Wednesday, May 04, 2005

He Added In The Pursuit Of Happiness

2005 April 18, Monday, 17:47

He Added In The Pursuit Of Happiness

Politics has left me flat of late just can't be bothered, and it seems so hopeless, although there was one ray of light, a lovely man it seems, the Professor of Economics in England somewhere Layard, he added in the pursuit of happiness and has all these philosophical ideas to consider, which good people do anyway I would think, and bad people, i.e., the right wing wankers, don't consider in their greed driven lives... He was on Background Briefing and really put a novel slant on things...

This Week: Sunday 17 April 2005


Produced by Kirsten Garrett

Happiness - the new sciences tell us it's not a mystery, it is measurable and the conditions for it can be created. The idea that politics should assist in that is anathema for many, a foot in the door of the totalitarian state.

LSE Economics Professor Richard Layard says there is a way forward this side of socialism - start with the mentally ill, don't cut taxes, and foster relationships

This Fruitless Search For Success Knowing There's Always A Faster Gun

There's this fruitless search for success knowing there's always a faster gun, an unattainable goal, they can't all be Bill Gates, and then it seems real happiness usually is the surrounding culture and friends and family, where happiness isn't a money measurement...

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