Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Suppressing From Everyone Else The RU486 Medicine Cause They Don't Want You To Take It

Suppressing From Everyone Else The RU486 Medicine Cause They Don't Want You To Take It

Then the same Religious Right Gov is suppressing from everyone else the RU486 medicine cause they don't want you to take it, not as if they don't take it themselves, no, they want to prevent you from having it, as well as drugs, they prevent them being controlled properly, without a black market, and making ordinary people into their criminals and creating their black market and beating the same Lawra Norder drums at very chance, like this week they are blaming mental health on marijuana, and the same cretins closed down all the mental health care we had years ago to save a dollar, those religious right wing wankers cause all the trouble, then bang drums to beat up a police state to deal with their problems...

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