Monday, May 16, 2005

Return To Real Labor

2005 May 16, Monday, 15:03

As If He Was Going To Return To Real Labor, But It's All Fizzled

Just haven't got the time or inclination for writing lately, the world stumbles on downhill, we're in a long dry drought, the politics have been dry as well, there was Give It All To The Rich Budget put out by the Rotten to the Core Aussie Govt of the Little Psychopath, then Big Kim did a speech in reply which almost surprised a few die-hards, as if he was going to return to Real Labor, but it's all fizzled, there's more dissent coming from the career pollies and family dynasties, the factional heavyweights were all pissed off that Kim went against the rich tax cuts... And that was it... Nothing to write home about...

This Aussie Grrrl With Tight Blouses Who's Almost On Death Row In Bali

The big topic in the Aussie psyche is evidently Chappelle Corby, this Aussie grrrl with tight blouses who's almost on death row in Bali Indonesia, and a great white racial streak has broken out all over from the Aussie mums and dads, and finally the Little Racist Bigot has had a letter sent to the crazy legal system in Indonesia saying it was the baggage handlers in the airport who stuffed the grass into her boogie board, but the Indonesian hatred level has gone red neck, the talk back is ruthless...

There Ought To Be Some Sort Of Maximum Period For Holding A TV License

Seems this Individual Greed Comes First Mentality has changed the whole ethos, and it shows, cripes they're a disgusting bunch, and there's some new TV shows based on beating, winning, elbowing, hard work, dedication and selfish egocentric and such precocious brats... Anyway it rates, and there's that feed back loop to make those young audiences ever worse... There ought to be some sort of maximum period for holding a TV license, and the firing squad for bringing religion into them, it's bluddy everywhere lately, there's this creepy religious muck popping up in all the wrong places, for instance, there was a motor show, hot-rods, so who gets on the TV news? The xtian hot-rods, what a wank...

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