday, 12:46
Getting Inundated With Data From Google
What will I do, am I bored, I just keep getting inundated with data from Google and such, podcasts in my ears, all this news to read, videos to watch and so forth, I can't keep up with it, let alone fill up the internet with more stuff people ignore, oh dear....
2006 August 22, Tuesday, 01:48
Don't Give A Bugger About The Real Owner, The General Public
The world has got worse, the politics are for business, the Little Stinker came out today and said that he would look after the shareholders interests, like for Telstra, don't give a bugger about the real owner, the General Public, no, he has to look after the evil rich shareholders, well I couldn't give a fig for the shareholders, it's the public should come first, all those privatised properties of the Public's should be de-privatised and made Government responsibilities, and the government should look after us first before any shareholders getting premium treatment...
2006 August 31, Thursday, 07:42
The Dot Comas, Are Being Let Fall Into The Consumerism Trap
We used to worry about the nuclear cold war, the thought that any day could be the last, then the nuclear winter, and the icing up, but now it's a different bad world, the consumption eaters of the future, all the dire predictions are mounting up and finally being accepted, too late though, the portents are frightening, the future generation just about to become recognised, the Dot Comas, are being let fall into the consumerism trap, no good thoughts about community, then there's the growth economics, all the vogue, no thought of conservation, the only thing that is getting some action is lack of water, we have old cities on dry rivers that are desperate...
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