2006 June 2, Friday, 10:43
The Whole Box And Dice Of Public Assets That Have Been Stolen Away Has To Be Brought Back Into The Public Hands
A victory for rational thinking, where the Snowy Mountains Scheme has been saved from privatisation, but this is the knee of the curve for de-privatising all the public assets that have been stolen away by evil privateers... Icons like the Commonwealth Bank should be nationalised again, and the whole drawer of heritage cutlery, the knives and forks of Australia, the Government Insurance Office, the Medibank system of Universal Health Care, the Public School System should be reinvigorated by neglecting, even abolishing Private Schools, particularly religious schools, same for Private Hospitals and the National Airline and the State airlines, the whole box and dice of public assets that have been stolen away have to be brought back into the Public Hands and the Pubic Service reinvigorated, there's the Media and Science and Law also, as well I reckon they ought to nationalise the mining and bring that value into the Government for the People, all the Private Sector should be allowed to operate is the manufacturing of Private Products, but nothing should be done for profit that we really need, or has an intrinsic interest for the general public, privatisation for things we really need is anathema... All they do is rip everyone off, look at the Commonwealth Bank, and how Private Banks are detested now by the public, and the Private Banks gouge profits out of everyone's pockets, and then skite about it... Make them compete with a Government Bank run on a 2% margin...
2006 June 2, Friday, 14:46
Spent Some Time Reading The Forums
June already, I spent some time reading the forums, though it's the Atheists who are really good, except there's a love of arguing with fundies, a sort of useless waste but thoroughly invigorating for them when there is such a good feeling of being right, when undermining the poor misguided goofballs that have xtian beliefs and such other primitive superstitious drivel... And I read some other forums with music themes and discover this god awful bunch of right wing rednecks on them all somewhere, they have no shame, not much more you expect from blithering idiot dickheads... And then there's the sceptical ones, who go for the bunkum, and assert at great scientific length how mush balderdash is involved with all sorts of urban myth beliefs and rip offs and lying assertions, they're good, and funny, however, the rednecks attempt at humour is always down the gallows end...
Where Is There A Forum With A More Down The Middle Road Approach
But where is there a forum with a more Down The Middle Road approach, don't know, but thinking about religion being the most manipulative of the rip off merchants, I guess you have to have a religion to be the backbone basic construct that holds you up as an angel of good... A person who recognises ethics in making choices as against evil greed...
The Number One Concern In Your Life? It Was The Earth
So what occurred to me was a simple expression of passion, what was it that is the number one concern in your life? It certainly wasn't some stupid god superstition, it was the Earth, the home, the nest for life, the wonderful bubble of life on Earth, it so fabulous, and so critical, and is a mother to everything, so my little sentence was I Love The Earth And I Hate Everything That Hurts The Earth... That or some other words, is what I care most for in the societies on Earth, and I can't really find a society that is drawn together on such a declaration, the societies have been split, wedged, divided , and rendered powerless, cause they need a rallying point somewhere...
I Want A Religion That Gathers People Under The Banner Of Loving The Planet Wholey
So I want a religion that gathers people under the banner of Loving the Planet Wholey and hating the processes that destroy, allow anything that keeps the Earth Wholey... See Wholey just crept in, but then you should steal all the religiosity away from silly xtian cretinism and those other fundie religions and redirect that power into saving the Mother Earth...
The Gaia System Is A Fabulous Thing To Preserve, Cause It Is Our Humidicrib
Trouble is it's already been named Gaia with James Lovelock's view from space, looking in, and seeing the complicated alliance of living systems to combine together and allow life to flourish, the Gaia System is a fabulous thing to preserve, cause it is our humidicrib, we will only live while the Gaia Humidicrib is working properly, and not gasping for air, and dying for rain, and distraught at climate change, cause certainly the planet is sick from the human infection...
Those That Contribute To The Death Of The Earth Are Killing The Rest Off, So They Are The True Terrorists
So it wrong for the human animals to be off on some wild goose chase about religious wars, and fighting over money making, and wasting energy, of fruitless declarations of war on everything, and instead, redirect the energy into looking after the planet and be made to toe the line, cause those that contribute to the death of the Earth are killing the rest off, so they are the true terrorists... So you have to use the strength of religious words to demonise these traitors to our own lives...
Those That Do Damage To The Earth Are Our Mortal Enemies
Those that do damage to the Earth are our mortal enemies and they will destroy our planet, that is all our land we will ever have, and the whole estate is being killed off eventually, it is an enormous crime, the most evil crime, the most deadly crime, these people will not only kill off the living it will mean the end of species, and enormous genocide of species, humans being the one species we are responsible for...
2006 June 11, Sunday, 23:24
The Internet Forums, And The Level Of Communication Is Abysmal
My reading has taken me into the internet forums, and the level of communication is abysmal, there is all this name calling, all the time, what you call it, demonising a group, despising, hating, excluding, taking revenge, it's a naked hatred they are into the whole time, just between the right wing conservatives so called, and the hated liberals, those red necks have the throwing crap game just about sewn up, it's non ending blitz and jest reeks of fundamentalist idiocy...
2006 June 13, Tuesday, 08:44
Revelations About How Crook That US Xtian Government Is
I'm so pissed off with the war, the eternal war, and I've been lissening to iPods of history and opinion and revelations about how crook that US xtian Government is, it is so corrupt morally and ethically and has so much evil within it, it's so absurd to have let the world fall sucker to these religious dickheads...
2006 June 15, Thursday, 21:21
I Used To Love America Somehow, But Nowadays Americanism Is A Real Evil Influence
And it's massive the great problem is Americanism, they whinged about anti-Americanism, but it's the most anathema in politics now, I used to love America somehow, but nowadays Americanism is a real evil influence, they are a pack of hungry mad dogs and wave their xtian iconic crap everywhere and do evil, it's abysmal, so I just can't cop it any more, I get more anti American just watching their cowboy movies on the old TCM channel...
The Train Of Thought Derails, I Know It Was Disliking America Nowadays, They Are The Bogeymen
And ... ... I just clean forgot, one little distraction and the train of thought derails, I know it was disliking America nowadays, they are the bogeymen, they are the scary mad ones and they're religious cretins to boot, or worse they use that religious fundie thinking to Shepherd the flock, it's really scary, the mob rule by preaching hatreds, they take the cake, they really do, it's a rip off of that civilisation we once had without religious bigotry twisting minds...
2006 June 20, Tuesday, 11:18
Prof Paul Davies 60th Birthday
Should be down the Shine Dome for Prof Paul Davies 60th birthday, his new book is From Stars to Brains, wouldn't Big Bang Bang to Brains be better, he says it has a property to produce more and more intelligence, I spose you could say that...
2006 June 21, Wednesday, 08:25
So Many Wise Words From The Podcasts
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities... I hear so many wise words from the Podcasts, there really are some people out there with brains who can make sense, and it's distressing in itself, cause they seem to point out all the problems we have, they really so, but I love hearing them, so good to hear some sanity from the real world...
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