Thursday, October 26, 2006

Duty And Care In The Welfare Of Society And You Can Have Competitive Jungle In The Marketplace

2006 October 11, Wednesday, 06:57

Duty And Care In The Welfare Of Society And You Can Have Competitive Jungle In The Marketplace

The way these evil Neo-Conservative Forces in Australia have ripped off the people has been diabolical, they have got their hands on nearly all the Publicly Owned Assets and are now doing the $20m con job on advertising the buying up Telstra for peanuts, so the mug battlers who were scared stupid enough to elect these cretins will be all the worse off, it's the mirror image of Communism where everything was controlled by a few untouchable bureaucrats, now it will all be owned by a few idle rich, and the general public will be squeezed to do all the work for bugga all, and the rich will suck off all the profits and live the life of luxury, so the outcome for ordinary people is just the same, these two megalomaniac systems, capitalism and communism both end up with a very few owning and operating everything, and it's an evil wrong, and should be put back in balance where the Public and Private ownership should be balanced off in a 50-50 situation, a mixed economy where the Public own and operate the Public Services, and the Private Sector produces private products only... Public Services and Private Products is the obvious solution to these thugs who want everything... The very competition is where the Private Sector competes with the Public Sector, and this Mixed Economy runs on the fundamental strengths, you can have duty and care in the Welfare of Society and you can have competitive jungle in the Holy Marketplace, the best of both worlds...

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