Friday, October 13, 2006

The Idea Of Sacrificing Every Other Thing For A Growth Economy

2006 October 4, Wednesday, 12:08

The Idea Of Sacrificing Every Other Thing For A Growth Economy

There's another Economic Meme going around, the idea of sacrificing every other thing for a Growth Economy, you have to grow, you have to immigrate and grow on their new demands and to hell with the consequences, the environment and the good of society is chucked out with the baby care, and the religion of the Holy Market preys on galloping consumption of the planet, and no one gives a hoot, so the consumerism and growth, we all know, will finish off with the Easter Island Effect, and still, it is a hallowed dogma from economics, the non-science, Economics: the replacement for astrologers and priests, fortune tellers and snake oil salesmen, not to mention the redneck right wing xtian dickheads...

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