Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Put Kim Back As Leader, To Where? May I Ask

And now they have to get a new leader, and if it's one of those Kim Beazley Draft Me speeches, I'll scream, like they want a leader and these party hacks want to put Kim back as leader, To Where? May I ask, like a leader comes along and says This is where I can take things, to do this and that, but Kim says, AWWW Shucks, I'll do it if I'm asked!!!
A Leader Is Supposed To Lead, Not Be Lead
A leader is supposed to lead, not be lead... So now Kim is going to plug up the breach, plop hisself down into the Labor Party hole and fill it up, but I reckon it will be floating on verbiage and crisscrossed with adverbs, massively... Oh god, what a strange history we live in, I am entirely unmoved...

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