Friday, October 13, 2006

No Matter What You Do In Life Or Achieve Or Build, It's All Pointless

2006 October 5, Thursday, 21:10

No Matter What You Do In Life Or Achieve Or Build, It's All Pointless

I have half heard some StarStuff today, it should have been there from the start of this new PodCast era, and one of those ultimate themes came up the eventual demise of the Universe, or even the sun's collapse, and then just far sooner, quickly really, the Giant Red Sun engulfing the Earth, but the demise finally would be the Milky Way Galaxy going down the Black Drain and into the Big Black Pearl, but then there's the other Theory of Ultimate Dimming Out of the Universe, or more likely the Big Collapse and Rebirth, but the thing is, no matter what you do in life or achieve or build, it's all pointless, cause it will all evaporate or be crushed or go eternally cold, so all those xtian creeps with their private school education ideas will also be so consumed in the end, ha, a just dessert... Hee Hee Heee... All that hard work for nought, what an AWA that is...

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