Monday, May 23, 2005

Slap A Tariff On All Those Imports And Have Australian Made Back On Every Label

2005 May 23, Monday, 12:52

The Shed, A Few Tools And Some Machinery And The Ambience Of Making Things

Sheds, they had a session on the poor demented men of Work Denied Australia, all these blokes who've had their jobs disappear overseas into the union-less slave markets of Asia... So some of them have been gathering and the theme is the Shed, a few tools and some machinery and the ambience of making things again and having the company and being absorbed into constructive thinking... It’s simple enough, boys need men, who know all about using and making tools, and then using them to make something, maintain something, a public transport service for instance, a tram service for instance, a communications network, the infrastructure of road and rail and wires, but it's all been exported by these Globalisation twits...

Slap A Tariff On All Those Imports And Have Australian Made Back On Every Label

It's about time the Shed Unions got together and put out of the Labor and Liberal Parties all those bluddy selfish eco-rationalists and replace them in Parliament and bring back Protection and Feather Bedding, slap a Tariff on all those imports and have Australian Made back on every label... And you need Shed Unions to make the difference... What's your favourite tool? A hammer??? You get more than hammers in shed living...


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